Monday, October 13, 2014

Mosaic Monday mixed with The Good, The Random and The Fun


Happy Monday! -  I'm joining in today for Mosaic Monday and The Good The Random The Fun.
Click to enlarge all photos.
First up:
THE GOOD:  This is also my entry for Mosaic Monday.
I discovered these berries on a tree down by the school Coleen attends and just had to stop by and take some pictures of them.  The berries combined with the colorful leaves just screams out fall to me.  It's all "good" when it comes to scenes like this.
I spotted this old car sitting in a driveway on my way home from photographing the berries/leaves.
 It's always fun to see Romeo when his owners have him out for a walk.  He's such a cute dog and I just love that he always has a stuffed toy in his mouth.
Be sure to stop by Tamar's blog (Random-osity) for The Good The Random The Fun.  and pop over to Judith's blog (Lavender Cottage) for Mosaic Monday.
Thanks for your visit.  Have a great day.


  1. Lovely mosaics! The old car is beautiful!

  2. I enjoyed your random mosaic and other photos! Just love the puppy with his puppy!
    Have a good week!

  3. Great posts to both links. Enjoyed your blog post today!

  4. All nice photos. I really do love the pup with the toy. How cute.

  5. Such gorgeous fall scenes!!

    Love the puppy with his lovie!

  6. Hello Ida

    The leaves and berries photographed by you are very beautiful (as always!), but this time it was the car that impressed me most. That car is not just a vehicle...

    Have a lovely week!

  7. Romeo looks like a lovable boy. I love those bluish berries against the orange leaves. Very pretty.

  8. BEautiful picture of Autumm! and ROmeo... he is so adorable!!!!

  9. the leaves are gorgeous. i am battling with myself if the pup or the car is my favorite... you KNOW which one I will Pick... PUP IS MY PICK.. Adorable.

  10. Love that car- whoo-hoo, I could just see myself driving it! Cute little dog, too.

  11. Ah, terrific photos! I like them all! The pup is really cute.

  12. I love the pretty Autumn leaves.. and Romeo the puppy dog is a cutie.. Thanks for sharing, have a happy week!

  13. The mosaic is so pretty and I love that old car.

  14. Love these photos and what a great, old car!

  15. Gorgeous autumn colors and the puppy with the toy is too, too cute.

  16. Hello Ida
    The berries on the tree are rather cool but so are the colourful leaves.
    Thank you for linking to Mosaic Monday.

  17. Your mosaic brought a smile to my face!!

  18. Your mosaic brought a smile to my face!!

  19. oohhh Ida, really pretty images but that car, WoW, what a find!!

  20. Love those leaves - and wow, that car is wonderful!!!!

  21. Your orange leaf collage is very pretty, Ida! Orange is my favorite fall color. I like the blue car, it's very vintage looking, and Romeo is a very cute dog!

  22. Each of these photos is absolutely wonderful! The little dog with his toy is just too cute!

  23. Romeo and his toy: SQUEE!!

    I always want to join in with Tamar on Monday, and so far, I have always forgotten. Rats. I will remember next Monday. I WILL remember next Monday....

  24. Romeo definitely steals the photo shoot! How precious! Enjoy your day sweet friend! Hugs, Diane

  25. Hi Ida, You're the winner of "Lucky Harbor." Please email me at and send me your address. Congratulations!

  26. Great, Random and Fun! What a good time you had and decided to share with us all.

    Good going, Ida!

    Peace :)

  27. Great photos. Romeo in the third picture is so cute. The berry tree looks wonderful.

  28. The Fall color mosaic is absolutely beautiful. We hardly have any reds around here (in Oregon now) ... it has been a very warm fall and I am afraid now that the leaves will fall before they turn. Sigh. So I'm especially happy to see your gorgeous deep reds.

    That puppy with his toy is so darn cute.

  29. Such great photos... I LOVE the doggie photo. So cute.


  30. very nice love the post all of it is awesome!!!!

  31. Love, love, love those berries and leaves and you are so right, they just scream autumn!
    And how cute is that little Romeo?!!

  32. oh that dog is so cute with his little lovie stuffie!
    love the berry shot - I was trying to get similar ones in my backyard the other day, but I think my camera was mad at being over worked lately. just nothing seemed to be working that day.

  33. Romeo is adorable!!! And since he IS Romeo, maybe the stuffed animals are for his girlfriend? :) The collage is very nice -- love those colors.


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