Thursday, April 30, 2015

My heart is breaking

It hurts me so much to put this news on my blog but I know it must be done.

Sadly tonight our sweet Eric (the cat) was hit by a car in front of our house.  This happened just about an hour before we normally would have brought him inside for the night.  Poor Coleen had went outside for something and saw him lying in the street.  There was nothing that could be done as he was already gone.  I quickly picked up his bloody/limp body out of the street and we buried him with a special blanket that he enjoyed laying on in the winter. 

It hurts our hearts so much that his life ended so tragically.  The horrible part is had he been our cat from the very start he would "never" have been raised as an outdoor/indoor cat. 

Please people if you own cats and live in the city keep them inside.  His other owners loved him as much as we did and tried to keep him inside as much as possible but he seemed to love being outside.

To anyone who may hit a cat (God forbid) but if you do, Please do the owners the courtesy of at least trying to find out who owned the cat and move the cat out of the street.  I am at least thankful I got his body off the street before people just continued to run over it.

We will truly miss his gentle sweet soul.

This was one of the last photo's I took of him about 2 days ago when he was inside for the night.

Below is a collage I took of him playing with a paper towel roll.

I feel horrible tonight and I know it will be sometime before the pain of his loss eases but everyone who knows me or stops by this blog knows how much I loved him and how much joy he brought into our lives from the very first time we met him.

Rest in Peace Eric.


  1. Oh no! So sorry for your loss. Hugs and head butts from us.

    Emma and Buster

  2. oooooo Ida, this was so very difficult to read. I am so very pained to know that someone left him in the street for Colleen to find. It breaks my heart to think of that, hug her extra tight tonight....she will hug you back and that will feel awesome!!

  3. So sorry for your loss. So tragic that his life had to end this way.

  4. Oh Ida, I'm sorry for the loss of your dear Eric.

  5. Oh, Ida, my heart is breaking for you. Eric was so beautiful and I know you loved him and were trying to give him a good home. It infuriates me that a cat's life is so small to many people that they are left discarded in the road when this happens. Rich and I both share your pain. I'm so sorry.

  6. So very sorry to read your sad news Ida. Sending hugs xx

  7. He was a beautiful cat. So sorry for your family's loss.

  8. I am so very sorry. My heart just breaks for you and Coleen. xoxo

  9. Hello. Invite you to watch my new photographs on the blog. Have a nice weekend.

  10. So sorry.
    Hugs and prayers to you and family

  11. We are so very sorry for your loss. It is so very tragic when this happens. The dangers are endless for an outdoor cat, including traffic, other animals and predators such as man. You are very right about that. We are so very sorry for Eric. Peace.

  12. Hello Ida, I am so sorry about Eric..My thoughts go out to you and Coleen. I know how hard it is to have our pets leave us, after losing my Goldie Girl. Beautiful photos of Eric..

  13. I am so sorry to read this and know the pain that you are suffering right now having just lost my darling dog. The pain is unbearable and thoughts are filled with the spaces they have left behind, sounds and smells. It is incredibly hard and please know that you are very much in my thoughts and hugs are sent to you over the seas. Thinking of you and your family xx

  14. Oh, poor Eric! So sad - (have no words) :-(

  15. I am so deeply, deeply sorry. Thank you for saying that if he had been your cat from the start, he wouldn't have been an indoor/outdoor cat.

    I am terribly sorry. What a gorgeous cat. My heart breaks for you.

  16. i am so very very sorry to hear this. he was so beautiful and a sweet friendly cat. Cats should not live outdoors unless in the country but even then things like this happen. my heart hurts for Eric and for you

  17. i'm very sorry. i know you not so recently just officially 'adopted' him after he chose to adopt you. he was a beauty.

  18. So sad for you. Pets can win your heart over, then it is broken when they pass.

  19. Hi Ida, I looked at the photos before reading your opening ... what a sweet kitty and so sad to hear what happened. Losing a sweet pet is so hard ... so sorry for you. Take care Ida.

  20. I am so sorry for your loss!!! We lost our Sam about a year ago. He had a blood clot that caused paralysis. It was such a shock. Loved his independence and his determination. And yes, there is emptiness. Since then we got Simba and Nala and the joy of the playful, independent, and self reliant cat is again in our midst. Wishing you well...

  21. Ida, I'm typing this with tears in my eyes for the loss off darling Eric. As soon as I saw the picture of him in the leaves at the end of your post, I thought: that's Eric in Glory Land! The Lord Jesus has redeemed all of His creation. All of it. I have told Him many times I will know I have Arrived when I see my beloved cats waiting for me at the Gate. With Eric.
    Love, Maureen

  22. Very delighted to see these photos!
    What a patient subject you have, Ida. Not just very photogenic, but also a great poser :)
    Happy Weekend!
    Peace :)

  23. My deepest condolences. Your photos show the love you shared. SO sorry, dear Ida. I am crying with you too-

    ALOHA from Honolulu,

  24. Ida I am so very sorry. It hurts so to lose a beloved pet always under any circumstances, but that way ...oh how I wish I knew better words to use.

    Just please know we are thinking of all of you.

  25. So sorry for your heartbreaking loss, Ida. I know how much you love your furry kids.

  26. Oh no!! I am so sorry you have lost such a sweet soul! my heart hurts for you.
    and boo to drivers not paying attention!!
    Our Cashew is meowing like crazy at our doors with the arrival of Spring: wanted OUT. We do put him out on a lead line and harness so the gets fresh air. Because I would be so nervous that he would be hit as well if we let him free.
    My thoughts are with you. Hugs!

  27. I am so sorry that your precious cat died. Love you guys! Make sure to give the cats you still have extra hugs.

  28. I am so sorry about you precious cat. I love you all! Please give the cats you still have extra hugs.

  29. So sorry to see this, Ida. I know how sad it is to have this happen. Thoughts and hugs to you and family.

  30. Oh, that's so sad. I'm sorry this happened. He was a real beauty.

  31. I am so so sorry for your loss. :( We lost a beloved family pet this week too, my sweet Penny girl, our English Setter. It is always heartbreaking to lose a furry loved one.

  32. Oh, Ida... My heart breaks for you, sweet one. So so sad. This news has me in tears for both you and your precious Eric.
    What a disappointment that who ever hit him didn't even have the decency to take care of what he did. What's wrong with people!?
    May the Lord fill you with His comfort and peace at this time. You will miss him always as he was your family.
    I love the photo of him in the bright fall leaves. Awesome picture!!

    Much love and hugs to you,

  33. So, so is so painful to lose a precious pet. I know your heart is so heavy and you have my prayers right now. Blessings, sweet friend.

  34. I'm so sorry, Ida. Poor Colleen. It must have been awful for her to find him. Your beautiful photos of him will eventually bring back memories of the happy life he had with you, feeling loved and secure.

  35. so sorry. thinking of you all. sending lots of big big hugs. ( :

  36. I am so terribly sorry about Eric. I lost a cat to cancer just over a week ago and it still seems surreal that she is not walking around my house. My deepest sympathies on your loss.

  37. Oh, Ida, I can't believe I am just now seeing this. I have been a bit scattered in my blogging though.

    I am so sorry for your loss...I do know how you feel.

  38. I am so sorry for your loss.

  39. my sincere condolences on the loss of your sweet and handsome kitty. This is such sad sad news. So hard to lose them. And so hard to say good bye. In time you will feel the loss less....but you will never forget him and the love he brought into your heart and your home. What a gorgeous kitty he was, and I am so thankful he brought you so much fun and joy.

  40. Oh, I'm so sorry to read this! What a sad post!

  41. oh Ida...tears in my eyes right now. I too will miss seeing his photographs on your blog. I am so sorry .

  42. Ida,
    I am terribly sorry to hear of your loss.
    RIP - Eric!
    Our heartfelt condolences!
    Chandra, T and the Fur-kids

  43. Dear Ida, I'm so very sorry to hear about Eric. He was absolutely gorgeous, and I know from bitter experience just how painful it is to lose a much-loved pet. How tragic that he should have met his end in the way in which he did. There's nothing that can be said to make you feel better, but you're in my thoughts and I hope that the sadness eases off soon. With my very best wishes, Bonny

  44. This is my first visit and I'm in time to offer my sympathy. I know the pain of losing a beloved pet.

  45. Blessings....
    so sorry for your lost.
    He seem to have quite the personality...
    thus all he gave will be with you always, that is what eternity is.

    stay blessed and focus on the gift of love you were given.


  46. Oh nooo, I am so sorry for your loss, Ida. Eric was such a beautiful cat. You caught some gorgeous photos of him.
    I - unfortunately - know what it means to loose ones pet to a car accident, it is tough. And you will never forget. But it does get easier. At the very least you have got wonderful photos to remember him by.

  47. He was such a beautiful cat. I am so sorry to hear of his passing.

  48. Oh no.... I am so very sorry to read this. I will have to come back and see more of the photo's you posted later... To many tears for dear Eric right now. He was loved by many, near and far.

  49. I am so sorry about your sweet Eric. May the memories of all the joy he gave you throughout his life give you peace.

  50. I'm so sorry, Ida. What a terrible day that must have been.

  51. He's such an amazingly beautiful cat. I'm very, very sorry for this loss. our pets draw so much love from us, and a massive hole is left when they die. And somehow we don't get to grieve them the same way in our culture as other deaths, which makes it harder! May you be comforted.


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