Friday, March 27, 2015

Random, Willy Nilly & a Tea Cup Exchange

Happy Friday!

It's time for some fun.  So let's join Nancy & Tanya for RANDOM FIVE FRIDAY & WILLY-NILLY FRIDAY FUN. - Click on the link to be taken to the fun.

1.  I recently participated in the Tea Cup/Mug Exchange hosted by the lovely Stephanie (The Enchanting Rose) and today is the link up for what we received from our partners.    Here is what I received from the wonderful & fun, Mary Burris (Jingle Jangle Jungle)

 Look at those adorable cat mugs...Mary must know how much I love cats. They were "purr-fect"! - Also some great mint tea, a favorite of mine. A pretty candle, some lovely smelling lotion and a note pad.  Thanks, Mary everything was wonderful.

 I just had to show off the mugs one more time. - If you've never participated in this check out Stephanie's blog and sign-up the next time she hosts.  It's so much fun and you make new friends along with getting a fun mug/cup.

2.  Spring is in full-force here now.  We had a couple of rainy days this week (typical for spring) and then yesterday it was 75 outside.  Coleen and I took a walk after she got out of school.  I snapped this shot of a flowering tree along the way.

Textured with one of Nancy's great textures from her Little Women collection.  The one I used was, Beth.  I was excited to get a "bee" in the shot too.

3. We saw a few butterflies, those little white ones that are pretty common around here but I couldn't get any pictures of them.  I did however get this picture of a butterfly bench we spotted in someone's yard.  Isn't that cool!

4.  We love squirrels around here and I leave peanuts out for them along with seeds for the birds.  Apparently other people around town enjoy squirrels too.  Look what we spotted in someone's yard.

5.  Since it was nice out yesterday and I was actually feeling half-way decent I got out and trimmed up the roses bushes.  They took a hard hit this winter when we had a super warm spell that was followed by a super cold snap.  I may have lost a lot of them and will have to replace them.  In the meantime lots of other things are blooming.  My Bleeding Heart plant is up but hasn't bloomed yet.  I did spot this one on our walk and thought it was pretty.

Joining Steve too for FELINE FRIDAY

                                  Eric the cat asleep on the End Table

Let's give this one a "caption" - Give me your best idea's and I'll pick a winner and feature your caption next week.


  1. Eric is a handsome one and taking a might fine nap too.

    I love, love, love those kitty mugs. Too cute.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday. ☺

  2. Oh sweet kitty- and your kitty cups are adorable too, like his and her cups, and the butterfly very cool too.

  3. These cups are adorable ! Would be something for me to add to my cat collection ! I love squirrels too, they are so cute !

  4. Got a nice chuckle out of Eric the cat. I wish I could be comfortable on top of an end table. You sure got some nice stuff on your walk and in the mail. Those cat mugs are special.

  5. very cute mugs and fluffy cat. :)

  6. Cute kitty! I love the mint green tea too. Your new mugs are cute. Enjoy your weekend!

  7. If we get a couple of warm days I think our lilacs will pop! :)

  8. love the kitty mugs, adorable and would make cute vases to put cut flowers in. i would love to own that butterfly bench.. and the squirrel to..

  9. Wohoho, the tea mugs are so cute!
    And such a cool bench I've never seen before.
    (I almost attended at Feline Friday, but I do not quite understand the system).
    Have a nice weekend

  10. What a glorious haul you made with the tea exchange! Why do I always miss out on those? I love all things tea related! I guess I better spend more time visiting everyone! LOL Nice gifts you received. Enjoy

  11. Beautiful spring flowers and sweet cat. I love that butterfly bench and the squirrel yard art too. How fun that you got cat mugs in the cup/mug exchange!

  12. Great butterfly, but I won't be see bleeding hearts for a while I'm afraid. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  13. I so love your new header and the white flower buds are beautiful. I can't wait to see them here.

  14. The cat mugs are so charming and cute. Lucky you!!!

  15. I adore the cat mugs you received! How fun and perfect for you! Eric looks very comfy on that table!!! I enjoyed seeing the bleeding heart and that unique butterfly bench. The squirrel crossing sign is adorable too. God bless you and yours this weekend. Hope everyone feels better. Mildred

  16. Those cat mugs are too cute!

  17. As always, great pictures. I love your cat mugs. I've got a cat lover friend they would be perfect for. Have a great weekend!

  18. Love those mugs! The cat image is precious.

  19. That pretty design ...! A delight !!

  20. Hello Kitty! Those cute mugs are definitely perfect for a cat lover.

  21. Ida,
    Glad to see you are getting a taste of spring. We have been enjoying spring like temperatures and, unfortunately, the fierce South Dakota wind.

    The cat mugs are kind of cute!

    I hope you make an appointment to get your hair cut. Something about a small step to take care of ourselves makes a big difference. :)

  22. I love those mugs! Purrfect! I have two black girls and a white girl here! Of course, Stella is black & white! Very awesome!
    What a fun post!

  23. Okay, I totally squealed when I saw the cat mugs! How adorable! They are perfect for you, Ida :) Mary did a fabulous job and must have spent a little time getting to know you - I love that :)

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for participating - you and the other ladies are a blessing. Hugs!

  24. Love those cat mugs!

    Thanks for stopping by The Opinionated Pussycat!

    Sneakers the Texian Tuxedo
    Elvira Mistress of Felinity

  25. What a nice set of photos, cute too especially the last one heheh!

    Have a kittytastic week and thanks for stopping by :-)

  26. Those cat mugs are just too cute. We like those a lot. Looks like a fun walk that you had. You have a wonderful Saturday.

  27. what a neat idea, exchanging little tokens of friendship like mugs. I like that idea.

  28. It always amazes me to see how comfy cats can get in the weirdest spots..or hanging off of something. My cat loves to sleep in the window, but half her belly hangs off the edge. That can't be comfy, but it must be..they don't seem to mind. Your cups are so cute!

  29. Oh I really love the cat mugs too! The tough part would be picking which one to use!

  30. Ida, those mugs were made just for you! How adorable and fun those are!
    You certainly have been blessed.

    Have a beautiful week end.

  31. Those mugs are adorable... and so is the orange tabby.

  32. What a fun tea cup exchange! Cute kitty mugs! I'm so jealous of your spring weather, it's not quite here yet!

  33. Those cat mugs are the cutest ever!!

  34. Lovely variety of photos and comments today. The kitty kat looks very relaxed for sure, and I loved the butterfly.

  35. oh, i was just thinking it would be fun to exchange some tea with friends. i wish i had known ...oh pooh. next time. i love them so ... too cute!! ( :

    i love your header shot ...did you use picmonkey? i see you review books did you start that? i got into reading Debbie Macomber lately. my mom got a few from her library ...& they are a great quick read for me ... i love reading. & need something that will keep me more in to that reading daily. love that. have a nice weekend!!

  36. Those mugs look great. Can one ever have too many mugs (ahem, I guess I can...)? I love those metal sculptures for the garden. Should we ever have a garden, I think we'll have some of those, too.
    Beautiful picture of the flower and bee. I just wished we had 75 ° here.

  37. I love that butterfly bench. I saw a black butterfly with blue on its wings but it flitted away before I could capture it. That squirrel crossing sign is cute. You let Eric in your house? I thought he was a neighborhood cat.

  38. So glad to see that spring has come your way. And I just love those cat teacups - so perfect for you!

  39. Ohhhh myy! I LOVE your cat and I LOVE your cat mugs! Just darling! Thank you for your kind comment on our blog. Cody and I just signed up to follow you!

  40. Delightful mugs! And your Eric is handsome, although i know you don't have to tell him that.

  41. "okay - but first, nap!"

    The kitty tea cups are tooo cute!
    and I have to have that butterfly bench!! how amazing. some people are just wonderfully creative and talented.
    no spring flowers here - in fact, it actually snowed for a little while. I think Spring may have forgotten us!!

  42. Sorry to hear about your roses. They are extraordinarily resilient so I wouldn't give up on them. Hopefully they'll come back to life again. Lovely garden photos. It's such a great time of the year when everything comes back to being green again. All the best, Bonny

  43. Really cute cups!
    The squirrel crossing sign I need in my backyard.
    I would LOVE that butterfly chair - how cool is that!

  44. Oh those mugs, my daughter and husband would love them.

  45. ida, those mugs were made for you....whoever sent those really nailed it. they look big enough to hold a nice big cup of soup as well!!! this sounds like lots of fun!!!

    that squirrel sign is priceless!!!!

  46. Wow that shot you got of the flowering tree IS AMAZING!! GREAT JOB! So pretty and even got the bee!!!

  47. (SO many comments!!!!) Those mugs are so very cute! What a kind gift. I love your bleeding heart photo. I used to have a gorgeous bleeding heart plant but we moved and I had to leave it there. That was sad, and I had forgotten about it until now. Hopefully I'll be able to get another one. So glad your spring has sprung! It's nice to take an afternoon walk and see all the pretty things about town.


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