Thursday, October 30, 2014

Good Fences - Halloween Fun

It's been another very busy week here and I haven't had much time for blogging.  Today though I'm making time to post for Theresa's,

There is a house in town that goes "all out" on Halloween decor every year.  It has a really cool looking fence around it so I thought it would be fun to showcase the fence and a few of the Halloween decorations.

Let's start out with a little "natural" webbing on the fence.

We would have taken more photos but this ran out at us and he wasn't very happy so we didn't stick around very long or get to close to the fence.

I love these fake crows sitting on top of the fence line.

How about a web covered gate, or some......

Ghostly Magic.

Finally to finish it all off.......

A Huge Scary Cat!

Have a great day & do check in at (The Run-a-round Ranch Report) blog and check out the other participants.


  1. Very nice pictures! Have a nice day!

  2. Wow! That fence is really scary.
    Happy Halloween, Ida, to you and your family!

  3. LOVE these photos! What fun for Halloween!!

  4. Great fence! That dog does look a little peeved.

  5. That's a really nice fence! Thanks for sharing. Have a great day!

  6. so glad you made time to share this with us. i love that fence even all by itself... these are fantastic and so far today this is my favorite fence post.. that dog says do not take photos of my Halloween decorations.

  7. Hi Ida, great fence shots. I love the one of the dog barking, and the others with the Halloween decorations. Thanks for stopping by :)

  8. Hi Ida! Very spooky pictures! Good job on the first one. The doggy knows it's time to scare and that cat is so big!

  9. Such a great posting. Love the fence and all those great decorations.

  10. They really "do"it up for Halloween! I love the web and crow shot? Cute doggie! Great photos, Ida! Enjoy your day!

  11. Great fences with the cobwebs...and I love the big cat.

  12. Great fences with the cobwebs...and I love the big cat.

  13. Huh, such a cat!
    Your photos are beautiful, most I like the first with the thin spider threads.
    But the spider webs below are not really, aren't?
    Happy Halloween, have a quiet time :-)

  14. Wonderful! The fotos makes me smile :))

    Greetings, Joana

  15. Yes, I love the Halloween decorations. Pooch is just defending his's in his genes!

  16. Isn't it marvelous how some catch the spirit and pass it along?

  17. What a fun house! We go trick or treating over here - Emi is revving for the off tomorrow night, but nobody does Halloween like you do on the other side of the pond. Great photos. I loved the scary cat - wasn't so keen on the scary dog though. All the best and have a super Halloween, Bonny

  18. Some of your neighbours don't look too friendly today Ida- LOL. The dog, the ghosts and even that cat seem to be enjoying scaring us.

  19. OH! Look at those cobwebs, real and fake!

  20. Hi Ida, is the dog in the second photo greeting you? It's fun to see Halloween decoration. Happy Halloween to you.

  21. Nice looking wrought iron fencing and even better with the Halloween touchs.

  22. That's a gorgeous fence and love all the decorations, too! Mr. Pooch looks like he was doing a good job on guard duty! Love how you caught him mid-bark! Happy Halloween! Hugs xo Karen

  23. Very cool! I like the imitation crows! Probably no one will mess with their stuff with the dog around.

  24. Glad that dog was BEHIND that fence. : )

  25. Hi there Ida..... Your fence photos are so stinking cute!! Lots of fun going on at your place....
    Hope you have a fabulous Friday that is loaded with much fun..

  26. Those are fun images! I saw a man in the dollar store today buying a dozen fake crows. I wondered what he would put them on.

  27. Very cool Halloween decorated fence, Ida! I'd step away if I saw that dog looking at me too!

    Have a very fun Halloween!

  28. Some folks really love decorating for Halloween. Great finds!

    Thanks for stopping by to comment on my fence/gates.


  29. Glad I stopped by, esp to see that doggy snout! Cute post, Ida

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    =^..^= . <3

  30. Love the fence itself, but the Halloween decorations with it are perfect! (uh...purrrrfect?) :-)

  31. Oh Ida
    aren't your photos just gorgeous!
    Halloween cobwebs and all!
    Wishing you a very Happy Halloween!
    Shane xox

  32. I think I like the natural spider webs best! ;)

  33. I like these shots of Halloween decorations. My favorite is the bird sitting on the white decoration.

  34. lot's of awesome halloween spirit in your neck of the woods. i forgot to say how cute colleen looks as a cat!!!

  35. Wow; Wonderful fence pictures with Halloween cobwebs♡♡♡
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan and hope you had a wonderful Halloween with your family, xoxo Miyako*

  36. Wow; Wonderful fence pictures with Halloween cobwebs♡♡♡
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan and hope you had a wonderful Halloween with your family, xoxo Miyako*

  37. Great contribution to good fences!

  38. That is a neat fence and a fun yard. The dog is taking good care of it.

  39. they did a great job decorating. what a great fence to use too. my daughter saw a big cat like that. I thought she would be scared but she ran right up to it.

  40. I love this fence and what is done to it during Halloween - so creative. Like you I also love the fake crows sitting on the fence - I need to do something like with our fence for next Halloween.

  41. That's the perfect Halloween fence! I honestly thought the crow was real at first. The huge cat is very cool!


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