Thursday, February 5, 2015

Good Fences and Photo Art - Feb. 5, 2015

Hello & Welcome.

Won't you join me for some fun with Good Fences and then some Photo Art.

First up let's join Theresa (The Run-a-round Ranch Report) for

I spotted this rather interesting gate last fall while driving around.  This house had a "For Sale" sign on it.  I didn't go up to look inside but just took this photo from the sidewalk.  It sort of reminded me of a medieval castle entrance for some reason.

Next to the house was the garage and wouldn't you know, it had the same sort of gate like entrance.

So do you think you'd want to live here?
Next up I'm joining Cherie (The Froelich Diaries) and NF BildVerkstad for some Photo Art Fun.  Just click on the links and you'll be taken to their blogs.

I played around with trees again this week.  I'll include starting photos so you can see where my process went as I played around.

Be sure to click to enlarge the photos.  This was my starting point.  A shot of some trees across the street the other night when we had about 5 minutes of sunlight.

I came up with this version which I call,  Fiery Trees

Next up I decided to do a more "wintery" look so I came up with this version.

This one I combined 2 photos. The original trees and this photo:

Rain droplets on tree branches.  I gave it an edit so that the droplets look a bit like "bokeh" which is the theme for NF Digital Art Meme this week.
Still playing around I added a photo of our cat Snickers to the tree image:

I also adjust the color levels and such and came up with this version:
I used Pic Monkey and BeFunky again to edit all of these pieces of Art Work.
I hope you have enjoyed your stay here.  Don't forget to visit the Memes linked above.


  1. it does look like old-fashioned castle iron! very cool!

  2. Wow, not sure if I would want to live there...I might feel like I was caged in. I guess I would have to see the rest and just be there to get the feel of the place.

    I LOVE your art, specially that last with Snickers added to it. Great work.

  3. The gates in that house for sale looks like a gate you would have in a castle if it was bigger with a moat!

  4. Lovely the end result♪

  5. Oh your art work is great. I am in to that.

    Those gates are awesome.

    I miss you around a bout.

    You keep well or busy with Mom?

  6. A medieval castle is what it first reminded me of as well.

  7. Wow...that one image with the cat's eyes hidden in the trees....that is phenomenal.

    Great work on all your tree versions.

    As for the fence, it looks VERY MUCH medieval = I'm lovin' it.

  8. i love the firery trees edit best of all and the last one is really cool. i love that gate and the house and yes i would liver there but only if it moves to Florida. LOL

  9. They do look like castle gates. I like your fiery trees!

  10. Yes the gate reminds me of a medieval castle too.

    The fiery and winter trees-awesome!
    Might have to look into BeFunky myself.

    Love your new cover photo. I need to figure out how to add cover photos to my blog.

  11. Oh most definitely, I would want to live there. From the little bit we can see of the house, I very much like the style, and the metal gate is very appealing. Yes, medieval.

    Lovely edits on your Photo Art Fun - so creative and beautiful!


  12. The gates look like "don't come in!"
    Love your art work, I still can't make my mind up if I want to join another one or not.
    Have a fine weekend

  13. The house looks nice I definitely would like to live there,..

  14. That is a very interesting gate! I've never seen one like that before now.
    Love all your edits. Your kitties are beautiful!

  15. Great fence find, it is different.. I love your art images and the cute Snickers.. Have a happy day!

  16. Oh I see that same kind of medieval sort of look too, although the house does look impressive, and it's just my kind of style. I wonder if the gates worked? They almost look like they were keeping folks from entering?

  17. I LOVE all your editing work! It's so much fun to play around with PicMonkey and other photo editing programs. I like the Fiery Trees - Oh, and I really like your Header too.

  18. My goodness, you have become an abstract artist with your photo enhancements. Great shots and lots of fun.

  19. What an interesting fence. I don't know if I'd like to live there, though...

  20. It certainly does look like a medieval
    gate.... Different for sure. I enjoyed seeing all of this post...neat paintings and so pretty. Awesome!!

  21. It does look like a castle gate! Very cool!

  22. Wow Ida, great post... such an unusual gate - yes, medieval sprang to my mind too. A real fortress.

    Totally love your photo art. It's beautiful, you are going from strength to strength. What gorgeous cards they'd make! Well done and thank you for sharing :D)

  23. The fence is neat with the metal attached, but I would feel like being housed in with the windows.

  24. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the winter tree! So very pretty!! Thanks again for linking up Ida!!

  25. I do like that fence gate. Looks a bit like a castle gate.

  26. What fun gates...I love 'em...and I also love photo much fun

  27. They do look a little medieval to me too! Love the photo art.

  28. Those gates are wonderful! I'd love to have some like that on my farm.

  29. Interesting gates but don't think I'd like to live there. I like open spaces.

  30. All those renditions are so beautiful, but not as beautiful as Snickers. so pretty. That gate is really intiidating, but very nice.

  31. Awesome find on the fence and gate...they are most unusual!!

  32. The gate is nice but the house is probably too large for me. Love all your pretty cats.

  33. Ida,
    The transformations done to the photos, as well as the originals are very beautiful. The fences are quite unique.
    Have a Beautiful Day!
    Peace :)

  34. Love the composite images! Really well done.

  35. The fence certainly does look a little medieval. It's pretty cool in it's own way and definitely a great fence find, but can't say it's the most welcoming front entrance. Your photo art is amazing and something I always look forward to, along with the fences. The blue is absolutely breathtaking! Love seeing the before and after. You are so good!

  36. Yes, the house is somewhat midevil looking. I love the fence but not sure if it looks homey and inviting. As for WA, Russ Wilson is a stand up guy. :)

  37. Don`t want to live there, looks too formal.
    What you did with your photos is certainly pieces of beautiful art! Great job! Phyllis

  38. I agree Ida, the fence is very unusual and rather off-putting. bit like a medieval portcullis. I think I might walk on by unless I knew the folk inside.

  39. An interesting post. I like the different processing images.

  40. That house looks beautiful but the gates, attractive as they may be, definitely look like a security feature.
    Your photo art is really fantastic. Love all the results.

  41. Ida, your photo art is beautiful and interesting. The blended cat photo is fantastic, I like the feel to it. The trees are great, too - I can't decide which version I like better. And the gate to the house is quite interesting as well, and I can see why it reminds you of castles.

  42. Hi Ida, LOVE this fence. It does look a bit like an old castle style.
    Your art work is amazing.
    Thanks for stopping by too. Wishing you a great weekend.

  43. I thought that fence looked very theatrical and medieval, too. I quite like it though. Good to see you having so much fun with your photoart.

  44. I think it's a cool gate! And I love how you've edited the tree photos.

  45. Those gates reminded me of a portcullis. Where they metal gates or wood with metal studs?

  46. I love your tree ---both the warm and cool versions. I love taking photos of trees, then playing with them in Photoshop and Topaz.

    My link on the Digital Art Meme was not working It's been corrected now.

  47. You're having an amazing time with your photo art and it is beautiful! And that gate and door look like they belon on a medieval castle... Like there should be a moat around it. Very interesting and a great fence find!

  48. I love both versions of the trees. Both the hot and chilly ones Even the cat. Lovely work today, that´s art. :)

  49. Wow! What a wonderful series of images, Ida. I definitely agree with you about the medieval castle gate, by the way.
    Love your fiery tree edit, and the winter version, too. (Well, I would like the winter one, wouldn't I?!)

  50. Love that medieval looking fence/gate! it's so different and unique.
    and really like the fiery trees one. that's frame worthy for sure.

  51. I really like the gate, it looks so neat. But the photo art, you have such a good eye to create that end piece. Looking forward to more.

  52. Wow! Love what you did with those photos! Amazing -- the fiery trees are excellent.


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