Friday, January 2, 2015

Willy Nilly Friday 5

Welcome! - It's a New Year and time to join Tanya from Around Roanoke for Willy-Nilly Friday Five.

1.  It's a New Year (Yes, I've already said that above) just wanted to see if you were paying attention.'s also time to pick a new word to focus on for this year.  Last year I chose (Love) for my word this year I am going with....

I want to go in search of new things to photograph, new ideas to write about,  new truths to learn, new things to discover....well I think you get the idea.

2.  Somethings remain the same though.  Yesterday I started the New Year out with the old tradition of watching the Rose Bowl Parade on TV.  I chose HGTV because it was commerical free but let me just say those (Property Brothers and the other gal with them talked "way to much")  I think commercials might actually have been more fun.  The floats though were great and it always amazes me on how much work goes into those things.
Here's a link to see some of the floats from the parade.

3.  It's still COLD here.  Yesterday they were talking about how it was only 39 degrees in Pasadena for the parade and I thought man are they lucky.  It was only 15 here in the morning and I don't think we got up to 25 for the entire day.  I posted a similar photo like this the other day.  Coleen went for a walk yesterday with Pixie (my mom's dog) and came back all excited about what she'd seen.  She told me about this and I showed her my photo then gave her my camera so she snapped her own shots of the waterfall and the ice. 

4.  Today the new season of Professional Bull Riding (or the PBR) starts.  I'm so looking forward to watching those cowboys and the bulls.  This year I can see all of the event rounds because Carbon TV is live streaming the events.

                                          Random Photo from 2014

5.  I'm also set for Monday night when the new season of The Bachelor starts.  Yes I will admit I watch silly stuff like this and I like it.

                           Eric the cat yesterday enjoying the sunshine.

                 "I think he went that way."  -  Another (random 2014) shot that didn't get posted. 

Have a great weekend everyone.


  1. Love your shots....especially the bird giving directions! And I wanted to thank you oh so much for the comforting and inspiring words you wrote on my last post. To take the time to type those thoughts means a lot to me. Hope your new year is off to a grand beginning.

  2. Hi Ida.
    #1 Seek, this is a great word and idea. I also like "quest", oh don't forget "The Seekers" they were a great group from Australia.
    #2 I liked to first Property Brothers shows better than the new format.
    #3 It's been cold all over, put another log on the fire.
    #4 Really? News to me.
    #5 I must be living in my own little cave. This too is news to me.

    I would have liked to enjoy the sun with Eric.
    And finally that bird looks like he is signally a right hand turn to me. Happy 2015! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  3. love the apples, eric and the 'that-away' shots. :) stay warm!

  4. Hi Ida,
    My word of the year is Movement. I can use more of it in my body, mind, and spirit!
    :) m & jb (who does not suffer from any lack of movement!)

  5. Wonderful pictures, I love the happy faces of Eric the cat !! Happy New Year!

  6. All of the pictures are lovely, and that bird with the wing out is pretty funny. Great capture. Good luck with your seeking!

  7. Super photos...really love the icy waterfall! Nice random thoughts too about the start of the new year. Hope you have a great 2015!

  8. Hi Ida and Happy New Year! As always, I enjoyed looking at your pretty photos. The last one of the bird is a beautiful shot!

    Happy weekend to you, friend!

  9. Oh my word. Is your cat a Norwegan Forest? I used to have one that was just like him. Had the same look in his eye too! Blessings to you!

  10. Great collection of photos for your Friday 5.. I love the pretty waterfalls. The kitty is cute. Nice capture of the Swallow.. Stay warm and have a happy weekend!

  11. Wow sounds cold over your way, ida. Amazing that the waterfall should freeze. Still, Eric looks like he's coping admirably. Handsome fellow. All the best for a very happy and creative New Year! Bonny

  12. Happy New Year, Ida. Seek is a great word for the year. Looking forward to hearing about the things you find along your journey.
    Beautiful cat photo on your header.

  13. oooh, I really like Eric the cat.

    Happy New Year!

  14. Cute shot of that "pointing" bird!

  15. "he went that-a-way" oh my gosh, that is perfect!!! love all the photos...funny, we have had warm weather out here and while watching the parade and how cold it was out west i mentioned to my husband that we are having better weather than them! oh but that will change soon!! seek is a great one for 2015! happy new year and thank you so much for linking!!!

  16. Beautiful shot of Eric! Have a very happy New Year!

  17. Do we have an up and coming photographer in Coleen? Your photos are always some of the best, Ida. You've chosen a good word for 2015. Keep on learning and growing and seeking new experiences.

  18. Love the caption you shared with the swallow photo at the end, and Eric the cat...he's so handsome.

    Hey, years ago, I used to be a rodeo fan [it's been years] and Bull Riding was one of my favorite events.

  19. Nice shots! The swallow is a beauty!

  20. It's cold here to! I like the pictures. Hope your seeking brings you dreams that come true.

  21. Seek is a great word for 2015. Those apples look good enough to eat. :))

  22. That is one gorgeous cat! And for the first time, I think, I completely forgot about the Rose Parade. I saw it once live out on the street when I lived in Pasadena, but that was a long time ago.

  23. Best wishes for a Happy New Year

  24. I like the start of your new year (except for those cold temps!) and the word you chose. It's been getting colder here in New England too..time to cozy up with a good book or some television binge watching! Love your images, especially the last one...brought a big smile to my face! Happy New Year to you!

  25. lot's of fun ida!! I love parades and saw the macy's thanksgiving parade live 2 years ago, it was awesome!!

    it's really cold here as well, and we are getting some light snow!!!!

  26. I'm back from my little break, and Happy New Year to you! I liked this post a lot.

  27. What a fun post! As always. My favourite shot is the last one - Such a great "pose".

    PS Hope your weather warms up, but I win the "cold weather" contest (you didn't know we were having a contest, did you?!) - high today was about -5F here. And I went out for a walk for about 15 minutes! Brrr!


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