Friday, March 6, 2015

Random and Willy Nilly Thoughts - 3/6/15

 It gives me great pleasure today to join Nancy (A Rural Journal) and Tanya (Around Roanoke) for:


So let's get started with the party.  Click to Enlarge Photos.

1.  Yesterday my hubby saw his Primary Care Doctor again and asked him about being on the Plant Based Diet that the Cardiologist was trying to push him into.  He said he felt it would be okay if he followed more of the Mediterranean Diet and that it would hurt him if now and then he had say a piece of Pizza or a Hamburger as long as he didn't over do it and tried as much as possible to avoid junk food, processed foods and lots of sugary stuff.  I think we can deal with that a lot better then just eating plants.

(Saw these pretty spring flowers while out walking yesterday. - Edited with the Watercolor Effect on BeFunky.)
2. We still eat meat and I found a good recipe for Turkey Meatloaf that uses Granny Smith Apples in it.  Normaly I don't like meatloaf that much but I actually liked this recipe.  You can find it here at Dishing It Up With Lisa.
I didn't have any Panko Bread Crumbs so I substituted 1 cup of Oatmeal and I didn't have the Balsamic Vinegar so I used Apple Cider instead.  My crust didn't brown up like hers though so next time I'll try to have the right ingredients.  Speaking of turkeys.....
(Coleen and I spotted this wild turkey in someone's yard while on our way to the store last night.  I didn't have my camera with me so I hurried back home and got it hoping the turkey would still be there when I got back.  It was and I snapped several photos of it.  This is one of them.)
3.  I need to buy some new pants.  Prior to Mike's heart issue I had decided to see if I could lose weight and have now dropped almost 15 pounds.  My pants are getting quite loose.  It's hard for me to find jeans though that fit and are comfortable.  I'll be jean shopping later today & hope to find just the right type of comfy jean that isn't overly baggy looking.
4.  We are in the 60's this week and next.  It's so nice to see blue skies and sunshine.  While out walking the dog yesterday I spotted this little scene on someone's porch and I thought it was so spring like I just had to share it.
Don't you just love the pretty rainbow of color.
5.  A big Music Festival is planned for Walla Walla in August.  Artists,
Mumford and Sons and Foo Fighters are the artists listed as already being showcased along with other as yet unannounced artists. It's going to be quite something.  You can learn more about it here:  I've not heard of these artists as I'm still stuck in the 70's for music but here is a sample of Mumford and Sons .

 I liked the tune of this song and the beat but the use of the (F-word) just isn't my thing.  Sorry but I don't find that necessary to get a point across.

 Today instead of something "creepy" that I've seen in people's yards how about something sweet and lovely.   This little Angel with a Bird caught my eye.  I think she's adorable.  I just wish the dead looking rose bush next to her had been trimmed down a little.

Can't leave without sharing a (Cat) photo.  I spotted this kitty basking in the sunshine on someone's porch and snapped some photos.  It watched me at first quite intently and then settled down to go back to sleep while I snapped away.

Don't forget to stop by Nancy and Tanya's blogs and have some fun with Random and Willy-Nilly thought.  -  Have a great weekend.


  1. sweet chairs. great turkey shot, too!

  2. I love all three of your front porch photos... especially the colorful chairs.. i like what you are doing with the diet for hubby and yourself. makes more sense. i could not stay on plants only...

  3. yes, the new diet sounds much better than that plant diet! and good for you on your weight loss!! the kitty found a great spot and i love that porch scene and the uncreepy angel! i'm happy the turkey stayed long enough for you to go back for your camera! thank you for linking and have a great weekend!!

  4. It looks lovely and sunny over your way, Ida. I'm sure your husband will thrive on a Mediterranean diet. My hubby's from Barcelona, and his family all live to be ancient on a typical Med diet with loads and loads of fresh fish. Well done on losing all that weight. I so wish I could shed a few pounds. I love that porch with all those wonderful coloured chairs, and that fabulous cat basking in the sunshine. All the best for a lovely weekend, Bonny

  5. Oh, I almost forgot to mention it, but I love your wild turkey photo. I've never seen one before. Amazing shot! All the best, Bonny

  6. First off your banner photo is fabulous!
    #1 Oh boy, this all sound similar.
    #2 If I'm not suppose to eat meat, than why did God give me canine teeth?
    #3 Good for you, what ever you lost I found.
    #4 Those chairs are great.
    #5 I always thought that Walla Walla was a neat name.
    #6 Don't you carry pruning shears with you?
    #7 Nice little tiger!
    Tom The Backroads Traveller

  7. I love those chairs on the porch- sure does make one think of spring or even summer. Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. Hello Ida, great collection of images..I like the colorful chairs, they brighten up the porch! And the turkey is a cool sighting..Pretty angel and a cute kitty. Congrats on your weight loss. Have a happy weekend!

  9. A lovely collection Ida! I love the angel. Xo

  10. And I thought we were going to be lucky this weekend to reach the 40s. LOL. I'm a little jealous of your weather, can't you tell? The meatloaf sounds good! Thanks for including the cat pic.

  11. Hi Ida, Having heart issues myself, I lean toward the Mediterranean Diet - also I limit sodium. Great photo of the wild turkey. Those adirondack chairs look like they need a beach! Enjoy your outdoor blooms.

  12. I take lots of cat photos since my two are so entertaining- even when they are snoozing. Congrats on losing weight- I just don't seem to be able to do that. I love the pastel chairs, a great prelude to spring. Just not here- more snow forecast for Sunday. bleh!

  13. So glad you have some warmer sunshine. That cat is so sweet! Congrats on the weight loss. I am happy that you won't have to drastically change your diet. I forgot to say in my email earlier that you can add turkey deli meat and grated cheese to the pasta salad too. Enjoy your weekend.

  14. Love the rainbow colors of chairs. It does look nice and springy.
    This diet sounds better to me too. : ) Something easier to live with.

  15. I'm jealous of your warm temps! We are buried under a lot of snow and it's freezing! Next week should warm up though!! I'm all about a plant based diet :), it's not that hard once you start but I'm sure going cold turkey (no pun intended) would be tough. Anything too restrictive would be hard. Good for you dropping some pounds! Have fun jean shopping!

  16. I loved all of your photos...especially the painted chairs on the deck...makes you want to just take a seat!

  17. Lovely scenes from around your neighborhood. I like those colorful chairs on the porch. Your artistically edited flowers are pretty too.

  18. I do like that fancy front porch, just right for sittin' a spell. As to diet, I try for moderation in all things! Visiting from Nancy's R5F.

  19. The cat is adorable! We've been eating healthy. For over s year and I keep thinking I'll start posting some recipes.

  20. Those chairs are awesome. I couldn't pull it off on my porch, but I love it.
    That diet sounds much more manageable. Despite the recipes I share on my blog, we have been eating quite a bit healthier lately. If you would like me to share some healthier blog pages with you, just let me know.

  21. Congrats on your weight loss! I like the photos, especially the turkey and the cat.

  22. We eat a lot of mixed vegetables, chicken, and turkey that's always healthy ! It's nice that you lost weight, you certainly will find appropriate jeans !
    You are lucky to have some nice weather ! My cats too love to take a sunbath !

  23. Kitty looks a bit annoyed at being disturbed. No doubt was napping again after ;you left. I have two cats that look at me like that!! Have a grand weekend!

  24. Good Morning Ida! I try to watch my diet due to my cardiac stent but I cheat more than I should. I just try to eat something green or colorful in the vegetable dept. every meal and I watch the fats and sweet stuff but cookies are my weakness. You said in my comments you found some jeans you like.. Yay! Love your kitty shot!

  25. #1-You mean to tell me that Pizza isn't a plant??
    #2-my husband LOVES meatloaf. I make it using 1/2 ground turkey breast and 1/2 grass fed beef. It comes out great-I'll try this version as well.
    #3-Good for you!!! happy shopping.
    #4-Spring is almost springing. :)
    #5-The festival sounds great to me....I love both of those featured artists.
    Have a great weekend!

  26. Kudos to you for losing that weight. Now, to find some great jeans. Sure hope it is an easy find.
    Love the colorful chairs on that porch. But, in the dead of winter. They just seem out of place right now.

  27. Your random finds (many porch-finds) are great! Love the colorful porch chairs, and the turkey and the angel figurine. Oh, and that lovely spring flower! OK, and the kitty! I loved them all! :-)

  28. Great choice of photos! Very Spring! Filled with hope and beauty! Thanks for that!
    Missed you at the Fill Ins this week!
    I am glad that hubby is doing okay. You take care, too!

  29. The warm temperatures are sounding very nice! Congrats on losing 15 pounds!

  30. Congratulations of the weight loss, Ida! I am always trying to lose weight, without much success I'm afraid. If I lose a few pounds they go back pretty quickly. I know I need to exercise more and now that the weather is improving I hope to do just that.

    Love the colorful chairs on the porch and the angel statue

  31. Oh, Ida I am sorry to hear that your husband has some heart issues. I think we could all use better judgement on what we eat, I know I sure can. Lovely photos of your walks and it does look like Spring has entered your neighborhood.

  32. Not always easy to eat healthy thats for sure. That meatloaf sounds pretty tasty. Lots of great photos my friend. But you know I am loving the kitty photo most.


  33. This is a really nice series of photos, I love the colored chairs and of course the kitty!

  34. Like your new header picture. I need to start putting some of my photos as headers on my blog too-just not sure how to do it.

    Pretty flowers and I love it when you come across wild turkeys! Lovely spring chair colors and of course...pretty, contented kitty.

  35. Excellent randoms!

    I love that look that kitty cat was giving you. And how nice to see no snow and some sunny days. I can appreciate that so much! : - ) Thanks so much for your visit.

    Have a fabulous remainder of weekend.

  36. Hi Ida,
    The kitty and angel statue are beautiful.
    Love the assortment of deck chairs - very nice and bright.

    Have a Beautiful Day!
    Peace :)

  37. Enjoy your jean shopping!

  38. Love this post...and love those brightly colored chairs on the porch....

  39. We got back home from granddaughter's house Friday but seem like just today getting settled good...did not sleep friday night so yesterday just was not right.

    I love that front porch, too. I thought rainbow the kitty...

    I agree with you don't like the F word...I LOVE a few of Foo Fighters songs, but don't give a hoot about the rest. Love Learning to Fly, Everlong, and you might like the accoustic version of <a href=">Times Like These</a>

  40. well thank goodness he can eat something more than plants! everything (well almost) in moderation, right?
    Mumford and Sons are pretty good - I don't think they normally swear. Foo Fighters on the other hand, you might get some choice words. depends on how they play in front of certain audiences, but they are good music.
    love the angel and bird!! I have a smaller one in my own garden and it's a game of hide and seek constantly because my youngest keeps hiding the bird in my flower garden! HA

  41. Wonderful photos today! I always love your photo art, and today I'm loving the chairs and the angel especially. Good for you losing 15 pounds! I would think you definitely need some new pants! The new diet recommendations sound a little easier to follow. An all plant diet would be hard to stick to. I guess all things in moderation is best.

  42. Beautiful photos. Glad your husband is doing better. Congrats on needing new jeans!

  43. My friends in NJ have turkeys all up and down there street. They say they're really aggressive though and chase after people.

  44. They are Easter Egg Chairs :)

    I made turkey patties not too long ago and what I did was saute my celery and onion first and then add them cooked, to the ground turkey. Turned out great ! I will check the recipe that you mentioned as well :)

  45. Love the gorgeous flowers! The many-colored chairs on the front porch are very beautiful, and its so neat to see a wild turkey!

  46. Beautiful edit of the flowers! And I love those colourful chairs on the porch. I'd like to sink into one of those and sit and chat for a while!

  47. I like the voices of the group; the 'f' word seems to flow out of the mouth of performers as if it were not a curse word. The song would have been fine without that expletive, I think, but then I'm old... Those pastel chairs makes me want some even though I do not have room for them on my deck. I've been on low fat diet for years- ever since my mom's heart attack in 1972. Wish I could say that I'm trim and slim, but I'm not. But...I'm still here. How great that you've lost 15 lbs. I wish you good hunting on your jeans.


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