Thursday, March 26, 2015

Good Fences - Two-Fer (Weeks 52 & 53)

Hello & Welcome.  - I must say it's been quite a week here.  We are still dealing with health issues for my husband (although he is feeling better) and for my mom & myself.  Both my mom & I have caught bad colds with a nasty cough yet again so we've been under the weather.  -  Plus on top of that I learned that my mom fell in her bathtub late last night.  She's okay, sore & a bit bruised but now we will need to figure out how to prevent that from happening again.  -  It seems like things just keep piling up on us but I am trying to "hang in there" as they say. 

With that said let's join Theresa (The Run-a-round Ranch Report) for some fun with GOOD FENCES.   I missed last week so I'm going to do both weeks here with a couple of different fences.

Last weeks:

Spring daffodils from behind a fence.  The next shot is a little closer view.  I spotted these in a little alleyway/street on the way to taking Coleen to school.  I thought they were cheery looking and fitting for spring.

This next fence I spotted on one of my neighborhood walks one day.

It's not a very big fence but I thought it looked interesting enough to share.

My favorite feature on the fence.....

I hope you've enjoyed these two different fences.  Don't forget to check out all the other great fences from around the world.

Have a great day.


  1. i like them both! pristine and clean and weathered and a bit rusted. :) feel better soon!

  2. Some great the one with the rusty hinges. Sorry to hear about your mom's fall, and that you two are both a little under the weather. You can find some items to help out in the bathtub at one of those stores with health appliances. No skids on the bottom would be a starter.

  3. Two great fences but I particularly love the close up.

  4. I love the daffodils along the white fence! I hope you are all feeling better soon, and you find a solution to keep your mother from falling in the tub. Have a good day!

  5. My favourite feature of the fence is the same as yours, Ida :))
    Looks great!
    Hope you all will get better soon.
    And for your mom - a walk in shower with a seat would be best I think.
    Have a beautiful day anyway :)

  6. Love the last shot with the post and hinges.

  7. i love daffodils and i am thinking the view inside the fence from their house is really beautiful. i like the white fence and love the other fence. my kind of fence, rustic is what i like and those hinges are beautiful. sorry to hear of all your illness and things piling up.

  8. I like the rusty hinges on the board fence. I hope you all feel better soon!

  9. Nice fences. I do really like the metal joints. They are quite unique and look great. Hope you are all feeling better soon.

  10. Love those peek-a-boo daffodils!

  11. i love the daffodils - all springy from behind that fencing. very pretty. hope you are well. enjoying today with the windows open & loving the breeze. ( :

  12. All lovely captures, the white is so bright and cheerful, and yet I sway to the last more rustic and quaint touch as my most favorite here! Enjoy your day and it's nearly the weekend!

  13. Your spring is a lot further along than ours. No flowers peeking out through a fence here.

  14. Fine series of fences. So sorry to hear about your illness and your Mother's fall. My Mom fell in the tub when she was living with us. Scared me and her!!

  15. Love the yellow daffodils behind the white picket fence.

  16. Love the yellow daffodils behind the white picket fence.

  17. I love the white fence with the daffodils best! I do like the shot of the fence hardware as well.

  18. I like them both and the daffodils! I hope everyone feels better soon.

  19. These are two great fences...the white one with the gorgeous daffodils behind it is so clean looking. The last photo sure caught my eye. Very unique with it's hardware!

  20. The white fence with the daffodils sure is pretty. I hope everyone feels better soon. I had a cold a month ago and still have a dry cough! Take care of yourself my friend. Hugs, Diane

  21. Ida, what a great collection of fences. I especially like those rusty hinges :)

  22. Seems a times, when it rains it pours. Hate hearing you and family are not well. Trust things improve soon. You shared some great fences.

  23. So sorry about you, your Mom and husband. Praying that each of you feel better soon.
    I enjoyed your fence photos very much. I love the pretty spring blooms and the rusty hardware too.

  24. Hi Ida, Sure hope you get to feeling better and your hubby too. Sorry to read your mom took a fall. So glad she is okay and did not break any bones.
    Pretty white fence and looks so springy with the yellow flowers in bloom behind.
    The other fence is a nice contrast with it's rustic style.
    Take good care and sending get well wishes.
    Hugs, CM

  25. Lovely wood fence detail - and the white fence with daffodils is so cheerful!

  26. Hi Ida,
    The fences are lovely. I especially like the rusted hinges.
    Have a Nice Day!
    Peace :)

  27. Sorry about your bad colds...we went through that a few weeks ago! Great fence photos...really love the close-ups!

  28. Those daffodils look so nice. We don't have them out yet, but the crocus are all a splendor.

  29. Love that rusty hinge, what a creative photo!! I hope every starts to feel better SOON, spring is coming!!

  30. Lovely fences, Ida! The first image shouts out spring in such a beautiful way!

    Happy weekend. Hugs!

  31. My goodness, you have a lot of great fences in your area! I keep looking around on my way to and from here and there and, nope, nothing! Love the shadows and light on the first fence and the rugged character of the second. Sorry to hear you and your mom are sick now. When it rains it pours.

  32. Hi, I hope you are all getting better by now, :)
    I love the lasr fence. Gorgeous patina and wood :)

  33. a beautiful variety of fences! I love the peek at the daffies by the picket fence and the rusty hardware on the last shot. I sure hope you feel better soon..I had that same cold/cough virus, it's horrendous. Take good care of yourselves and I hope you have a lovely weekend.

  34. Hello Ida, wonderful fence finds.. My favorite shot is the last photo..Have a happy weekend!

  35. These are fine "fence" example. I hope everything is doing better in your family.

  36. love daffodils. first sign of spring. Love the old wooden fence. has character.

  37. Some pretty amazing fence shots.


  38. Great shares! We were thinking alike with the white picket fence! Your second fence is cool too. You just donot realize how many fences are out there. Have a great day.

  39. Dearest Ida; Beautiful picture of white fence daffodils behind♡♡♡ Second fence has elegant brownish parts which I LOVE♪

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*

  40. Both are nice! I like the rust on the wooden fence!

  41. Sorry to hear about your mother's fall and the various health issues. Hope you're all doing better now. Hang in there!

    Great fence photos, as always. I love the yellow daffodils peeking through the white fence. So spring-like!

  42. I feel ya with how it seems things can just keep piling up. It feels like I am finally getting a breather my self. It's a hard thing to face the fact your parents are in fact aging and that health issues are part of that. Thankfully, our loved ones seem to be on the mend!

    I love the white picket one. I know it's so traditional and generic to some, but nothing makes your garden colour POP like a nice white picket fence. But the other definitely has it's own unique appeal too.

  43. Love the daffodils peaking through! Glad your mom wasn't badly hurt.


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