Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Happy Veteran's Day

   Coleen performing in her school choir's Veteran's Day Program yesterday.


Thank you to all the Veteran's both past & present for your service to our country.  Without you and the sacrifies you have made we would not have the Freedom's that we do.

God Bless you all and God Bless the U.S.A.


  1. Each post on the blogs this morning addresses a different approach, a different picture to commemorate Vets Day. Thanks for sharing.

  2. i am glad they are doing this, when i was in school we did not even know what veterans day is or memorial day either. they did in the North but not in the South that i lived in

  3. It's nice to see kids honoring the veterans. Great shot Ida!

    Mersad Donko Photography

  4. That must have been a great show! So patriotic!

  5. How great they do a performance to honor our veterans!

  6. Hi Ida,

    Thank you so much for commenting frequently on my blog. I do read each and every one.

    This week, I'm on business travel, and I see that there was an inappropriate comment on my site. I usually catch these early. (actually, this is the first time I've had an offensive comment.)

    I hope someday that he will figure out his actions are quite indicative of his own personal disagreements with himself.

    Thanks again for all of you comments. I would say he draws any power from the real power that creative people possess. In that light, I would suggest that we do not respond to such nonsense.

    Forgive me for communicating through your comment section, as I stated, I'm on business travel and my resources are limited.

    Much Love,


  7. Wonderful picture. God bless America.

  8. Great cheers from the young leaders :)

  9. How wonderful that children learn the importance of such a day as celebrating our veterans! Yea!

  10. I love the blue shirts, Colleen really shines in this image!!

  11. we missed the school performance this year -- both my hubby and I had been too sick the past week and thought it past not to go into a crowd of people with our germs.
    But I always loved seeing my kids participate in such an important event in previous years.

  12. I love hearing how the schools are honoring the veterans!

  13. Good for the kids! My grandson didn't mention anything being done at all at his school. Shame!


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