Monday, March 23, 2015

Spring Hello

Hello my friends.  It's been a few days since I've posted so I thought I should update you all on what has been happening here.

Last Friday was the 1st Day of Spring and also my birthday.  - I had planned to do a birthday giveaway that day but was unable to post due to unforeseen events with my husband.

Wednesday night he started having more problems with his joints hurting.  Thursday was the day I planned to go to the Wildhorse Casino for my annual "birthday" celebration with my mom & Greta.  I didn't want to leave Mike alone so he called a friend who came and spent the day with him until we got back.  We had fun but really didn't win anything but we didn't come home broke either.

Friday (my birthday) he wasn't do that well so I ended up taking him back to the doctor.  They did some blood work (finally) and the doctor made what he said was a "clinical diagnosis" based on Mike's symptoms.  Here's the real kicker.  According to his doctor Mike contacted some kind of an infection from the IV's he had while in the hospital for his heart problems.  That infection in turned caused him to get a "rare" case of Rheumatic Fever in his joints.  He said it happens although he said he's only seen it maybe about once every 10 years or so.

He put Mike on a Steroid course immediately and he's starting to show some signs of improvement.  This of course may take a long time to heal and we have to keep track of his heart more closely now as it can be damaged from the Rheumatic Fever.  So far he hasn't shown signs of further heart damage though so we are grateful for that.  He did go back to work this morning but will most likely come home early as he gets tired easily now and needs to rest so he doesn't have a relapse.

So that is why I haven't posted much. - I will try to visit blogs when I can but wanted to let you all know what was happening.  I'll do my give-away at another time.

Thanks for your support, prayers & friendship.


  1. i'm so sorry for another complication and more worries. a belated happy birthday to you, ida.

  2. So sorry to hear about Mike's new difficulties. I do hope and pray for his speedy and complete recovery. Happy Birthday-- what a special date for new beginnings!

  3. The health of a loved one takes precedence over anything else. How awful that what is supposed to help ends up endangering him. I hope the steroids help, and soon. Take care of yourself too.

  4. So sorry to hear about your husband! Glad they found out what's bothering him, so he can finally recover.

    Oh - and happy birthday!!

  5. What a lovely photo. Happy birthday (mine's tomorrow)! Hope your husband continues to improve.

  6. I'm so sorry to read this, Ida. I hope Mike improves quickly, but takes it easy until he's fully well. What a worry that would be. Belated Happy Birthday to you - glad you could go out for a bit.

    hugs and prayers,

  7. Happy you were able to enjoy your birthday and this is sad news. i have seen so much of this in blog land and on TV about infections while in the hospital for something else. but this is the first i have heard of getting R fever from one.. I pray now for his healing and am glad they found it to treat it.

  8. Hello, dear Ida, and Happy belated Birthday! You and your husband have been in my prayers and will continue to be there. Thinking of you. Hugs!

  9. Oh my, I do hope he gets better quickly, such a sad thing to happen, but that seems to be how things do at times. Hopefully once he's back to feeling better you can really go and celebrate your birthday, that you so deserve!

  10. So sorry about Mike! Hope he is doing well!

  11. So sorry to hear this! Prayers.

  12. So sorry to hear this latest development in your husband's health. That's awful that he contacted this infection from the I.V.'s. Praying this infection is healed and his heart isn't further damaged. Happy belated birthday to you!

  13. Happy spring and belated birthday greetings.

    Emma and Buster

  14. Happy Belated Birthday to you!! Sorry to hear that your husband has not felt so well. What a bummer to come home from the hospital, only to feel worse.
    Hope all goes well for him in taking the steroids and that he will soon be feeling great. Enjoy the week and the sunshine...

  15. Happy Belated Birthday.
    I am sorry about this latest with your husband. How terrible! Be sure to have the dr. to monitor his blood sugar if he has to stay on the steroids very long. God bless you both.

  16. You've had your hands full. I'm glad he's starting to improve. That sounds painful for him. It's awful when you get sick from treatments in the hospital.
    Happy Birthday and Happy Spring to you! It sounds like you had a fun day at the casino!

  17. Oh, my, Ida. I just read your whole story to Rich and we are just sitting here shaking our heads. As soon as you said rheumatic fever, I thought about his heart and the effect it can have. I'm glad it was found out right away and is under treatment. I'm so sorry about this new twist in Mike's health issues. Sending hugs.

  18. Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
    Don't worry about visiting blogs, there are things that are so much more important.
    The image in this post is lovely and your new header is gorgeous!
    Big hugs!

  19. Hello - I'm sorry to hear about your husband, and hope he has a full recovery. Life always seem to throw us a few curve balls.

  20. I am so sorry for Mike. I had Rheumatic fever when I was 12 years old. They have said that it may have lead to some of my autoimmune issues. I hope he heals quickly and thoroughly. Hug.

  21. Happy belated birthday to you! So sorry to hear that your husband had complications from the IV's. Hope that he is recovering well!

  22. Happy belated birthday to you! So sorry to hear that your husband had complications from the IV's. Hope that he is recovering well!

  23. Love your image full of pretty spring flowers. I'm sorry to hear about your husband's health problems. Hope all is well soon!

  24. oh my goodness, I am so sorry that he had such a complication. And how rare! thankfully it sounds like the treatment is working already, and hopefully will have a speedy recovery.
    Spring is no where close to us just yet.
    Happy Belated Birthday!

  25. Happy birthday Ida!! I will pray, in the way I pray, different than others, for a speedy recovery for your husband. It sure has been a long road!!

    I hope he is feelng better!!

  26. So sorry about your husband, I sure hope the meds help and that he recovers quickly. And I do hope that you were able to enjoy your birthday, despite the circumstances...a belated happy birthday to you! Wishing you (and your family) a healthy year ahead.

  27. Oh, Ida, I am so very sorry! That is worrying, but at least the doctor could give you an answer and a diagnosis, and treatment. May he fully recover. It's hard to have a loved one ill! Happy birthday to you (late)!


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