Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Ducky Derby Disappointment

Welcome. - As promised I'm sharing photos from this years annual Ducky Derby Race. 

We arrived shortly after the event started only to learn that they would not be launching the ducks down Mill Creek for the race as normal.  Apparently the sponsors of the race felt there was not enough current in the creek where the ducks are normally released for them to float down stream in a "timely" manner.  Instead they decided to just dump them in a field and have someone fish through the ducks to draw out the winners.  Needless to say we weren't to thrilled about that news but decided to stick around anyway.

The event is sponsored by a local bank and all the proceeds go towards prevention of Child Abuse.

The Grand Prize was this car or $10,000 in cash.  - There were other prize packages available as well.

A couple of the large inflatable ducks.  These ducks are placed on building around town prior to the race to advertise the race and encourage people to purchase ducks.

Coleen and "Izzy the Camel" - A kid was feeding him carrots and right after I took this shot Izzy swung his head and bopped Coleen in the head.  Thankfully she wasn't hurt, just startled.

We wandered around for awhile and then decided to get some of the .25 cent hotdogs and free drinks to enjoy while we waited for them to dump the ducks. (Coleen and her mom, Greta).

I managed to get Coleen to pose with "Splash" the mascot for the new Haggens store (they took over our local Alberston's last month).  Would you believe some lady was walking by with her kid and said,  "Look at that Bear!"  -  Splash is actually supposed to be an otter.  We laughed at her comment because seriously have you ever seen a bear look anything like this?

The ducks being dumped into the field.

The guy fishing through the pile to pull out winning ducks.  - I know just not much of a race if you ask me. 

Some of the pile up close.

Splash jumped into the pile and started throwing ducks in the air.  That was about the most exciting thing about the race this year.

A shot of part of the crowd taking in the event.

This is about the only duck (I think this is a duck) that we saw floating down Mill Creek at the race this year. -  Sadly none of the 5 ducks I purchased for $20 won the race or should I say the "non-race" this year.

Oh well....there is always next year!


  1. they at least needed a kiddie pool and a big fan. :)

  2. Looks like a fun event. Cute photos of Coleen, Mom and the ducks. Sorry your ducks were not the winner, maybe next time! Enjoy your day!

  3. after seeing all the flooding in Texas on TV it might be a good thing your creek did not have enough water, though i know it had to be disapointing. i would be happy with the real camel and the mascot camel. i bet getting walloped by camel was a big surprise. looks like fun to me

  4. It must have been a great disappointment for many who turned up for the race that day! Anyway, there is always next year to look forward to. Have a nice day!

  5. Thank goodness Splash jumped in to liven things up!

  6. Ida,
    I remember your post about last year's duck race.
    I too think that format for the race was the cooler one.
    I liked the bright colored photos though.
    Have a Beautiful Day!
    Peace :)

  7. Izzy's cute. We have one of those duck derbies in the Ohio River. Dumping them in a field just doesn't seem right.

  8. Yes, it looks like a bit of a non-race, but a good excuse for a day out anyway I reckon. Love your photos.

  9. I've seen this event as a "duck race" down the river.

  10. Hi Ida,
    When I got to the photo of the pile o' dux, I said to myself, "You are kidding me."
    Good grief.
    :) m & jb

  11. so incredibly fun, i remember this from last year!! colleen is getting so big and she looks good!! i'll have two twenty five cent hot dogs!!!!!

  12. well that's supremely disappointing! I love watching all the ducks go down our river when my town does the duck race. that's the point of it - the ducks race.
    sorry you didn't get a winner. maybe all will be winning next year.


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