Thursday, March 5, 2015

Good Fences #50

It's time to join Theresa (The Run-a-round Ranch Report) for the super fun  GOOD FENCES meme.

Today's fence is another neighborhood fence that I snapped while out and about on a nice day.

Click to Enlarge for better view.

This fence borders the entire property of this home.  What caught my eye was the Golden Top of the fence and the curvy pattern.  This is a Wrought Iron Fence.

A close up showing more of the detail of the fence top.

Another view which also shows the cool looking lantern light in the yard.

And just because I really liked that light here is a close-up shot of it as well.

Next week I'll show you the fence that borders this property.  It's different and fun.

Just an "update" for those interested on my husband.  He is doing fine and is back at work.  We had a visit with his Cardiologist who said he has what they call,  CAD (Coronary Artery Disease) and has one large blocked artery that cannot be stinted due to the position of the blockage.  Thankfully the arteries on the other side of his heart are sending out branches by-passing blood on their own.  He also has some smaller blocked arteries on the left side which also cannot be stinted because they are too small for a stint.  The bottom line is that they are treating him with Medication and he is now having to eat a much healthier diet.  She wanted him totally on a Plant Based Diet but mostly because that is what she would recommend.  We are getting a 2nd opinion on that today.  We are however cutting out all fried foods, junk food etc...and opting for more Vegetables, Fruits and Whole Grains.  Finding recipes is taking up a lot of my time but I am coping and we are looking at this with a positive attitude that it will benefit us all to eat healthier.  -  Thank you all for you continued support and prayers.  It means a lot to us.


  1. glad your husband's heart is already helping itself! good luck!

    what a great, unique, ornate looking fence!

  2. thanks for the update on your hubby and this sounds like it is going to heal itself by making the by pass. I do hope so. i love that fence, it is fantastic and so is the lamp. can't wait to see the rest of it

  3. Sounds like news you can deal with , for sure, and happy to hear that. The fence is very unusual.

  4. Nice fence, even better lamp-posts!

  5. That is a real pretty one Ida!
    Love the colours and the shape of it, too :))
    Have a wonderful day

  6. Oh now....this one is a beauty! Lots of character and strength. Prayers for your husband to continue to do well and that no other problems arise.
    Have a wonderful day..

  7. Hello Ida, what a pretty fence, the gold top is lovely.. I am glad your hubby is doing better. And following a healthy diet will be a good thing. Great shots, enjoy your day!

  8. Hopefully the medication and diet will work out for your husband. I do like the gold accents on this fence.

  9. What a gorgeous fence and lantern! Sorry to hear about your husband, but glad that it is something that can be controlled through diet and medication. Sending healing thoughts and prayers...Hugs xo Karen

  10. So glad to hear that your husband is doing well. It's hard to switch diets. My daughter is a vegetarian so I have been collecting recipes for years that we like and she likes. That has helped us eat less meat. I think that's got to be a good thing.
    What a great fence! I love the gold top. Very charming!

  11. Hello Ida!:) This wrought iron fence has an oriental look about it.It's very beautiful, and your photos are splendid.

  12. With such a grand house, it needs a fence like this. Both very elegant.

  13. Hello Ida! What a very fancy fence that is. Very nice.
    Thanks for the update on your husband. I'm glad you are keeping a positive attitude about your life changes...

  14. Gorgeous fences.
    Glad your husband is doing well! Good luck with the new eating habits!

  15. That's quite the fancy fence! I was just checking out your profile, and I have friends from your town! :)

  16. Fascinating fence, it's really beautiful. Glad to hear your husband it under good care, I wish the both of you the best in this trying time.

  17. Hello Ida, that's a most regal and charming fence!
    It's good you and your husband have a diagnosis and a plan now. Good luck in finding recipes etc, that's where the internet will be invaluable I'd imagine :D) All the best.

  18. My thoughts are with you and your hubby Ida. Hope he responds well to your and the doctors treatment. xo

  19. Hi Ida, So glad to hear your hubby is doing good and getting adjusted to a healthy diet. Prayers for him that he continues to improve in the days ahead. What a gorgeous fence with amazing details. Great shots.
    Hugs, CM

  20. First of all I am so sorry to learn that your husband has been ill and wish him continued healing back to good health.

    Your fence photos are lovely!

  21. This is a really beautiful fence.
    Glad to hear your husband is doing okay.

  22. That is one fancy fence! I like the light too.

  23. Nice fence. I've never seen one with gold on the top like that.

    Thanks for the update on your husband, I've been praying for him each morning.
    A healthy diet is something we should all be eating!

  24. Gorgeous fence! I love the fancy gold tops! Glad your husband is doing better!

  25. Wow, I would like a fence like that! So beautiful!
    Ida, maybe you are making it too hard on yourself with cooking. Cut out the sauces that contain flour. Saute veggies and meat with coconut oil instead of butter. (coconut oil you can get at Trader Joe in a jar as well a spray can). Margarine is forbidden! Be frugal with cheese. No processed foods. No white bread. And you're already half way:) It's a big change and you have to get used to the different taste, but in no time, you will. Take care!

  26. Did my comment get through?

  27. Wow - that's a very cool fence. Great photos of it!!

  28. Oh my goodness, your photos are wonderful! I have been blogging for a long while but I am not sure how to add the email request. Between blogger and google I have been confused at times. They do not make it very easy. Any suggestions to help would be appreciated and I am following you as well. Thank you. Have a great weekend.

  29. Hi Ida,
    The fence is fabulous. It is so ornate and beautiful, I don't have enough words to describe how happy I am to see these photos. Great find and great photos!

    I am very heartened to hear that the doctor's can treat your husband for the condition. For recipes, may I please recommend Vegetarian Times. I have a few on my Vegetarian Cooking tab, but many may be Indian foods and not all are healthy - I am guilty of liking some fried foods too. But, you are welcome to try!

    We have a stash of Vegan/Vegetarian cook books. If you drop me a line, I will send you a photo of the recipe books we have.

    Best wishes!

    Thank you for visiting my blog.

    Have a Beautiful Day!
    Peace :)

  30. Spectacular fence! Always makes it easier to have direction from the professionals.

  31. Love the fence. I'm sorry to hear about your husband but I'm glad he's doing better. Sending prayers that he continues to get better.

  32. Wow! You found a beautiful fence for today's post! You and hubby both will probably feel better on the new diet. I know it won't be easy, but it is necessary. Good luck to you, and enjoy the new recipes!

  33. Hi that is a magnificent fence. Sorry to hear about your husband but the good news you CAN now do something about it. I would agreed wholeheartedly with the Doctor's advise. This is a book I would really recommend you buy and read and it dies have some recipes in it. It is called The New Raw Energy by Susannah and Leslie Kenton. ISBN. 0 - 09 - 178510 - 3. It will explain why we All should be eating this way. Hope this helps you. As they say, " we are what we eat". And that is very true. We are responsible for our own bodies and how we feed them to keep them alive.

  34. Hello again Ida!:) I forgot to say that I am glad that your husband is doing 0K now. I hope his health continues to improve, and with a healthy low fat diet it should.
    Take care.

  35. You found a very elaborate fence there Ida. Glad I don't have to paint it on a regular basis though.

    Good luck with your new diets.I'm sure it is all for the better.

  36. I just went back and read about your husband. I am so sorry, it is hard to have to change your whole lifestyle, but I know that if you can do it, it will make a big diffeence for both of you. Good Luck and a few prayers for your Hubby.

    This fence as marvelous as it is ... all I can think of is I would hate to be the one who had to paint it. How tedious would that be. I know, when you are rich enough to have a fence like that you can just hire someone to paint it, but still, someone has to paint it. Maybe that is why I like simplicity :) It is a great fence though, no matter what, so great find, Ida ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  37. Beautiful fence. Glad to hear your husband is better. As a vegetarian, I can say plant based diets are good. It doesn't mean lack of yummy food.

  38. A fine series on this beautiful wrought iron fence. The design gives it a fancy look. Excellent example to find and shoot.

  39. you are finding some really awesome fences, and porches ;)

    i didn't know about the husband, i hope he continues to improve. you are not showing up in my reading list and i have been absent!!

  40. Such a beautiful fence. Love the lanterns as well....reminds me of some tucked away along the pathways of my old college days.

  41. Oh, I love this fence and the lights are so cool!

  42. what a beautiful fence indeed! it looks rather "royal!" I've always wanted a light post like that.

    Glad to hear that your husband is doing better. My dad swears by his switch to good old fashioned oatmeal, with some blueberries in the morning, and he eats a lot more fish like salmon now. He's still not great about fresh fruit and vegetables, but my mom will make an avocado and tomato dip for tortilla chips and he loves that. Sometimes new recipes can be a nice change for everyone.

  43. Beautiful fence and especially the lantern, I would love to have that.
    Glad your husband is back to work and doing well. Sounds like a second opinion would be a good idea.

  44. A truly beautiful fence. I like the wavy shape, and it makes wonderful images.
    I'm glad your husband is back at work. Eating healthy is certainly a good thing and you will all benefit from it.

  45. What a beautiful fence and nicely photographed!

  46. What an impressive fence, someone with imagination has gone to a lot of trouble. The gold top is lovely. I am glad your hubby is doing well, changing your diet is never easy but a healthier one has to be good.


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