Friday, May 15, 2015

Willy Nilly Time

Happy Friday! - Let's join Tanya (Around Roanoke) for some WILLY-NILLY FRIDAY FIVE fun.

1.  I spotted this piece of Southwestern art in someone's yard and stopped to take a photograph of it.  I think it's pretty cool looking.  I like Southwestern type art so I decided to look around for some on Google and well my mind wandered from one sight to another and eventually I found this place:  It's of course very different art from this piece but I liked it.  On Page 4 is my favorite piece, The Bull Rider.

2.  While out looking for some new fences to share on (Good Fences)  I came across this flowering bush that produces bright orange berries in the fall.  I stopped to take pictures of the blooms and captured this bee.  As I said my mind wanders...and I begin to think about expressions like, "Busy as a Bee." and decided to look up where it came from.  I didn't find that one but I did find some others you might find intersting.  Check them out here:

3.  I've been saving this photo (though I'm not sure why) for some time now.  One night we had "Breakfast for Dinner" and this was my hubby's plate of food.  I would never put ketchup on my eggs.  Of course hubby isn't allowed to eat all this kind of stuff now due to the heart issues but he does indulge in just a little of it now & then.  Like I've mentioned today I'm all over the place with Willy-Nilly stuff and since yesterday as I was at the doctor's I discovered Food Art I'm sharing this website with you.  This lady knows how to have fun with Banana's.
4.  Tomorrow is our annual Ducky Derby race.  I need to go buy my ducks today.  It's all for a good cause but one of these years I'd like for my duck to win the race.  You can check out more about this event here:

A shot from last year of one lone duck making it's way down stream to the finish line.

5. I had put my CAPTION THIS on hold for awhile since not very many were participating.  I'll give it another go around here today.  Here is this weeks photo for you to give a caption.  You'll have 1 week to do this.

I'll pick a winner on Thursday and announce your blog on Friday if you have the best caption.


6. We've officially fallen in love with our new little kitten, Bandit.  He goes in today for his 8 week shots.  I thought I'd share a fun shot of him and Harley asleep on the couch.

If you are up for some fun and interesting cats check out this website:  You'll be charmed for sure.

This is also being shared for FELINE FRIDAY hosted by Steve (The Burnt Food Dude).

Have an awesome weekend. 


  1. your hubby's plate will be mine if you remove the sausage, add a 2nd biscuit. i love ketchup on my eggs .. bob eats 2 egos, 1 sauage and 2 toast every morning. he had open heart surgery in 07 and doc says don't eat this. he said he rather be dead than not eat and since he is 79 i just watch and pray.

    love the flowers and you know i love the kitty shots.. i looked at he barbwire and they are really neat looking.

  2. Oh, what a fun post, Ida:)
    Your kitties are so gorgeous, as is the lovely flower for your Caption This!
    Have a blessed weekend!

  3. I love the randomness of your random the banana art. We have breakfast for supper every now and then. I like it then almost better than for breakfast. I could definitely love Bandit...but I do not need any more cats.

    Not good at the caption thing...just occasionally have a touch of it.

  4. Hi Ida, I still don't have any kitty photos but I adore yours. In fact that's a lovely series of photos and thanks for the links.

  5. You have to have ketchup and eggs! Well, I put ketchup on most things...

    That ducky in the water is great.

  6. I like your photos, I love ketchup on eggs heheh!
    Aww! don't Harley & Bandit look cute heheh!

    Have a meowtastic week :-)

  7. I LOVE breakfast for dinner and that plate of food is right up my alley! No ketchup on the eggs though. The Ducky Derby sounds fun.

  8. I can't seem to come up with a caption, but that little "Bandit" sure is a cutie!

  9. Hi, you are invited to share this with Feline Art Friday:

  10. love bees and blooms. have fun with the duck derby!

    my caption: mom! he's touching me!

  11. #1 Very cool.
    #2 It bee great!
    #3 I could eat breakfast three time a day.
    #4 If you win, what do you win!
    #5 Hanging on by a thread.
    #6 And old guys are connoisseurs of comfort.
    Tom The Backroads Traveller

  12. Cats definitely love to be comfortable. However, I don't see how some of their sleeping positions can be comfortable.

    Have a cat-tastic weekend!


  13. I could not come up with one good caption for you image. I'm so sorry it is beautiful. I love breakfast for dinner but I think ketchup ruins scrambled eggs ;)

  14. Breakfast for supper is always a favorite here at our house!

  15. That last photo melts my heart! Thanks for the photos and for the links. The duck derby looks like fun. Most men I know that put ketchup on eggs were in the service and had to eat them that way because they tasted so bad.
    My caption is simply: Two Lips!

  16. Loved your post, moving from one interesting thing to the next! I am "into" neat yard art...we seem to have a lot of it here. I like your find! And, the photo of the blooms and bee is wonderful!

    As for a caption: "Dreamsickle ice cream on sticks! Yummy enough to eat!"

  17. I was in your Walla Walla May 12th my sweetheart saw Dr. Zubair because he is having problems with his heart...wish I knew where you lived we had 2 hours to wast before getting more heart related test..
    Know I know what the duck was all about..huge one on top of a really high building down town.

  18. James Herriot got it right, and those cats do look comfortable.

  19. I like the yard art, if hubby let me I would have art all over our yard.. The tulips are pretty and the kitty does look comfy.. Great post and images, Ida. Enjoy your weekend!

  20. Beautiful shots of the flowers and the bee. And that plate of food looks good! Although I don't think I've ever eaten ketchup on eggs, the red on yellow is a good color combination. One of my sisters likes ketchup on many things--I've even seen her eat ketchup on mashed potatoes! The duck derby race looks like fun.

    It seems hard to think of a caption for a flower photo...maybe "When the sun shines bright, I will bloom in the light."

  21. when I was young I ALWAYS put ketchup on my eggs! Now you are making me want to do that again ;)

  22. Yes, I like the bright colors you've got these beautiful flowers, beautiful photos with beautiful frames !!

  23. Oh my gosh, you've got a kitten! Yay - how cute. More pictures, please!
    Caption of the photo: To the sun

  24. Hello Ida & Bandit,
    Beautiful photos!
    Have a Lovely Day!!
    Peace :)

  25. I'm a big fan of Breakfast for Dinner!! And no no, no ketchup on eggs! Oddly enough, it is one of the ONLY things my hubby does put ketchup on.

    Oh, "busy as a bee" is from Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.
    (the Squire's Tale)

    Ey! Goddes mercy!” sayd our Hoste tho,
    Now such a wyf I pray God keep me fro.
    Lo, suche sleightes and subtilitees
    In wommen be; for ay as busy as bees

    there you go! :)

  26. Two sleepy kitties. So sweet.

  27. The Ducky Derby sounds like a hoot!

  28. Ida.. I love this post! We use to have the ducks at a town where we camped! I always bought one too...

    Love your kitties! Their almost hidden in your couch!


  29. Your kitten is soooo cute! I understand what you mean about SHS- one can only do so many memes in a week. As long as you are still photographing something each week, you can call it good :)

  30. Awwww, Bandit looks like he's making himself right at home and your other kitties are tolerating him well, especially Spooky Boo in your earlier photo. He almost looks camouflaged on your couch.

  31. bandit is so cute! that yard art is pretty but i noticed a head on the ground the shot of the blooms and bees and i'm laughing at how your mind wanders...mine does off to check the fun links! have a great weekend...p.s. breakfast for dinner is yummy!

  32. Love the flowers. And the rubber ducky is funny too!

  33. I have a granddaughter who puts ketchup on EVERYTHING, even pizza, which is pretty gross to me. I'm going to ask a dumb question, but I can't figure it out, so here goes...what are the links for under this post? I'm sure I should know this, but what is the meme is what I'm wondering. LOL! Yes, I'm pretty dense sometimes. The sun is shining here, finally- I hope it is there, also.

  34. Feline Friday! I like that. I just snapped a good alley cat shot. Maybe I'll have to play along next time.

  35. Nothing is striking me yet for a caption, but I will think on it.

    Very interesting on the origins/definitions of animal phrases. I should bookmark that site.


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