Thursday, January 8, 2015

Good Fences - January 8, 2015

Welcome! - It's time to join Theresa (The Run-a-round Ranch Report) for GOOD FENCES.

Coleen and I went to Taco Bell (her mom works there) for lunch last week.  As we drove past Mill Creek Coleen was excited about the ice that was on the water and said we had to go back after lunch to take some pictures.  Which is exactly what we did.  So these first few photos have nothing to do with a fence but eventually you'll see where my mind was going.

                               Ice build up on the side of the bank. 

Coleen was surprised to see duck swimming in the icy water.

Here they are walking on some of the ice on the partially frozen creek.

So what do ducks have to do with fences you ask....well nothing really except that I happened to notice that this particular bridge while being made of concrete happened to resemble a fence.

A closer look at some of the "railings"

The view from across the street.

The year the bridge/fence was built.

Well there you have it, a fence that really isn't a fence but actually a bridge built to look like a fence.

Don't forget to stop in a check out all the other great fences. -  Why not join in on the fun and start looking for your own fences to share!

Have a great day.


  1. nice construction design! solid but still some visibility. cute ducks!

  2. certainly a good fence, keeping people from running off into that icy water. when i see pics of ducks in icy water and on ice i wonder how they do it

  3. Great shots of the ducks and ice! Your fence works for me, it keeps people from falling into the water.. Have a happy day!

  4. That bridge has seen a few winters.

  5. It is a fence in the truest sense of the word ... it does the job of a fence and it looks like a fence so it must be ... a fence, right? Love your little ducks. I know the ducks will stay anywhere there is open water even in the winter. It amazes me how they survive the cold, but like all birds, they have the means as long as they can get enough food to burn energy to keep warm. Nature always amazes me :) Great post, Ida ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  6. Ducks don't seem to care what the temps are, they just like to swim. Cool, concrete's almost as old as I am and seems to have held up pretty well.

  7. It it close enough to a fence for me. Nicely done.

  8. Hello Ida,

    I just love your icy photos!
    It's raining over here and not really cold. So I'm here to get that feeling of winter :)
    And I love that bridge. Did you think about taking a picture of the wall that surrounds the sign? Looks very pretty to me - that crackling concrete and the leftovers from the blue :)
    Have a nice day


  9. You captured winter well in your photos.. The water with ice is cool. I think the bridge and rails work for fences..

  10. Nice finds and that's just a more permanent fence than the wooden kind. :D

    Glad I'm not a duck - that water looks darn cold!


  11. Well, of course it is a fence! The year I was born, too.
    :) m & jb

  12. These photos are great...and I like you concrete fence...AND the ducks.:)

  13. I think it is a fence, it is the sides of the bridge to help you falling into that icy water!! Love the ducks

  14. Lovely wintry images Ida. Ducks seem resilient in this cold weather.

  15. Brave little duckies! How pretty your winter pictures are; your kitty looks so sweet in your snowy header too.

  16. You know it's cold when moving water starts to ice over! That's a very cool bridge!

  17. That was a sturdy looking fence.

  18. A beautiful wintry scene! Those ducks are very brave and I love the concrete fence! xo karen

  19. I just love ice formations in the winter! Hope you're staying warm.

  20. I'd say this is a concrete fence. Love the photos of the frozen creek.

  21. I like this fence. A creative fence shot, for sure!

  22. Hi Ida,
    Assuming you like the kinda weather you are portraying, I say have fun. In either case, stay warm :)

    The photo of the railing/fence against the water in the b/g is very beautiful.

    So, are the other photos and the kitty in your earlier post.

    Have a Great Day!

    Peace :)

  23. what great photos. love how the ice forms over moving water. your fence is perfect for good fences. it has character. hope all is well. have a great night~

  24. Good evening, Ida! Your ice build up sure makes for a beautiful picture. There is something about ice that is truly lovely...

    Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs

  25. Awesome captures, I really like the texture of the railings!!

  26. I'm always amazed by how warm birds can stay in winter. And I think a bridge railing counts as a fence :)

  27. Now there's a fence built to last! Gosh, it looks so cold there. We've been in the 60's. Wierd.

  28. Ah...they used to build bridges to look nice. Not any more....I like that concrete railing.

  29. What a great fence ... on a bridge ... with a lovely, very wintery view. My goodness it looks cold where you are Ida. All the best for a lovely weekend, Bonny

  30. Those are some great pictures and we think that bridge looks like a fence.It is amazing how the ducks can swim in that cold weather.Have a great day.

  31. love these pictures.. so pretty!

  32. The mallards are hardy birds for sure. Concrete it or not and part of a bridge it's still a fence to me.

  33. Well, I think it counts as a fence because fences keep things out of areas. And this one keeps things OUT of the water! I love photos of ice and water areas. But they make me feel really, really cold!

  34. The ice on the creek is fantastic - I would have come back to take pictures as well. The fence is good as well, even though it's a concrete bridge.

  35. A fine series and the bridge looks like a fence to me.

  36. Oh geez.....I like it all. The water..the frozen fall....the ducks, the concrete barrier....and the date. Lots of good things to see in this post..

  37. Hello my lovely I love the pictures of the gorgeous poetic and a treasure to see them in the wintery weather! Beautiful!
    I wish you a very wonderful 2015 with lots of blessings and sparkles!

  38. I think you could consider it a Bridge Fence. nice design.

    we have some ducks that will hang around a frozen over pond too. they circle and circle over one spot so that it doesn't freeze over. it's pretty amusing.

  39. The ice is beautiful and so are the ducks! Glad you and Coleen came back for pictures!


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