Thursday, May 28, 2015

Good Fences #62 - A Sun Dog Fence

Welcome! - It's time to join Theresa (The Run-a-round Ranch Report) for GOOD FENCES.

It's such a fun meme.  You just post any photo that includes a fence in the shot.  You'd be surprised and delighted at the different fence shots everyone posts so be sure to stop by and check it out.

Does anyone remember this fence post in October of 2014?

Well I recently revisited that area and happened to spot something that I thought was pretty cool looking.

This Sun figure was mounted to a back fence against a storage shed.  You can see the Wrought Iron fence (blurred) in the foreground of the photo.
I took this photo in March and then decided I wanted some better photos so I went back in April and captured the following:

While there I was greeted by a friendly (?) dog.

Here he is checking me out.

He's getting closer and he looks a little "peeved" that I'm standing in the alley taking pictures.

Finally he seems to be mellowing out and is looking in the direction of the sun that is mounted on the fence.  - I like this shot because is shows the wrought iron fencing up close and also in the background of the shot.

Mr. Dog was happy when I moved on down the alley and left him to enjoy a nice spring day in peace.

Have a great day & be sure to go check out all the other fabulous fence posts.


  1. sweet lab! i like the wrought iron fence. not sure i'd want that face on my fence. :)

  2. wow, i love all of these photos, each and every one... i love the first one a lot..

  3. Nice fence! The dog looks like a lab. They're usually ultra friendly. That sun is quite a conversation piece. It might creep me out if I were walking past late evening, though. :-)

  4. Great photos Ida, the dog ones are so pretty and the face on the wall that's quite a find. Have a great weekend :)

  5. a very cool fence face and a very protective dog, it seems!!!!

  6. Love the face in the fence, wonder if the dog wants to be on the other side!

  7. You have a great talent in capturing this fence from different angles:) My favorite is with the doggie behind it!

  8. Hello Ida, nice fence and post. I love the cute Labrador. It looks like my old dog Sunshine. Enjoy your day!

  9. Hey Ida,
    I also notice there's some thin wire barrier fencing along the bottom of the wright iron.
    To keep a cat in or out? To keep little kid's hands from petting the dog? I wonder.
    I have to say I find the sun face a little creepy. Oh well!
    :) m & jb

  10. I like the sun face- very cool. Nice fence too, and the dog was definitely checking you out.

  11. I definitely liked the dog inside the fence than that face!

  12. He takes his guard dog duties seriously! Nice shots of the fence and what a cool sun face! It really looks as if the owner had his face cast and set to make it very personal!
    Enjoy your day !

  13. Great fence presentation. Now that fellow was having a bad day with a face like that.

  14. Well the dog has a more pleasant face than that sun figure! The fence is very nice...

  15. That's a nice-looking fence.

  16. The sun figure is very cool! Nice iron fence, too!

  17. Ah......cute, cute photos!! each and every one of them. lots of things to be seen in each one. Have a delightful Friday..

  18. Hi Ida, you captured some great fence shots and the sun face is very unique with that expression. I have not seen one like it. The dog is a beauty.
    Thanks for sharing. Have a great rest of the week and weekend ahead.

  19. Maybe the dog wanted rescued from the sun figure---a bit scary looking.

  20. That is a nice fence. I'm nice too sure about that face though!

  21. A very remarkable find, Ida! I love your photos of the Sun Face and the dogo.
    The fence shots are very nice also.
    The face and the dogo top it all :)

    Have a Beautiful Day!
    Peace :)

  22. Wow, that is one incredible work of art! All your fence photos are quite interesting, and pretty flowers and such a sweet pup!

  23. Love the wrought iron! What an interesting "yard art" face...or barn goblin, or whatever. :-)

  24. Cool ornament on the fence of the face. Cute dog.

  25. Hmm, he looks like a nice doggy.

  26. Fabulous! The dog looks quite friendly. Probably just curious.

  27. I am pretty sure I remember the fence! The face sure had lots of character! Pretty cool! I don't know much about dogs but at least he/she wasn't growling at you... maybe just interested in what you were up to... :)

  28. That was a big sun figure! I like the iron wrought fences.

  29. What a pretty dog and he doesn't seem very upset...that's good. I wonder if that sun figure is as big as it looks! Interesting! Love the iron fences, too! Hugs!

  30. Great fence shots and a nice friendly looking Lab. He probably would have licked you to death if you had let him haha.


  31. a double fence to keep the dog in :)

  32. I love this image because my very first thought was: Is the sun squinting?!! because how weird that sun itself would squint from it's own brightness. LOL
    the last image is fantastic with the close up of the fence, the pretty background and your sweet new (sorta) friend.

  33. That sunny face is quite unique. I've never seen a wall ornament like that before. I like the dog shots, too.

  34. The wrought iron fence is lovely, and Mr Sun is wonderful! What a neat idea to have him on the shed.

  35. This is a lovely series of photos. That sun is awfully cheerful.


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