Thursday, April 30, 2015

Good Fences #58 - This one is for you "guys" out there.

Hello and Welcome!

Before I get started with today's post I'd want to let everyone know that our e-mail program is having issues and I am not able to send e-mails at this time.  It also makes it harder for me to visit your blogs because I'm having to view your blog posts in a different program that I'm not familiar with.  I will do my best to visit & comment on posts though.  Just wanted to give you a heads up in case you wonder why I haven't been by your blogs.

Okay let's join Theresa (The Run-a-round Ranch Report) for:

I'm driving around the other day looking for new fences to share and I found several that I will post in the future.  On my way back home I happened to spot a fence with a cool gate so I just had to stop and take a couple of photos to share.   Later when I decided to show Coleen the gate it took me 45 minutes to locate the property again as I couldn't seem to remember the exact location of the house!  Next time I'll write the address down.

Click to enlarge:

This one shows the gate but also all the (stuff) in the background so it sort of distracts from the actual gate.

A much better view don't you think.

Finally a close-up of the rider.

There was fencing around the home but it was all the black wrought iron like the gate so I didn't take photos of that.  I was more excited about the gate since my hubby rides a Harley.  I thought he would enjoy seeing this gate (and he did).  I hope you do as well.

Enjoy your day.


  1. Hi Ida,
    That's one very cool gate - never seen nothing like this before!
    Have a Beautiful Day!
    Peace :)

  2. Never have been a biker lady, for sure. There are so many here around Fredericksburg...ladies and guys.

  3. WOW! That is a fabulous gate with the moterbike on it.

  4. Wow, that is a cool looking gate. Neat looking motorcycle and rider.. Great find.. Have a happy day!

  5. Well this is something I haven't see before. My wife likes Harleys.

  6. Wow! Now that's a great fence. I have a neighbour with a Harley and I am sure he would love to have this at the foot of his drive. Take care x

  7. Very cool! The guys in my house would really appreciate having gates like this!

  8. hubby would like to have this gate just ot stand it up and look at it as a decoration. this is really a special gate.

  9. Lemme guess, the owner of the house loves bikes?

    Emma and Buster

  10. Pretty neat gate for motorcycle lovers.

  11. What a funky fence:) Don't worry, you'll get used to your new program -I know that panicky and frustrated feeling, not being able to blog like you used to. Have a great weekend!

  12. That is a very cool gate! What a design, they must be like motorcycles too! They have a lot of boy toys in the first photo, and heavy duty equipment!

  13. I thought of your husband as soon as I saw this unique gate.

  14. I am sorry you have been problem with you e-mail... I hope all will be ok soon.

    Amazing fences!
    Thanks for sharing!

  15. i love the motorcycle!! way cool. ( :

  16. That is very cool! You will have to get one for your husband.

  17. What a neat fence. It looks three dimensional.

  18. Never saw a fence with a motorcycle on the gate. Someone had a great idea.

  19. How wonderfully unique. I'm glad you spotted this to share with us.

  20. What a great find! So unique.

  21. What a very cool gate you found here! This is very special - you could make a Father's Day card out of this photo.

  22. Ha! That's a serious guy toy fence for sure, although I know some gals who love their Harleys!

  23. Hi Ida, what an interesting gate with the design. You captured some great pics. Sorry about your email troubles. Hope all gets fixed soon for you. Thank you for stopping by and your kind comment.
    Have a nice evening, CM

  24. That is a neat gate! Thanks for your visit.

  25. That's a great fence Ida, and so are your photos.

  26. You found yourself a great gate. I love how owners of properties do stuff like that.

  27. Oh boo to the email program!! hopefully it gets sorted out soon. Mine keeps giving me everything twice!! Ugh.. takes awhile to sort it all out.

    LOVE this gate! I don't even have a Harley or a bike and neither does my husband, but I love bikes. very coo

  28. Whoa, that is a neat piece of iron! Any motorcycle lover would love that gate!! Thanks for entering in my drawing Ida!

  29. that must be "one of a kind" gate! Nice!

  30. That is a great gate!

  31. What a great gate! My husband would love to have one like this. He's a bit nuts about motor bikes. All the best, Bonny

  32. My husband would love to have this gate at the top of our drive! Hope your email program is cooperating again.


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