Thursday, April 2, 2015

Good Fences #54 - Fences and Tulips

Hello & Welcome. - It's been a lovely week here with beautiful springtime weather.  I'm happy to report that I'm feeling much better, my mom is doing okay but her cold still lingers on.  The best news is that my husband is doing quite well and while he still has some stiffness and soreness in his joints he is able to get around and has gone back to work.  We praise God for His blessings and we thank all of you who faithfully prayed for us during this time.

Now let's join Theresa (The Run-a-round Ranch Report) for the very fun meme:  GOOD FENCES.  You'll see fences of all type from all over the world and have a good time so don't forget to stop by and check it out.

Yesterday after Coleen got home from school we took a walk up the block from our place and discovered some wonderful and delightful fences paired with gorgeous flowers.  I hope you enjoy them as much as we did.

This one sits across the street from us.  The house is for sale but the grounds have been kept up so nicely even though the place is vacant.  The tulips look so pretty against the weathered wooden fence.

What a lovely yard this was.  The split rail fence looks nice and the back ground flowers just added to the charm of this wonderful yard.

This fence was a copper colored metal fence with a string of lights around it and darling arbors.  The flowers were equisite here.  I'll be sharing pictures (close-ups) of those tulips in the background tomorrow so be sure to check back.

So there you have it some fabulous spring flowes and fences to show them off.  -  Have a great day.


  1. some lovely places in your neighborhood, made especially pretty with the spring blooms. glad everyone is doing well!

  2. I love all of these but the tulips in front of the slates is very lovely! If the house is vacant I'd be over taking so many photos of the tulips. :)
    Looks like you live in a lovely neighborhood - pretty up kept yards.

  3. Some very attractive pictures. I saw the ones on previous posts; also attractive. I like a fence that is weathered a bit.

    I wanted to thank you for your kind sympathies on the death of my Tungsten. She was my orange heart.

  4. Beautiful fences and tulips!
    Wishing to you and your family a very joyful Easter!

  5. What pretty fences and spring flowers!

    So glad your husband is feeling better!

  6. those tulips are so beautiful and against the rugged wood or perfect. the middle photo is gorgeous... i would love to walk that neighborhood.

  7. I really enjoyed your pictures today. We are probably another couple weeks away from all the beautiful spring flowers.

  8. Oh...tulips...LOVE them! Great fences too. I absolutely love the watercolor effect on your lovely header too! Happy Easter!

  9. Pretty spring shots :)
    Love the second picture a lot :))
    Happy Easter to you!

  10. They are pretty yards and fences. The tulips and flowers are pretty. Great shots! Happy Easter to you and your family!

  11. great set of fences, thanks for showing

  12. i love tulips ...just picked up some from the store the other day. so pretty. so many amazing colors!! happy Thursday! hope you are doing well today. ( :

  13. Hi Ida,
    What wonderful fence photos. I'm beginning to understand the phrase 'good fences'.

  14. Love your fences and the tulips - nice work!! And Happy Easter.

  15. I'm loving everyone's tulip photos! Glad you have some blooming where you live too.

  16. Fences and flowers always make a good combination, don't you think? Lovely pictures, Ida. I like that yard as well!

  17. wow. I love the fence in the second shot. So simple and gorgeous :)

  18. It's a lovely area already and things haven't even begun to blossom yet! It will be beautiful.

  19. The fences are nice and with the flowers they are great.

  20. That first fence is seriously orderly! Love the selection of three disparate but lovely styles.

  21. Those are beautiful fences! They inspire me because I am planning to do some cute fences in my gardens this year.
    So glad to hear you and your family are feeling better. Hugs to you...

  22. Mmmmmmmmmm, visiting here today was like hitting the jackpot. Such beautiful images.

  23. I agree that the tulips are lovely along the fence, what great colors! The split rail fence is awesome.

  24. Beautiful fences and flowers! I'm happy to hear you and your husband are feeling better - hopefully your mom will get rid of her cough, soon!

  25. Beautiful. I love the tulips.

  26. So thankful for answered prayers for you, your mom and husband. What pretty fences/flowers this weekend. I love tulips! Happy Easter to you all.

  27. I love that first shot with the tulips!

  28. Absolutely, Gorgeous! I love the tulips...just wish they bloomed longer. These photos are definitely SPRING.

  29. I am so sorry you and your family have had ill health and am glad that the three of you are recovering. Your photos are delightful Ida, if I were feeling ill these would definitely cheer me. Here's to everyone's good health.

  30. Ida,
    With a green yard and beautiful blooming tulips spring has sprung in your area.

    Glad you are feeling better and hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend.

  31. Hi Ida, so glad to read you are feeling better and also your hubby is doing good and going back to work. I am sure that is an answer to pray. So happy your mom is doing better too.
    Lovely fences and flowers. Your photos are beautiful.
    Happy Easter and God Bless

  32. I`m glad you are all feeling better. Health issues can be so draining. Your tulips in front of the fence are beautiful.

    Happy Easter!

  33. Yes, lovely fences, and it's hard to make a choice:) Thanks for coming to my blog, and have a wonderful Easter!

  34. Beautiful fences on your stroll Ida!
    Spring has well and truly arrived in your neck of the woods - it must have lifted your heart!

  35. It's so nice to see the spring flowers, finally!

  36. Dearest Ida; What a Beautiful with lots of sweet tulips and charming fences♡♡♡ Cannot believe the place is vacant and for sale :-)

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*

  37. I commented on this yesterday, and don't see it here. i came to tell you when you send me and email or if i try to reply to your comments it always comes back failled, invalid email. i can't email you at all or reply to your comments on my post

  38. A beautiful tulip bed and some excellent fences. I like the fences that look hand carved. A fine post.

  39. Such beauty!

    I was ready for Spring.

  40. love the split rail fence - I'd definitely love something like that. it wouldn't give us much privacy from our neighbours though.

    but the copper one is gorgeous, and I definitely want a closer peek in those gardens. I cannot wait for Spring!

  41. ooooo, you guys are way ahead of us!! someone sure does have a beautiful yard. i am hoping for the same as the hubs planted 300 new bulbs last fall!!!

    love, love, love your new header and that just happens to be my favorite color!!!!!!

  42. I love little green houses like that!! Pretty place!

  43. So glad you are all feeling better. The pictures you shared are so pretty and springy! We are going to get some rain the next few days, so that should help things start greening up and looking better.

  44. Hi, Ida! I was unable to leave a comment on your blog for a while, so I'm a little behind. Then LuLu got sick and now I'm way behind, but I have enjoyed my visit today and all your beautiful photos. I hope you had a nice Easter.


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