Sunday, November 30, 2014

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - November 30, 2014


Well the Thanksgiving weekend is about to come to a close and can you believe that Christmas is just 25 short days away.  -  It was a busy weekend here as we celebrated Thanksgiving on Thursday and then Friday and Saturday we spent the time putting up the outside lights and decorating the inside of the house.  We haven't put up the tree yet but that will be next on the agenda.

So let's join up with Ashley (Ramblings and Photos) now for
SCAVENGER HUNT SUNDAY.  This week the prompts were easy as we could just post our 5 Favorite Photos from the week.


I snapped a shot of this little squirrel on it's way to the feeder this morning.  It snowed here yesterday (oh goodie) and you can see the slight dusting of snow on it's face.  I love that I also captured the swirl motion of it's tail.


I captured this shot of our cat, Harley sleeping in my chair one day.  I just thought the position of his paws was so funny that I had to get a picture of him.  He almost always has that one claw hooked either in the blanket, the rug or in this case his foot when he sleeps.


I went out the other morning just to take some pictures and saw this bit of moss growing on the stones that border my rose bed.  I loved how the sun was shining on the moss so I snapped a photo of it.  It's nice to see some pretty green color now since winter has arrived and most of the color is gone.


We had a lovely sunset this week where the sky was yellow, pink and purple.  So pretty.  I love the way the barren trees look with these pretty colors.  This is the view down our back driveway and I photograph these trees a lot.


Yep more trees.  These are also part of the trees we see from our back driveway.  Since it snowed yesterday I thought it would be fun to show the snow on the fir tree and how pretty and blue the sky is today.  The temperature though is only 8 degrees....It's just dang COLD outside today. I might add that Friday it was 65 degrees here.  WEIRD weather!

So that's it for me this week. 

If you would like to participate in next weeks Scavenger Hunt here are the prompts:

  • 1. Joy
  • 2. White
  • 3. Stripes
  • 4. Tree
  • 5. Shape
  • Have a great day & don't forget to check out the other particpants.


    1. I can't even pick a favorite of all these photos, they are all fantastic, each has something different to show us. love Harley.. kisses

    2. very nice set. like the furry varmint and the cute cat paw. :)

    3. I can see why those are your favorites of the week. They are all terrific! I love the squirrel and the pic of your beautiful cat, especially that paw sticking up.

    4. #2 Cat sleeping, would not occur with #1 around at our house. NICE photos, tho, and I hope you stay warm!


    5. The squirrel's tail motion is fantastic! I love Harley, too. Wow, it's been cold in your area. I do love the trees against the sky. It is 67 here today. I opened the windows a little and the cats are enjoying the birds and sun.

    6. Well, you know my favorite is that adorable kitty. Too precious.

      Have a fabulous day. ☺

    7. Great pictures, this squirrel is very nice !!

    8. I like the fact that you captured the swirl in his tail too. Harley is so cute-my cay has some unusual sleeping positions too. Beautiful sunset and yes-pretty snow with blue sky.

      Last week we actually had autumn temps here-so nice. Now its back to 70 and a bit of humidity too. Oh well it was nice while it lasted.

    9. Some really lovely pictures. The kitten picture is so cute.

    10. Marvelous photos Ida! I can see why these are some of your favorites.

    11. Love that squirrel tail all swirled up!

    12. Beautiful sunset! Both the squirrel and cat photos made me chuckle!

    13. Oh my, Ida, you remind me that I never got around to my planned task to put up the decorations today. Of course I had many reasons to push it back out of memory, but must do "tomorrow."

    14. Oh my, Ida, you remind me that I never got around to my planned task to put up the decorations today. Of course I had many reasons to push it back out of memory, but must do "tomorrow."

    15. Number 2 is my favorite, it is absolutely adorable! Thanks for becoming a follower, I have been looking for new blogs to follow myself. It's always so nice to meet new people on the blogs.

    16. P.S. I added a Follow by Email. Not sure how it works, but I guess I will find out.

    17. oh that sweet little squirrel is so darn cute and I love the bare trees that allow us to see the beautiful sky right through their branches...and the lovely frosted pine trees. Weird weather indeed..freezing temps and snow over Thanksgiving, in the upper 50s today. Crazy!

    18. Great choices! I love all your favourites!

    19. Beautiful pictures, I love the squirrel and the cat the most !
      I am not at all in Christmas preparation mood yet !

    20. Love the swirly tail of the squirrel. Cute shot of the kitten. Trees are some of my favorite things to shoot. I especially like your last photo with the snow on the trees.

    21. Greetings from Dubai! Loved the sunset shot and really enjoyed going through your blog. Have a great week ahead! Will be back soon...


    22. Wonderful favorites, the kitty is adorable! Beautiful sunset capture! Lovely post and images, enjoy your day!

    23. I love your finds! I love to find my cat curled up like that. The "claw" is dear. Love the moss too!

    24. There's great contrast in those last two pictures with a beautiful sunset and then your touch of snowfall. I know you welcomed it Ida but I don't really welcome snow or maybe for a day or two that's all.

    25. Love your furry friends! Beautiful nature colors with the moss, sky, and trees. We've had some crazy weather here, too. Low 70's yesterday and down to freezing tonight! At least it was warm for our Thanksgiving celebration with family!

    26. Nice selections, Iris. Love the sleeping kitty. And it's name . . .

    27. What a great variety of shots! There's always something to see if you look around!

    28. the squirrel has such a fluffy tail. & the tail is doing yoga while sleeping. how cute!!! ( :

    29. Wow all of these are great shots! Lovely!

    30. I like several of the photos here. The cat of course is always a win:) But my favorite is the moss. There is something very special about that pic. I like your theme. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    31. The squirrel looks surprised, You made a quick capture I bet.

    32. They are all great Ida!!! 8 degrees....

    33. Ha - Harley's paws! So funny. And what a beautiful sunset.

    34. Great tree shots! I could never live in an area devoid of trees.

    35. oh now that's fun but you know #1 was my #1, what an awesome capture!!!!!!!

    36. Wonderful photos, Ida! I can't take my eyes off your slumbering kitty, firstly, because he is so darn cute, and secondly, because he looks SO much like our Prince Richard, who also sleeps in a position much like your Harley!


    37. Beautiful shots, all! But my favorite is the cat. What a great pose.

    38. Love your photos, Ida, you never disappoint!

    39. Awww, cute critters and such pretty nature shots. Harley is so adorable with his tangle of paws.

    40. I am continually amazed at the positions our cat sleeps in. and how small a space he can crawl into. Or... any box he can find.
      I found him in the boy's drawer the other day!
      As cute as kitty is though, I am a sucker for a gorgeous sunset like that! beautiful.

    41. Be sure to visit my blog and enter the giveaway.


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