Thursday, December 4, 2014

Fill The Cookie Jar - Christmas Cookies

Hi!  Are you ready to view some yummy cookies?
It's that time again, time for Fill The Cookie Jar.

This months theme is:  Christmas Cookies.

I chose to make a cookie that could probably be made all year long but I generally only make them at Christmas time.  They are a favorite of mine and I have been known to "over indulge" and eat most of the batch myself which is why I only make them about once or twice a year.

Here is my cookie:

                                              Russian Tea Cake Cookies

These are very rich, buttery cookies with a wonderful creamy like frosting.
They are a little messy to make but so worth it in my opinion.

1 Cup Soft Butter (or Margarine)
1/2 Cup Powdered Sugar
2 1/4 Cups Sifted Flour
1 tsp. Vanilla
1/4 tsp. salt
3/4 cup chopped nuts.  Most recipes for this cookie use walnuts but I substitute Pecans since I don't like walnuts.

Cream butter and sugar.  Add the remaining ingredients.  Chill (although I've been known to just roll mine without chilling the dough.)  The dough will be crumbly but once you roll it, it will hold it's shape.  I slightly press mine down so they are not balls. 
Bake @ 400 degrees for 10-12 minutes
Immediately roll in more powdered sugar and cool.  I roll mine twice so you get a thicker layers of the frosting.

Since I missed Novembers cookies I'm including them here as I wanted to share them. 

                                             Glazed Apple Cookies

I found recipe for these cookies HERE:  I changed the nuts again to Pecans and in place of raisins I used Craisins instead.  Made them a little more "Thanksgiving" with the craisins in my opinion. 


  1. They just had the winners of the Holiday cookie contest in the paper. I love this time of year!

  2. hubby would dive on the apple cookies and i would dive and scoff those tea cakes. of course i might just eat one or two of the apple cookies to.

  3. Nice fencing and I like the last also. The leaves. Artistic thought.

  4. I've never made those Russian tea cookies but I always enjoy them when I've had them. Both cookies look delish!

  5. Yum! These look so good.thanks for sharing Ida :-)

  6. I am so glad you shared November's cookie, it sounds like the perfect fall cookie.
    I love Russian Tea Cake cookies, also. Isn't it funny how we only make some cookies for Christmas? Oh well, makes them special and something to look forward to even more.

  7. Yum! I love these cookies! I need to check out the other recipies.

  8. Both of these cookies look delicious, perfect for this festive season :) Laura@Baking in Pyjamas

  9. Okey dokey. I'm gonna try those Oatmeal Lace ones using gluten free flour and earth balance margarine. They are right up my alley as far as cookies go!

  10. These are my favorites! I could eat an entire batch myself too.

  11. Russian tea cookies are on my "to make" list and I think they're moving up! I love these cookies but have never made them before.

  12. These are the ones that my mom made when we were little...along with sugar cookies, etc. For Christmas, instead of conf. sugar, they'd be rolled in green or red sprinkles.

    My all time Xmas favorite :)

  13. These are the ones that my mom made when we were little...along with sugar cookies, etc. For Christmas, instead of conf. sugar, they'd be rolled in green or red sprinkles.

    My all time Xmas favorite :)

  14. Drooling.....I make that first cookie but the second is new to me and it looks really yummy!!

  15. What a great idea this is to fill the cookie jar! Russian tea cakes,I have not had those in years, but sure do like them.
    I always enjoy seeing what others love making over the holidays.
    Sweet blessings to you, Debbie

  16. I love Russian Tea Cookies and it seems I only see them at Christmas time. I've never made them. Also, love anything with craisins. Chocolate Crackles are something I only make a Christmas, even though they're not exclusively a Christmas cookie. Thought I'd mention my friends and I are going to do a Christmas cocoa mug exchange for Christmas, thanks to you. We're going to draw names, and each mug will have a pair of those super soft plush slipper socks inside. So we're all getting the same thing, but it will be fun to see the choices. Thanks for sharing your coffee mug and teacup exchange ideas which inspired me!

  17. Russian Tea Cakes are one of my favorite cookies. So happy you shared your recipe with #fillthecookiejar. Pinned/shared.

  18. I love shortbread cookies, and this looks like a good twist on the typical shortbread. yummy!

  19. I love Russian Tea good.

  20. I could eat these all day too! It's gotta be the powdered sugar coating-yum!

  21. Oooh, those look good! Almost makes me want to take up baking ... except I'd have that overindulging problem, too!

  22. I like your substitutions of pecans and craisins -- a vast improvement in flavor in both cases. I LOVE those tea cookies, a holiday favorite, and I have to eat one and Walk Away from the table. Thanks for these! We have so many cookie events coming up! Have a blessed December!


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