Friday, February 13, 2015

Willy Nilly Friday Five #32 and Some Other Stuff

Happy Friday!

It's time to join Tanya (Around Roanoke) for
WILLY-NILLY FRIDAY FIVE.  This is where you can share 5 Random thoughts, photo's etc....

1.  Remember last week I mentioned waking up to find a weird chalky white substance all over our van from the rain the night before.  If not check out last weeks post.  Anyway come to find out it's been the source of numerous speculations as to what it actually was.  It was said to be ash from various volcanoes around the world, from a dried alkali river bed in OR, dust from storms in CA, and even dust from the Hanford Nuclear Plant.  They still have no clue what it actually was.  I know what it was,  A messy substance that left everyone needing to wash their cars!

2.  We are FINALLY getting a new swimming pool in "Wally-world" again.  The old Memorial Pool closed in 2006 and kids have had to use other pools every since.  Last summer Coleen only took a couple of weeks lessons and we had to drive to nearby College Place for her to have a pool to swim in.  They put up a Bond issue here 3 different times and each time it failed.  This time it finally passed so the new pool should be ready by the summer of 2016.
3.  The sun was actually out a couple of days this week.  I took advantage and drove around looking for interesting stuff to photograph.  Remember last weeks creepy "gargoyle" I spotted.  Well check this out....

 A Headless that is creepy.  -  Funny thing the next time I drove by this house the head was back on the angel.

4.  Studies are showing that eating foods high in cholesterol now isn't really that bad for you. I was taking Lipitor for that problem and just recently I decided that I was not going to take it any more.  Partially because I've heard it causes some people to develop Diabetes and Liver Problems and partly due to the cost of the medication.  Now I have another reason to not take it.  Plus now I can once again eat,  Grapefruit.  I had one the other morning and it was delicious!

5.  Need a sweet treat to make your honey or loved ones for Valentine's Day?  A friend sent me this link and these sound delicious.

Spotted this plastic bag laying on a small toy chest around the house the other day and I noticed it was sending out a message.  (I added the words).

Happy Valentine's Day everyone.  You are loved and appreciated.

Now for a couple of cat art photos:

Spotted this cute mailbox while out and about the other day.  I added a texture to the photo.  Joining in for FELINE ART FRIDAY

also joining FELINE FRIDAY

Here is a sweet shot of Eric "the cat" laying on the couch last night.  We've been letting him come inside for a few hours every night and he's been making himself right at home.

That's is for today.  My camera is going to be out of commission again as I need to replace the USB port in it.  The prongs bent and broke today...there goes at least $100 to repair it, plus waiting around for it to be repaired and sent back.

Have a Happy Valentine's Day and a Great Weekend.


  1. I love everything about a swimming pool...I love the water and I honestly could stay in the pool on a hot summer's day (All day long)
    Funny thing...I don't know how to swim.
    I do know how to dog paddle!!
    The sack is just too cute...You were very observant in noticing the cute heart!! Hope your evening is wonderful.

  2. Ida, hope you have a lovely weekend as well. Love the last kitty!

  3. sorry about the camera! glad you're getting a pool, soon. cute kitty. :) headless angel? well...

  4. What a great variety of images. I love the squirrel and his saying. It should be a poster.

  5. What a great all your happenings this week!


  6. Interesting about the cholesterol. My husband takes that medicine. Will look into that.
    Happy Valentine's Day to you too.

  7. That headless angel, who found its head - wow - that is creepy!
    Grapefruits are high in cholesterol? I never would have thought...

  8. Sounds like you've had a busy week! Time just flies, doesn't it? It's nice to have our blogs to keep track of some of it! Happy Valentine's Day! xox, Diane

  9. Nice collection of photos. Bummer about your camera. Oh well, nothing money can't fix, right?

  10. Cute cat pictures! Love the squirrel and the quote.

  11. Great collection of photos. The headless angel is creepy.. I love your sweet kitty.. Happy Valetine's day & weekend!

  12. Ilove the mailbox ... I am always thinking I will do something clever with my mailbox, but, somehow, it never happens. But if I could find a cat like that ... I would make it happen. Nice that you are letting Eric in ... how to the other filines feel about it? As for eating high cholesterol foods, I hadn't heard that ... I still think it is not a good idea to let your cholesterol levels be high. I would talk to my doctor before I changed my medications ... don't want anything to happen to you.

    Sorry about your camera ... hope that doesn't mean you will not be posting until it is done. A good time to dive back into the archives and find the wonderous pictures you forgot you had.

    Happy Valentines Day to you too, Ida ... Enjoyed your post and am still curious as to what was on your car :( Be well ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  13. Lots of wonderful photos once again. Happy Valentines Day to you!


  14. love the kitty header and the last kitty pic.. so sweet and so sorry about your camera.. i really like that mailbox and the angel is a super shot... glad they got it repaired. so glad for coleen about the pool. we would be lost without our Ymca pool.. there is a public pool in the park for kids ...swimming is great for kids

  15. nice blogging- loved all the photos! Happy Valentines Day!

  16. Oh there is a lot of cuteness in this post.

    Hope you had a purrfect Feline Friday. :)

  17. Oh my, I am glad that angel found its head! What a creative post you have here. You are good with the camera, my friend! Happy Valentine's Day!

  18. ha - the squirrel one is great!

    Every year our local pool closes for one whole month for cleaning. a whole month?? I wonder what on earth they do, since it doesn't look any cleaner at all.
    wonder where the angel put its head for awhile? :)

  19. Hi Ida,
    I think you are right about Cholesterol - highly sensational, but the drugs used to treat may cause more harm than good.

    Have a Beautiful Day!
    Peace :)

  20. Very beautiful, delicious heart! Exquisite pictures! Happy Valentine's Day !!

  21. A very interesting and enjoyable collection of photos for this post, Ida!

  22. Sorry your camera is going to be out of commission...I hope you have plenty of photos to work with.

    There is no swimming pool in our little closed up for good when our girls were very little.

    Sorry I just now got to this...we went to daughter's house Friday...I am slowly catching up.

  23. Your cats are always so fluffy and luxurious looking! Beautiful. That squirrel certainly has personality! Glad you had a little bit of good weather to get out. It's been miserable, cold and wet here. And congrats on the swimming pool! Kids really need a place to swim in the summer, I think. Glad you'll have one.

  24. love that kitty mailbox! ha, looks like colleen is taking a ride on that dolphin...that is a creepy find and i love the heart shaped bag! hope you had a great vday and thank you for linking!!


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