Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Grow Your Blog

Last year I participated in a great blogging event,  Grow Your Blog. 
It's hosted by Vicki from (2 Bags Full) and is just a great way to meet new people and find some awesome new blogs.

You can find the post about how to participate HERE
I am looking forward to meeting some new bloggers again this year.

Leaving you with a picture today of Eric (the cat) that I took in Black and White the other day.


  1. Oh my. Eric looks like one snuggly buggly cat! What a handsome fella!
    Hope you have a nice day, Ida. It's chilly here, but I have a good fire going in the stove. :-)

  2. If I saw that cat, I'd take him home:) Kitty!

  3. Thanks for the link. I am going to check it out!

  4. i will look into the get together. i did it last year. thanks for reminding me. hope you are well this NEW YEAR!! so cool. i can't believe is went so quickly. big big hugs. love your fluffy ball cat. too cute. ( :

  5. Great shot. Nice coat to keep him warm. : )

  6. Hi Ida, I love your b & w photo. It's an option I rarely think about until I've seen an example. Lots of subjects lend themselves to this type of photo don't they. You've inspired me to experiment :D)

  7. Ida, I'm going to do this, too. Love the photographs on the blog and think the party will be fun.

  8. Oh my, that is a particularly fine photo. Josephine is quite enamored.
    Am of two minds about growing my blog...I find it difficult to keep up with comments and replies already. If more people read and comment, I really would not know how to handle that. Is there some secret to it?

  9. I seem to notice more things in black and white. Nice shot.

  10. I will have to check out that "grow your blog" meme, Ida! That is a pretty cat--he or she has a nice thick winter coat!

  11. Love love this shot Ida.I met a lot of wonderful friends on that grow your blog have fun.. Hug B

  12. Beautiful! This photo is wonderful in black and white!

  13. What an interesting blog party! And what a super photo of Eric; he's such a handsome feline. He looks like a miniature lion prowling around his territory. All the best, Bonny

  14. I just LOVE Eric... he is so beautiful in all your pics of him. i grew my blog so big that i was spending 4 to 6 hours a day blogging. i had to step back and get a handle on and slowly drop a lot of blogs.. i now have mine to 2 hours a day and that is all i can handle.

  15. Very nice shot of the cat! Thanks for sharing the event with us!

  16. Love your header photo and the B/W of the kitty!

  17. Hi Ida, that is a great photo . . . I love black & white photography. I found you from a comment that you left on a mutual followers blog and just wanted to stop by and visit. Now I am your newest follower :) I see that you live in Walla Walla, I have never been there, but I bypass it when I go to visit my daughter. I take the highway from Pasco and then I found a couple of small country roads that take me to the State-line Road and then I head south. It is a beautiful drive. Well, I would love to invite you over to follow me back and to get in on my 3 year blogging birthday Give-A-Way . . . it is not much but it is handmade:)
    Have a lovely day and great to meet you.
    Connie :)

  18. He is a beautiful cat! Blessings to you!

  19. I just signed up for Grow Your Blog too.

  20. Eric has a beautiful coat. It photographs well in B&W!

  21. Great photo! I love the backlight.
    Thanks for the link to "Grow your blog" - I'm off to check it out!

  22. Nice picture! I like the choice of black and white.
    I think I have to get a handle on the new direction I am taking with my blog before it can grow.
    Perhaps it's just growing up right now. :)

  23. That is a great shot of Eric in b & w. The tone in his fur matches well with the tone in the trees.

  24. I did the Grow your Blog party last year and it was GREAT! I think that's when I met you, and many other wonderful bloggers. I was way behind the ball this year, and missed the party sign-up and everything. Maybe I'll drift over anyway. It was so fun, but very, very time-consuming. Hard to read so many blogs. Have fun over there!


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