Saturday, November 8, 2014

Critter Saturday

 Joining in today for Saturday's Critters hosted by Eileen (Viewing Nature with Eileen) and Camera Critters .

Click to enlarge photos.


I spotted this cat while I was out photographing some fences the other day.  It was really wary of me and I barely managed to get a shot of it before it dashed off into some bushes.

Coming home from the store I happened to see a woman leaning down next to a truck parked in a nearby alley.  I wondered what she was doing and then I noticed she was trying to coax a rabbit out from under the truck.  I quickly pulled in our driveway, got my camera and called Coleen.  We headed across the street and down to the alleyway.  The rabbit managed to hop out into the alley and I snapped a couple of shots.  This is the only decent one that I got.  The guy who lived there said it was the next door neighbors rabbit and sometimes it get's loose.  I hope they got it back inside as we live on such a busy street I'd hate for the poor thing to get hit by a car.

Always fun to spot something out of the ordinary.  Hope you've enjoyed my critters today.  -  Have a great day.  


  1. Awwww, I love the bunny picture. He looks far too well cared for to be wild. And I feel sad for the kitty to be so skittish. Wonder what her story is.

  2. sweet chunky bunny! hope they got it safely returned, too!

  3. Beautiful cat and sweet rabbit. I love your photos, Ida.

  4. Handsome cat! That naughty rabbit better stay inside he is too cute and one day won't make back to his own home.

  5. Cute rabbit! We used to have two bunnies who lived in our backyard. They'd occasionally escape and our neighbors would tell us "your bunnies are out again."

  6. both cat and bunny are really pretty.. hope they are both safe. great shots Ida

  7. Nice looking rabbit. Looks so nice and soft. Hope he got home safely.

  8. that kitty looks like our Cashew! except bigger because Cashew is only about 7 months old now. but same colouring/markings.
    what a cute bunny! and yes, they had better be more careful with him.

  9. I hope it made it home safely too. Beautiful rabbit. I liked your shy cat too! I came by your blog last night and enjoyed several posts, but was too tired to put together even the simplest of comments :) Wonderful steps in black and white (colour was good too, but black and white more interesting), Coleen looks like such a fun person, and that yawning cat was a spectacular catch. So much to see and enjoy here!

  10. I was going to say that doesn't look like any wild rabbit I've ever seen! Cool color!

  11. Cute rabbit!

    I found a large black bunny on my way to junior H.S. back in the 1970s. He was hiding under a car on Nebraska Avenue...definitely not a place for a rabbit. Anyways, I took him home and he lived with us and our cats for many years. And my mom wrote me a note so I wouldn't get in trouble for being late for school.

  12. Yes it looks like a pet rabbit, very lovely. The cat looks like he is not going to hang around.

  13. Yes it looks like a pet rabbit, very lovely. The cat looks like he is not going to hang around.

  14. That's one FAT rabbit. Hope he stays away from local gardens. Never!

  15. You were lucky with the camera today Ida, capturing both gorgeous creatures before they ran or hopped away. I hope the rabbit is now safe. Take care x

  16. What a beautiful rabbit. I hope it got home safely, too - but what a great chance for you to get a really unusual "wildlife" shot in your neighborhood!

  17. goood morning sunday-enjoyed your animal photos

  18. Oh, sweet rabbit! Hope it got home ok. Pretty cat too!

  19. That rabbit certainly appears to have been well cared for. Very nice photos!

  20. What a pretty kitty and this bunny looks like a stone statue sitting there in his grayness! The beautiful leaves in you header are sooooo pretty!

  21. I love the look you're getting from that cat!

  22. Cute critters! I hope the bunny stays safe, too!

  23. Enjoyed your critters. One of our cats used to be very skittish as well; she showed up at our place when she was quite young, and soon had a litter of kittens. After seeing us take care of her kittens and feeding her, she finally decided to become part of the family. Today she loves to be petted and have her ears scratched! I hope the owners are able to bring the rabbit safely back home.

  24. Awwww, critters. I love critters. I wasn't expecting to see a rabbit. I hope it got home safely.

  25. Cute critters! That rabbit looks well fed!

  26. We have a rabbit that I occasionally let loose in the backyard (I have always thought keeping creatures that love to run and hop in a cage is a bit cruel.) You would think that, once outside, he would want to run away to freedom. Instead, he likes to find a comfortable spot as a home base. From there he explores the yard, but never wanders too far. He is very tame and lets us catch him (although it is often when he is ready to return to the cage and not before).

  27. Sweet critter captures! That bunny is a beauty...hope he's home safe and sound!

  28. UH OH! I hope the rabbit got safely back home!

  29. You sure love cats don't you. like my sister in-law she has one.

    I do like your Bunny my fav.

    The wolves and foxes get our bunnies. Sad.

  30. Those are really fun pictures to look at. :)

  31. love the bunny. neat coloring! so soft I bet ( :

    thx for all your sweet comments lately, I've fallen behind on many chores - getting caught up slowly ( ;
    enjoy your week.

  32. Great picture of the wild cat. Looks like one of my feral cats. And the rabbit is too cute. Sure hope the people that own it found it. Those are terrific pictures.

  33. I love these photos, beautiful rabbit! Excellent

  34. Oh what a sweet cat. And that bunny. It looks like it is big! I used to have a big bunny.
    You got some great shots. Thank you so much for coming by my random post. I am really getting tired of the computer problems. I am in the office. Don't know if I have the stamina to try another post! We'll see. Have a great week.

  35. I love the bunny photo. Looks like he should be on the carpet though.

  36. What a cute little bun-bun! His color is so beautiful.

  37. Wow, pretty cat and what a gorgeous bunny!

  38. WHAT A sweet little bunny that is!

  39. Such a sweet bunny. I'm glad he's safe.

  40. ahhh, the rabbit is wonderful.

  41. Hi Ida,
    Both are very beautiful creatures.
    Glad you got the bunny to stay and pose :)

    Peace :)

  42. I hope he gets home safely. You got a really good shot of him.

  43. That was a pretty rabbit! I knew he wasn't wild as he so well groomed. The cat was certainly worried about being followed!

    PS: Glad you enjoyed the Chihuly Glass Exhibit on my blog--I thought the "Walla Walla" name was unusual, but perfect for those onion shaped glass balls in the water!

  44. Superb capture on both the species... Very cute

  45. Adorable critters! Hope they got their rabbit back.


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