Thursday, April 16, 2015

Good Fences #56 (Let the Sun Shine In)

Hello!  Hope you are all enjoying a wonderful day.
It's sunny here today (Hooray) and I'm enjoying that.

So let's have some fun by joining Theresa (The Run-a-round Ranch Report) for GOOD FENCES.

In honor of the sun shining here today I'm sharing a fence that I took photos of sometime last fall.    I'd never seen this pattern before on a fence and I really liked it.  I do believe that Debbie (It's All About Purple) featured this fence pattern HERE back in 2014 and I remember thinking then, Oh darn now mine won't be as cool.  But you know that's silly because it's not a competition to see who has the coolest fence so today I'm sharing my Sun Fence shots.

 You can see the leaves in the yard indicating that it was fall but the sun was out and shining that day just as it is today.

And a closer look at the sun in the fence pattern.

Have a sun shine day!


  1. so darn cool! it IS the same as debbie's! :) thanks for sharing it!

  2. i am glad you shared it, i have never seen one of these before.. and your photos are really really beautiful. i love the bokeh effect

  3. Thanks for sharing as it really is an unusual fence and perfect to share on a sunny day!

  4. That's a very cool fence! If I were in need of a fence, I might try to find one like it. Fortunately, I don't need a fence.

  5. What a lovely fence! So glad you are getting some sunshine is raining here...but we need it badly, so it's all good! :)

  6. I love this fence and it is great theway as we see each shot, we get a close up of part of it.

  7. That is such a beautiful pattern! I love it. The sun with the swirl in it is just gorgeous. Thank you for showing it to us!

  8. I have never seen this design...and I so love it. Really like the second view...

  9. Now that's a real spiffy looking fence Ida, lovely with the sun design on it. There is no fencing around our yard, except on one neighbor's side but if I could I would get something like this. I think it's special. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my pet hospital mural. Have a great day :)

  10. Hi Ida, Nice work on these fences. Very good for Good Fences!

  11. It's been raining all week here in Tennessee so I'll take the sun anyway I can get it. Lovely fence, Ida! And thank you for stopping by my site.
    Have a great weekend!

  12. Hello Ida, it is a neat design, I love the pretty sun pattern.. Great shots, have a happy day!

  13. The angle and close-up in your photos make them uniquely yours. Very nice with the bright sunshine.

  14. I love how you captured the scrolling in the fence.

  15. You're so good in finding the most beautiful fences! It represents the season:)

  16. great fence, nice bit of ironwork.


  17. Like this fence pattern so much.

  18. I like it a lot! Haven't seen such a pattern before.

  19. Neat sun design. Sets off the fence nicely. Thanks for sharing.

  20. pretty, intricate, and one of my favorites...wrought iron!!!

  21. Oh goodness yes let the sun keep shining in! Great style to this fencing, I like it.

  22. Love the little sun in the fence, makes the wrought iron softer and fun.

  23. You've done such a lovely job, Ida!

    ALOHA from Honolulu,

  24. Beautiful old fence. The second photo down is my favorite.
    I don't think I've ever seen that pattern before either.

  25. That's awesome! Love the sun circles!

  26. How nice to take the time to look at the the sun! And I love your watercolor banner! Beautiful for Spring! Hugs, Diane

  27. Wow, I would love to have that fence! Great sun pattern.

  28. You know what I found really interesting? In the close up of the sun the centre swirl is actually a koru, the Maori symbol for new beginnings. I wonder if a New Zealander had a hand in designing the fence?


  29. Hi Ida, what an incredible fence with the sun detail in the centerpiece.
    So glad you shared this because I had not seen it and appreciate your post.
    Wishing you a lovely evening.
    Hugs, CM

  30. Oh how neat!!...looks like a lot of work went into making this fence. Great conversation piece as well...
    Hope your day has been a good one..

  31. What a stunning fence!

    I hope my photography becomes as good as yours.

  32. That's an attractive fence.

  33. I really like the detail on this fence.Sunshine makes me happy. We didn't have much today.

  34. Beautiful fence! I'm glad you shared it. I'm telling you, you have the best fences in your area!

  35. Beautiful designs on the fence. Have a wonderful weekend.

  36. Hello Ida!:) This is a lovely decorative fence with quite an unusual sun motive.

  37. What a lovely, cheerful design. It looks like it's been really well made too: nice and sturdy, but pretty all at the same time. Have a super weekend, Bonny

  38. i thought you were talking about a different debbie but it is the same....i would not have remembered!!!

    it's a cool fence and i guess it's popular!!!!

  39. I can only imagine how labor intensive this fence was which makes it all the more remarkable!!! Have a grand day!

  40. That is is cool fence with a beautifully made design. I am happy I was able to swing by. Have a nice weekend and I always enjoy seeing you everywhere.

  41. Very pretty! I love ironwork design!

  42. I'd like to meet the people who choose a sunshine fence. I'm sure it has brought smiles to many passersby.

  43. Dearest Ida; Oh, How cool this fence is with the sun shape patterns♪ I smiled the way you said 'not a competition' as I feel a bit of jealous as well as the admiration when I found the fence I love p:-)

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  44. That is a great fence!

  45. Oh I love that sun detail - it's beautiful! a very cool fence.

    I had taken shots of my mom's fence and garden for this week, but then a stupid migraine hit and I missed the link up while I was whimpering in the dark. :)
    next week!

  46. What an unusual and wonderful fence! I love the ironwork.

  47. I really like this with the sun decoration. We're getting our share of spring showers here today!!

  48. VERY lovely fence! I like the sunshine spiral in the center.


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