Friday, April 3, 2015

Friday Fun 4-3-15

Hello & Happy Friday. - I'll be participating today in the following Memes:
Feline Art    -   Feline Friday   -   Orange You Glad It's Friday   -  
Random 5 Friday    -  Six Word Friday   &   Willy-Nilly Friday 5. 
Please click on the highlighted link to be taken to that link-up. 


1.  I love Spring -  It's my favorite season of the year (followed by Fall, Summer and Winter in that order).  So yesterday for Good Fences I had posted a picture of a fence with some tulips in the background.  I promised to show them off better today so here they are.  -  These are also part of Six Word Friday where the word was (Break) this week.
Break forth, Oh Joy of Spring

 Your beauty makes my heart sing!
2.  Coleen and I enjoy taking photo walks/drives to see what we can find.  Yesterday she spotted something in a yard and walked over to see what it was.  She called me over and look what she found.

 Isn't that fun.

3.  I enjoy creativity and seeing how talented people can be.  A friend sent me some pictures of some artwork that I think you might enjoy.  Click on this link to see Chalk Art by David Zinn (Street Art Utopia)  I had a little fun of my own with some digital art.  See below:

A lawn ornament we spotted in someone's yard - Edited on BeFunky.  My entry for Feline Art Friday this week.

                                             Original photo - SOOC

4.  With the nice weather comes lawn mowing (thank goodness our Son-in-Law, Kelly now mows the lawn for Mike & my mom) and weeding.  I trimmed rose bushes back last week as they took a really hard hit with the cold snap this past Novemeber.  I'm happy to report that new green shoots are coming up from the bushes but it will be sometime before we have roses this year.  Yesterday I snapped off a dead piece on one bush and it broke off and slammed my hand into another piece of dead wood with lots of thorns....Ouch! 

So here is another find from our walk.  Anyone know what this plant is?  Coleen said it had thorns (I didn't look to see if it did or not).  It does not however look like a rose bush.

These are my photos for Orange You Glad It's Friday (Life's Sweet and Spices) which I haven't participated in for some time.  I think they are gorgeous blooms.

5.  You know the song, Paint It Black by the Rolling Stones, right?  - If not there is a line that goes:  "I see a Red Door and I want to Paint It Black." in the song.  Every now and then I see Red Doors on houses around town and I'm reminded of that song.  So imagine my surprise when we spotted this door on our walk:

Does this remind you of a song or something else.  Share your thoughts.

Bonus:  On our walks we often encounter people's cats and we stop to take pictures of them if we can.  This little beauty belonged to the people who live in the house above.  She started towards us but got shy when the owner opened the door so I didn't get to many shots of her.

I've always wanted an "all-white" cat but have never had one.  So last week I asked for people to give my cat photo a caption & sadly no one did.  So here's your chance again.  Please give this photo a caption and I'll choose the best one and post the winning caption on my blog next week.

This is also being shared for Feline Friday (The Burnt Food Dude)

So that's it for this week. I'm not sure if Tanya is doing Willy-Nilly Friday Five this week as she hasn't posted for it yet. Just click on the link to her blog and hopefully she'll put it up. Happy Easter!


  1. 'good luck headed your way' is my caption. :)

    love the tulips and great octopus find by colleen. :)

  2. I'm terrible at captions.

    What a beautiful cat.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. :)

  3. The spring blossoms are so pretty, and I really like that old tractor!

  4. Nice photos, my caption is

    "OK so who's littering the lawn again?"

    Have an eggtastic Easter :-)

  5. those tulips are so pretty.. visiting from A Rural Journal

  6. Hello Ida, I love the tulips, what a pretty garden! The artwork is nice. I wish I was creative. Cute kitty! enjoy your weekend and Happy Easter!

  7. That is a seriously green door!

  8. I love the unusual lawn sculpture.

  9. Photo caption... a Whiter shade of pale?

  10. Nice results from your photo walk! The tulips are almost too beautiful to believe! Love em in both posts. Green is not my fav color, so no on the door. But I like red ones!

  11. Ohhhh your photos/flowers/kitty are simply glorious! I can smell the lovely scent from the flowers here in Michigan!
    I had to smile at your comment on my blog about being "sweet" to remember "my Jewish friends" wasn't "sweet"....I'm Jewish ;)

  12. what a pretty white's a caption that might work:
    "How can I catch a bird when I am so blindingly white?"
    "Just call me Casper"

  13. Oh, I did not know about Feline Friday. Will have to make a note for another week.

    That flowery bush looks like an azalea.

  14. Wow! Those tulips are stunning! So are the peachy-colored blooms! So beautiful!

  15. Beautiful pictures ! No flowers here yet and no lawn mowing either ! Spring is on strike, just doesn't want to move in !

  16. What a lovely selection of spring photos, Ida. I love the white kitty kat. She looks amazing, and she also looks like she's very aware of how lovely she is so for the caption how about: "I'm gorgeous, and I know it!"?Those tulips are lovely; they just shout "spring". Sorry to hear about the roses. I'm sure they'll spring back to life when the season gets going - and, ouch! With all those thorns they can make for painful company. Wishing you and your family a very Happy Easter, Bonny

  17. What a beautiful white cat! I love cats with long fur. They looks so soft. The tulips in the first couple of images are amazing. It really pays to plant them in large groups like that. Happy Easter Ida!

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  19. lots to look at, lots talk about!!!! the flowers are gorgeous, are you that far into spring?? i have some crocus and a few daffodils, we are still waiting on the tulips!!!

    know the song, that door would look gorgeous painted black!!! even yellow, but i am not fond of the color it is. but prop's to them for thinking outside the crayola box!!!!

  20. those tulips are just magnificent. and i love that tractor sculpture thingy and actually i love lime green but i don't want my door that color. i would love to have someone to walk with me like you and Collen walk together, so much more fun. I am not good at captions, i am drawing a total blank.

  21. You had a busy Friday! I love the spring colours here! Nice photos!
    We have been blessed with three white cats; two being polydactyl. The straight-footed one had blue eyes, but she was not deaf.
    Your photo looks like our Maggie, though I would not let her roam the grass! But, she would say, "Yes, I am Queen of the Jungle!" ~xo~

  22. Beautiful spring flowers! Especially love the tulips!

  23. Beautiful photos!!! Happy, Holy and Joyful Easter!!! Thanks be to God!

  24. Hi Ida! Thanks for visiting my porch!!....and for following! Nice to meetcha! Looks like im going to enjoy yours as well!

  25. Gosh what amazing tulips, kitty is precious, that door is just my kind of style, and best of all is that whatever art you all found in a yard!

  26. Hi Ida!
    It's Maureen. It's been so long since I have been able to read and / or comment on my favorite blogs due to the head injury I got falling up the concrete steps at my friend's house. Yes, that would be up. as in U then P. Sigh. Ability to talk think, read, write, type, drive, all severely screwed up. Getting better, but out of the blu will suddenly have like two bad days in a row and regress like back to how I was the first two weeks. Stuttering, not finding words, etc. Ability to spell has gone bye bye. Oh well. Spelling is over rated.
    I miss all my blogging friends. Today id a good writing day. This is like the fifth comment I've been able to write! Go me!
    Happy Easter to you and yours!
    :) m & jb
    1. Beautiful tulip pix. ADORE tulips. Fave flower I think. And the way those colors just blend into each other.

    2. Caption: House Exterior Wicks Color Off Cat. Owner Flummoxed.

  27. Here's my caption "Nope, Easter Bunny isn't in that hedge either!"

    Lovely to see the spring blooms again isn't it. Have a wonderful Easter xx

  28. I have got no idea what flower/tree it is, but it sure is beautiful.

  29. Beautiful and tender colormoods of tulips and azalee..
    The funny vehicle is an artwork, isn't it?
    To the cat photo:
    "Zen for cats. The adept is coming to you"
    Happy Easter yet, I'm late...

  30. Beautiful photos. Fluffy white kitty. I have had two all white cats in my lifetime-both short hair and with blue eyes.

    "I am the queen of pets, looking for someone to help me keep my title."

  31. You share such pretty and unique photos. Of course, I love the cat and I've never had a white one either! How about "My feet are getting dirty"

  32. Wonderful colors and what about that door? Tom The Backroads Traveller

  33. "How come no one ever gets the cat an Easter Basket?"

  34. Oh my, she's a beautiful cat. but I can't think of a caption!!

    Maybe she's just singing "walking on sunshine" in her head? :)

    those flowers are beautiful!! I can't believe others have lovely blooms - and I still got some snow.

  35. "Darn, I was afraid she was overprocessing me!" so that is my go at the captioning.... Beautiful cat!

  36. My caption...."meow meow meow my roots are showing my roots are SHOWING! Meow meow....on my way to the BEAUTY PARLOR! MEOW MEOW ....NOW!"


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