Saturday, February 14, 2015

Saturday Art

Thought I would join in today for Claudia's...   s~A(R)T~urday
Saturday Art Link-up.

Here is the original SOOC.  For my piece I used BeFunky to create the bottom layer.  I used a couple of apps there and then uploaded that version to PicMonkey where I added the original (flipped and resized) and then I added the quote.  I hope you enjoy it.


  1. Gorgeous colours as well as being very beautiful Ida :D)

  2. blessings
    happy valentines
    good quote, good saying

  3. Nice work with the photo processing.

  4. Very interesting, I like the processing !!

  5. Hello Ida, I love your artsy crow... Well done! Happy Sunday!

  6. Now, that is some good job on editing your photo. Amazing...and I just love it.

  7. I sure like it! The scratchy pencil parts as well as the simplified color background - really nicely done. I have never heard that saying, and now I'm wondering what a crow has to do with imagination. I am going to google that...
    Thanks for linking up today, Ida!!

  8. Amazing how you can turn such an ordinary photo into a work of art!

  9. I do like of these days I need to try this. The only thing, once I start playing I can spend way too much time at it.

  10. It looks great!! The tones and colour is fabulous.
    I love PicMonkey for editing. it's so easy and there is so much you can do. I might have to try one next week.
    Haven't tried BeFunky -- will check that out too.

  11. Very nice art! You made a simple black crow very beautiful!

  12. very nice ida, this is pretty with the edit you chose!!!

  13. Wow! So neat to see the pic that started that finished product. Very cool!


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