Sunday, October 26, 2014

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - October 26, 2014

  Welcome.  -  Won't you join me on a little hunt...
Yes it's time for SCAVENGER HUNT SUNDAY hosted by the wonderful and talented Ashley from, (Ramblings and Photos).

This weeks prompts were:  Paint, Pumpkin, Family, Looking Cute and Photographers Choice.


We have a house in our neighborhood that is being repainted.  This house is sort of the "odd" house in the neighborhood to start out with since it's size is so much larger then any of the other homes so it looks a bit out of place.   Changing the color scheme didn't help any.  What do you think of this color combo together?

 I should add though that the fancy emblem in the middle has now been painted white which helps a little but for me the pale soft yellow and the bright turquoise just don't jive.

PUMPKIN:  Or in this case.....Pumpkins.

Yes you've seen this truck before as I photograph it every year when we go to the pumpkin patch.  I liked how they had the one lone pumpkin sitting on the fender of the truck.


Coleen is of course family and so is our sweet cat, Spooky-Boo and for Coleen all of her stuffed animals are "family" too.

LOOKING CUTE:  - The above photo could fit this prompt but I thought I'd give you this instead:

Spooky-Boo peeking at me from the stair landing.  I think he's looking pretty cute.


I spotted these leaves on a tree this week while walking around the block.  I loved the colors and the way the branch looks.  Fall is so fleeting but the memories will last when you capture them this way. So this is my choice to share for the prompt.

That's it for this weeks hunt.  I hope you've enjoyed your stay.

Here is the list of prompts for next week if you want to participate.
  • 1. Dress Up
  • 2. Candy
  • 3. Fall Colors
  • 4. Trick or Treat
  • 5. Photographer’s Choice

  • Don't forget to stop in at Ashley's blog and check out the other participants links.  -  Have a great day. 



    1. I kind of like the yellow and turquoise combo. (but maybe I'm just weird!) Nice shot of the pumpkins and old truck.

    2. Love the leaves - such gorgeous color!

    3. Spooky boo is so sweet and i love that house, the colors not so much.. i want that truck.. love it...

    4. Wonderful photo set for this weeks prompts. I'm a sucker for old rusty trucks, so the pumpkin prompt really caught my eye. Nice work.

    5. Hello Ida, I enjoy all your pretty photos for the hunt.. The pumpkins on the truck is one of my favorites along with Coleen and her stuffed animals.. The fall leaves and quote is beautiful. Have a happy week ahead!

    6. i love the pale yellow w/ white trim on that house but not a huge fan of turquoise, myself. :) sweet old pick-up. LOVE cute spooky-boo.

    7. Spooky-Boo is precious. Great photos and selections!!

      Mersad Donko Photography

    8. That is a pretty turquoise on that house. Growing up there was a house that was a bright purple with bright pink shutters...always thought that was an odd choice of colors for that house.

      Blessings bed has many times looked like Colleens :) Spooky-boo is is Ghost doing?

      I'd like to take some close ups of that old truck.

      Such pretty leaves.

    9. What a fun post, Ida! I love your photos for the prompts. This looks like a fun meme. :-)

    10. Beautiful pictures, Ida! Coleen has a very cute stuffed family. :)
      Hope you have a good weekend!

    11. Interesting choice with the house painting. Turquoise is a color I love, but maybe not on that house.

    12. I don't much care for the colors on the house, but I love the old truck!

    13. oohhh Ida, that truck, wow!! Beautiful picture of Coleen!!

    14. Around here those colors would appear all over, but that much turquoise can be a bit daunting. I love the pumpkin photo.

    15. Love that picture of Spooky-Boo! Of course the one with Coleen is also adorable. Love that truck! Great editing for that shot.

    16. Hi Ida,
      Spooky-Boo is definitely adorably cute.
      I love your quote by John Burroughs.
      It certainly is the most profound thing I have read today.

      Have a Great Week!

      Peace :)

    17. I love that old truck. The single pumpkin on the hood is a nice touch. Your family shot with all the animals is nice. It makes me think of my youngest daughter. The looking cute shot is adorable!

    18. wonderful photos -- scavenger hunt are fun.. # 2 is my favorite I just love old trucks..

    19. I love the pumpkin on the fender. Quirky touches like that just make the scene!

    20. Stunning photos, Ida. I love your pumpkin truck: that's a fabulously composed shot. And I love Spooky Boo and Coleen. They both look so very pretty and adorable. And what a large family of cuddly toys Coleen has. She looks very happy in the middle of them. A really heart-warming autumn post. All the best, Bonny

    21. Stopping by from the linkup!
      I love the cat picture. Stuffed animals are always fun. I'm 26, and I do have a handful at my apartment. I left the others behind at my parents house... until I have more space to have them with me.
      The paint job on the house is beautiful.
      And the old truck really adds to the photo.

      Have a great day!

    22. As always, a wonderful collection of images! I thought the truck and pumpkins was going to be my favourite, but then I scrolled down to the one of Coleen and the cat and changed my mind! The Spooky-boo portrait is gorgeous, too.

    23. Wonderful! I love them all, but the quote in the last photo really touched me.

    24. Lovely photos today, Ida - you have captured some pretty scenes of the season! I have to say, Coleen has the most beautiful eyes! Hope you have a lovely week xo Karen

    25. I do like that pumpkinmobile.

    26. Great shot of the old truck surrounded by pumpkins. Maybe it's just me, but I like the turquoise and yellow together. You've got quite a nice collection for the scavenger hunt. Good job!

    27. Oh-- I love that old truck--how cute--and those cat ones are just so cuddly looking!!
      great photos for all of them--
      thanks for sharing

    28. What fun photos! How I love that old's perfect for the pumpkin patch! Enjoy your week my friend! Hugs, Diane

    29. yeah,not feeling the bright blue and soft yellow. they are normally colours I might like together, but perhaps not on a house.
      Love that old truck. that is a perfect subject to photograph.
      ugh - I've been sick this week and I still have to get pumpkins for Friday AND carve them.
      Leaves - those I got LOTS of.

    30. Wonderful photos! Don't mind the colors on that house but I really don't like that emblem! Love, love, love that truck, your family and Spooky Boo! Autumn is my fave season, those leaves are magnificent!

    31. Those are enjoyable pictures. Look at all the stuffed animals! And that cat is quite a character!

    32. very nice! love photography esp nauture.


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