Thursday, May 21, 2015

Good Fences#61 - Scaredy Cat

It's been a bit of a "frustrating" week Internet wise here.  We didn't have any all weekend long so that meant trying to catch up on hundreds of e-mails on Monday.  -  Then today I accidentally deleted all the incoming e-mails from yesterday and the new e-mail program we have doesn't save them like it use to so I've probably missed a bunch of stuff.  If I haven't been by your blog or commented on something you've said on mine please accept my apology.

Let's move on to something much more fun by joining Theresa (The Run-a-round Ranch Report) for GOOD FENCES.

I was out and about with Coleen one afternoon and she spotted something on a fence that she thought was funny.  I didn't have time to get a photo that day and it was a cloudy day anyway so I waited for better conditions and went back to take a couple of photos.

Sometimes it's not the fence but what is on the fence that catches your eye.  In this case a scary "fake" cat.  These people seem a bit (odd) if you ask me.

Here's a close-up of the cat....

Pretty creepy huh?

On the way up to photograph this though I happened upon this sight and quite frankly I like it so much better.

So pretty and so friendly.  It came right up to me and let me pet it too. 

So which cat by a fence do you prefer?

Join in the fun by checking out all the other great fences when you visit Theresa's blog.

Have a great day. 


  1. The scary cat is funny but the real kitty is cute. Great fence shots, Ida! Have a happy day!

  2. Scary cat must have been left out since Halloween! I definitely prefer the tabby cat ! You snapped a pretty shot of it in the long grass with the fence behind
    Enjoy your day!

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog! That black cat is a bit scary looking but the other cat is so cute! Thanks for sharing!

  4. that a weird decoration. have a good one. ( :

  5. I think I prefer the kitty in the grass although the one on the fence wouldn't eat as much!

  6. That is very creepy indeed but sure makes a good fence photo! I like the friendly cat better! haha! Hugs!

  7. The second kitty is much more attractive, although the first one probably gets lots of attention and comments. Some people like these kind of gags, like the face in the tree, etc.

  8. yowch on the first one! hopefully leftover from halloween? :)

  9. They are odd people. Scary.

  10. Yes, the first cat is amusing...but the real cat is very sweet!

  11. Hi Ida,
    The fake cat reminds me of BK, during his temper tantrums. He is a bit old to jump too high these days, but he still tries.

    I like the 2nd cat, who seems calmer. That said, I wouldn't mind helping the first one, if he/she needed me, in spite of the high propensity to get scratched-up and bit-up!

    Great photos of cats and fences!

    Have a Super Day!!
    Peace :)

  12. That that cat is odd. Perhaps a witch lives there! Yes the living cat is much better.

  13. I wonder why someone put a fake cat on this fence? Was it to scare away birds or something? (Inquiring minds want to know!) :)

  14. I've not seen such scaredy! Ekkk!
    Ahhh, look at that cutie, what a sweet looking kitty! Great shot!

  15. omgoodness....kinda' creepy!!!!

  16. i forgot to say how beautiful the last image is!!! i got all caught up in the creepiness!!!!

  17. That cat fence look so drunk! ahahahaha. I am sorry for that email story, i would totally understand.

    Can i just take home that real cat there? i love cats !!!

  18. One thing for a sure, I will take the real cat over that ugly, black thing.

  19. well i don't like cats anyway so i think i prefer the pretend one - great find!

  20. Hi Ida!
    Ok, so that cat on the fence totally creeped me out. Ugh! But, that other one is a Beauty!
    Too bad about all your emails, but it has probably happened to all of us at one time or another. It has certainly happened to me!
    Just glad to see you are back.
    Good evening to you from m & jb :)

  21. Definitely the last photo, it's absolutely perfect. That other cat might be appropriate for someone's Halloween decorations? Thanks for stopping by Ida and have a great weekend.

  22. The 2nd cat is a real beauty!

    That first one looks like something left from Halloween.

  23. Too funny, what a cat! Such a cutie at the end!

  24. What a great post Ida. Love the real cat. The fake cat, not so much.
    Hope your internet works better now. Nothing worse then computer troubles.
    Have a nice holiday weekend.
    Hugs, CM

  25. Dahhh, the live most definitely my favorite... And yes, the other one is creepy! Lol

  26. Yes, the real cat is much better! That fake one is downright weird.

  27. The "cats" gave me a chuckle! I'll go with the second one!

  28. That fake cat is pretty creepy! Great light on that last photo!

  29. Perhaps the scaredy cat is a leftover from Halloween?
    I definitely prefer the real cat. Even though they make me sneeze and wheeze.

  30. That is so freaky is't funny, but the real thing is much nicer.

  31. I prefer the real friendly looking kitty. She is certainly a pretty cat. Great fence shots!

  32. had me for a minute there. When first viewing your photo...I thought that the cat was real and in much distress... This is a good one!!

  33. Oh, the one on the ground...

  34. Ida, that is a very scary fake cat on the fence. Definitely I prefer the real friendly cat anytime and it is so friendly and allow you to pat her.

  35. I really like the real cat better! :-) Nice fence shots, though. So sorry you have been having such computer problems.

  36. strange, odd, creepy, ugly came to mind and why would they want it there. love the real kitty

  37. That's some scary cat all right! Yes, I much prefer the nice one:D)
    Cheers !!

  38. That fake cat is a bit over the line for me. I prefer the real far.

  39. I'm with you. That's a beautiful tabby cat.

  40. Oh, that first picture made me laugh out loud! Hilarious!

  41. Oh my...I do appreciate the real cat a whole lot better! Fun choice for Good fences!

  42. I don't know what to say about scary kitty... Creepy/funny all in one.
    Real kitty is beautiful! You captured her in such a great setting.

  43. um yeah, that black one would definitely creep me out if I was their neighbour. imagine sitting in your garden and having to see that sharing your fenceline!

    the second is so pretty. what a beautiful cat.

    our email is all messed up this month too. that's why it's taking me so long to get around and visit people. ugh. technology: not to be trusted.

  44. I certainly got a chuckle out of the first shot. That last cat is gorgeous!


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