Saturday, January 24, 2015

Taking a break.

Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm taking a blogging break.  I've been sick (Flu) along with my mom and my granddaughter Coleen this past week.  -  Have just not had the energy or the desire to do much of anything.
I'll be back when I can. - I miss you all.


  1. So sorry to hear this Ida..Take care and get well soon...ox

  2. Oh Ida, I am so sorry you have been ill. Feel better soon! Rest up and take care. Hugs to you!

  3. Sorry you are feeling bad. My youngest grandson has the flu also (he is three). Get well soon.

  4. Get well soon! Looks like the kitties are taking a break too. lol.

  5. Take good care and hope you're back to blogging soon. Wishes to all for a speedy recovery.

  6. Don't those kitties just make you feel better. Two little balls of sweetness!

  7. I'm so sorry to hear your family has been stricken with the dreaded flu. Wishing for a speedy recovery!

  8. Hoping to see you again very soon, Ida, I wish all the best to you and your family! ♥

  9. A speaking photo...
    Wish you good health.
    (I feel myself like flu too, after my surgery I brought me out of the hospital an infection... it takes a long time for healing.)
    Get you better soon -

  10. Cute kitties, Ida! Take feel and I hope you all feel better soon! Have a happy week!

  11. Take care Ida and get to feeling better. It's going around that's for sure.. our great nephew had it, then his Papaw got it and then it just kept getting gifted to everyBODY. I am glad we were not home. Sending you get better quick vibes!

  12. hope you feel better soon, looks like the kitties are happy.. so precious

  13. Oh my Ida, so sorry to hear you're under the weather. Feel better really soon. Prayers that you do and for your family. You will be missed.

    Peabea :)

  14. So sorry to hear you are sick. Rest and get better soon.

  15. Feel better, Ida! I hope you all recover soon. I am a bit under the weather, too, so I understand the need for a break.

  16. take care of yourself! it's a really nasty bug that seems to be going around this year. see you when you return!

  17. Cute kitties to spend down time with!!

  18. They are very cute and I see they are doing what they do best - curl up and sleep for about 18 hours a day :)

    Have a Beautiful Day!
    Peace :)

  19. Hello Ida, so sorry to read you're still not feeling the best. You weren't well when last I visited.
    Rug up, rest and be well very soon.
    That is the most adorable photo too. Hugs :D)

  20. Sweet photo of the cats resting! I hope you, your mom, and Coleen get all the rest you need, and get well soon! It's no fun to be sick.

  21. Hope you and your family are feeling better soon.

  22. I'm sorry to hear you've all been sick. It sure has been going around. We're short handed every day at work. Luckily nothing in my home yet. Love the photo today. It expresses your feelings perfectly!

  23. Cute image of your snoozing cats!
    Hope you are feeling 100% very soon.


  24. Adorable pictures! Take care of yourself.

  25. Get well soon, Ida! What a winter it's been for flu and colds! Stay warm and rest.

  26. I know this is an older post, so I hope you all recovered by now. Although, even if not, I am sure that cuddling up like your two kitties does never hurt, right?! :)


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