Friday, January 16, 2015

Willy Nilly Friday Five - January 16, 2015

It's Friday and time for some Willy-Nilly fun.

Let's join Tanya (Around Roanoke) for

1.  January seems to drag on & on for some reason.  It's been relatively nice here as far as the weather but still it's so gloomy looking outside with gray skies and quite frankly I'm ready for sunshine, flowers & blue skies with fluffy white clouds.

Instead this is what the landscape looks like right now.  I took this shot about a week ago on our little trip up to Bennington Lake.

2.  Looking for something to do with your time.  You might check out what this guy does with Toothpicks.  And you thought they were just to pick your teeth.

These guys aren't made out of tooth picks but rather very large logs.  We spotted them back in 2013 while getting gas down in Lincoln City, OR.

Okay if the toothpicks aren't your thing what about "rocks" - Coleen and I spotted this little grouping of rocks on a log walking at Rooks Park last year.  - My friend sent me this You Tube Video to watch this week.  Check out what this guy does with rocks, it's amazing.

4.  This giraffe is displayed outside a local restaurant here in town.  I snapped this shot about a year ago when I was having lunch there with my mom.  Giraffe's are funny looking cretures in my book with their long necks and spindly legs.  Don't know much about Giraffe's.  Here are some fun facts that you may not know.

5.  It's birthday weekend here.  My mom's birthday is Sunday and Coleen's is Monday.  There will of course be cake, ice cream and presents.  I need to do some shopping today.

Leaving you know with a cat photo (I know it's not related to birthdays at all) but I can't resist sharing a cat photo on Friday.  This one is Harley.

Besides I just noticed that all the photos seem to have the same tones in them so this one matches the color scheme.

Have a great weekend.


  1. Harley is beautiful.. the log figures are creative and so are the rocks.

  2. harley's very cute. enjoy that birthday celebrating!

  3. #1 Aren't we all. I saw blue skies for about an hour today.
    #2 Really, he has that kind of patience. I've been to Lincoln City, sorry I missed them, would have liked to stop and say hi.
    #3 How cool. I need to get a bottle of this Gravity Glue.
    #4 I learn something every day.
    #5 Happy Bday ladies.
    Tom The Backroads Traveller

  4. Nice group and they are matchy!!

  5. Those toothpicks are a hoot!

    It's been so gloomy here too!

  6. Harley takes quite the photo!
    It may be dull there, but your photo is stunning, Ida. I love the look of the trees all nestled together.

    Enjoy your Week-end with all the celebrating of Birthdays!


  7. Why, yes, Harley fits right in. Any post is made better by the inclusion of a cat photo.Josephine feels very strongly about this! LOL!
    You have a nice three day weekend to celebrate the birthdays. How fun!
    :) m & jb (who actually likes cake)

  8. You always capture the most interesting places and spaces. My favorite shot is the first one with the group of trees. :)

  9. Hi Ida,
    Loved all the photos and in the process of checking the toothpick guy - blows my mind what he has done with toothpicks. Thanks for the link!

    Have a Great Weekend!

    Peace :)

  10. Fun array of photos - I like those "big-eyed" logs!

  11. Amazing what he does with toothpicks.
    Don't need any more ideas what to do with my time. I wish there were a few more hours in the day to do all I want to do already. : )

  12. The toothpick things are well as the rock guy. Don't see how he does it.

  13. happy birthday to your mom and colleen! love the photo of harley...the rock sculptures remind me of a story of this young man who did this in the river as a tribute to his dog that had died...i had to look it up again because i had forgotten the story, and now found out that some jerk tore them can read it here and then i found this great video of the community coming out to help him ...thank you for linking and i hope you had a super weekend!!

  14. Harley is very beautiful! I like the landscape photo on top, I don't think it's that boring. Our hills look brown in summer, but at the moment they're green - thanks to the rain. I can't get enough of them.

  15. Love that first shot.
    and that rock gravity video was so cool. I think it would be a fun project to try with the kids next summer.

  16. A very happy birthday to Coleen!
    I always like to see your cat photos! Nice shot of the rocks as well.

  17. Blessings...
    Really you think so, that January is dragging on, i find it to be moving fast, already today is the 20th, 11 more days and the months over. Time to pay the bills again!

    stay blessed.

  18. I like the logs. You have many unusual pictures. Do you take them or take off websites of history?

  19. Your cat is beautiful!

  20. I have a "thing" with rocks as well. I am always finding heart shaped rocks and bringing them home from the beach. I also, leave them in prominent places in the woods or on the beach for other people to enjoy. Great pictures.

  21. Lovely photos and finds, as always!! I know what you mean about January dragging on. And I'm ready for spring, too. Unfortunately, we've still got a lot of winter left where I live. Oh well. At least the snow is pretty!


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