Friday, April 17, 2015

Willy-Nilly Friday Five, Cats & Captions, Six Words & some Fill-In Fun.

Joining several memes here today. (Feline Friday, Follow Friday For Fill In Fun, Six Word Friday, Willy Nilly Friday FivePlease read the whole post to find the meme your are looking for.

Happy Friday! - It made me feel happy to know that Tanya (Around Roanoke) was back this week for Willy-Nilly Friday Five.

So let's get started....

1.  While out and about on one of our walks Coleen & I spotted this man with his dog delivering the newspaper.  - I asked him if I could take their photo and he said yes.  I wish I could recall what his name & his dog's name are but the memory isn't what it use to be.  I just thought it was fun that he took his dog along to deliver the paper.

2. My mom & I went for a short walk around the block earlier this week.  On the way I spotted some Shaggy Mane Mushrooms in a neighbor's flower bed.  Thankfully she only lives 2 houses from us so I was able to go back and get the camera to snap a picture.  These are pretty tasty mushrooms.

3. We woke up to this on Tuesday.  Thank goodness it was only on the foothills and higher elevations of the mountains.  I drove out in the afternoon to get this shot.  I love how it shows the green fields and the snow covered mountains together.  Plus apparently someone is building a new home there in the valley.
4.  My hubby has the weirdest sense of humor.  I discovered something on the kitchen counter the other morning.  Due to bad lighting I took it outside to get a better photograph.  So what did I find?.....
 A Yam that had sprouted on the counter.  He got artistic with it.  Speaking of artistic....Check out this artist and what he does with a typewriter.

Now that is amazing!

5.  It's time for my weekly feature I'm calling Caption This.

Before I show this weeks photo here is last weeks photo with the winning caption contributed by Theresa (aka TexWiseGirl) from The Run-a-round Ranch Report.

Thanks Theresa for playing along.

Here is this weeks photo:  Please play along and have fun with this.  You have until midnight PST on Thursday the 23rd to leave a caption for this photo.

So for Feline Friday and Six Word Friday (This weeks word was, Collect) I give you this photo:

                                    Collect Your Thoughts.....Take a Nap!

Shot this little fur ball at the Humane Society taking a nap last week. 


Also joining Hilary (Feeling Beachie) For some Fill-In Fun.
The statements:
  1. If I _______________I’d change ____________
  2. I’d rather __________ some where than ___________
  3. Seeing_____ makes me_______.
  4. Could you still______ after______
My Answers:

1.  If I could turn back time I'd change probably nothing because God has had a purpose for everything that has happened in my life.
So that's it for this week. I hope you've enjoyed stopping by.

2.  I'd rather read a good book somewhere than a boring book anywhere.

3.  Seeing flowers in spring makes me happy and tired as I have to start yard work to keep them looking nice.

4.  Could you still eat something after it made you sick once?  My hubby won't eat fudge after eating a lot of it as a kid and getting sick on it.

That's it for today. I hope you've enjoyed all the fun and will visit each of the memes to check out the other participants.


  1. thanks for the win, ida! i'm fresh out for this week, though. :)

    the snow on the mountains is pretty. and the happy yam is cute, too. i like that the fellow takes his pup for company on his route.

  2. Hello Ida, I love the cute puppy dog on the bike.. And the view of the snow covered mountains is beautiful. Love the artsy yam. Have a happy weekend!

  3. Nice post that typewriter artist is amazing

    Have a typetastic weekend :-)

  4. Loved the video. Amazing.

    The kitty taking a nap is adorable.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday. ☺

  5. Well, my memory is no better than yours. I forgot to enter in your caption contest. I like the one you chose though. Great shot of the guy and the dog! And I love seeing the cat...always. Have a great weekend!

  6. I do love the windex comment, it is perfect. that first shot is beautiful, browns into greens into blues and white and into sky blue. all the colors of nature. cute dog delivering papers and mother always had a sweet tater vine in her windows

  7. Oh, Ida, I always love reading your Tex's caption!

    Love your hubby's artwork....made me giggle.

    Love that cat interesting post. I totally forgot the Friday 5 and wish I could remember the fill-in thing one time.

  8. First off your banner is GREAT!
    #1 He looks like me, but he's skinny. I had a paper route as a kid.
    #2 I'll stick to mushrooms from the store thank you.
    #3 Altitude sure makes a big difference.
    #4 This give a whole new meaning to "Mr. Potato Head."
    #5 I aslo saw this recently...amazing.
    Tom The Backroads Traveller

  9. That yam is hilarious! What a witty impulse...! Kitty looks pretty comfortable taking that nap!

    Have a furry and fun-filled weekend!


  10. How funny is that man with his dog! Have a great weekend.

  11. Feline Friday? That's a new one. I need to check it out though since I am a cat person. Great pictures!

  12. I laughed out loud over your hubby's drawing...tooo cute.

  13. That shot of the snow in the mountains is wonderful - someone is going to have a fabulous view when that house is done! The mushrooms are interesting and your hubby's sweet potato made me laugh out loud! That sweet man on the typewriter is so talented. I have seen his story on the news recently. The human spirit is so amazing! xo Karen

  14. This is the place to come for all kinds of challenges. I shall be back!

  15. I can't eat something that made me sick for about 10 years… then I am able too...

  16. Love the picture of the guy and his dog delivering papers. Don't know what to say about the character on the tree. Great post. You all have a great week end.

  17. Really nice post! Love your photos.

  18. Yes, a nice way to walk the dog on bike, I love these pictures!

  19. Oh, I loved all your photos and messages that went with. Theresa really hit the nail on the head when she captioned your photo! This weeks photo? I don't know...maybe "I'm watching"

    Have a blessed week!

  20. That new home being built sure will have an awesome view. Hope you all will enjoy the weekend.

  21. Gosh this was so much fun, great wisdom, photos and video too.

  22. Love your post! Each part of it was so interesting...but your video share of the typewriter artist really moved me! And I couldn't think of a darn thing to caption the metal woodpecker photo! :-(

  23. The man and his dog is a great shot. Also liked the kitty.

    My caption for your post: "If only I could bend my knees">

  24. I love the man and his dog delivering the newspapers. I think the dog must love it!

  25. I've never seen (to my knowledge) Shaggy Mane Mushrooms before. Tasty? I don't know if I'd eat a wild mushroom. It sounds scary but you do seem to know what it is so I guess it must be safe. ;)

  26. You two just have way too much fun there Ida! ;>).... that yam man is darn cute. Thanks for a fun post, lots of smiles. Tex did write the most perfect caption. Can't wait to see what your creative readers do with the new one.

  27. I wish thoughts would come to me while I nap....they tend to disappear!

  28. An award for you...

  29. Your view is incredibly beautiful, the snow really adds so much to the image!!

    I have no caption for your image....sorry, I'm not clever like that but I think your husband could come up with something very clever!!

  30. That house in the valley looks quite intriguing, and what a gorgeous view! Your hubby is a fine artist, indeed!

    Have a lovely week, Ida.


  31. i love that he takes his little dog out with him, how sweet and that is an adorable picture of your dog looking through the dirty glass haha...i am laughing at the sweet potato, how funny!! thanks for linking and hope to see you again this friday!

  32. I had to search your mushrooms, as I haven't heard of them before. Guess that's because they don't grow here. Curious about them!
    The Photo reminds me of the Tin Man in Wizard of Oz, so I will say "Oil Can"!


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