Friday, July 24, 2015

Friday Fun - July 24, 2015

It's Friday and since Tanya is on break from Willy-Nilly Friday Five I thought I'd go ahead and post my Five Things anyway for you to enjoy.  Plus I'll join in on a few other fun memes.

I have another "theme" post here today.  See if you can guess what the theme is.
                                            Bees Flying into a bee box

                   P-17 Flying Fortress - Wings of Freedom Tour - We went to the airport to see the planes but I captured this shot as the planes were leaving.  This was over my mom's house.

                      Tiger Swallow Tail on Thistle - Mill Creek Drive  (I've been waiting all summer to capture a butterfly photo and finally got one.)


Pelicans Flying over Mill Creek - I've got more photos of these amazing birds that I need to share.


                Dragonfly on Rocks - I'm not familiar with the name of this dragonfly though.

6. - Bonus as it still fits the theme. - Joining (Life's Sweets and Spices) here for Orange You Glad It's Friday.

I spotted this Food Truck while heading out on a drive and had to stop and take a picture of it.  It's not often you see a bright orange truck like this one.

So did you all guess my theme?  (Things With Wings)

Also joining Hilary for Follow Friday for Fill-In Fun.

The statements:
  1. I love the _____
  2. ___ isn’t my favorite _____
  3. I always cry____ .
  4. I used to ____ but I ____
My Answers:

1.  I love the time I spend visiting so many wonderful blogs and learning new things from them.

2. Summer isn't my favorite season.  - It's way to HOT here for my taste. 

3.  I always cry at things like Parade's or Weddings or Graduations.  I'm very sentimental.

4.  I used to enjoy making handmade cards but I rarely take the time now to stamp and make cards.   I should get back into it though as it's fun and relaxing.

Joining now for Feline Friday
(The Burnt Food Dude) and Feline Art

This is our cat Spooky-boo playing in a bag. -  I edited the photo below on BeFunky and IPiccy and PicMonkey to share with Feline Art





  1. a lovely collection of winged things.

  2. love those beautiful cat eyes and the orange truck if really a FIND and it also fits in with orange and with things with wings... your butterfly pic is gorgeous.

  3. What a great theme, I love the pelican shot and the beautiful swallowtail butterfly. Cute kitty! Have a happy weekend!

  4. Loved your "flying" pictures, but especially the butterfly on that orange van!

  5. Dropping by from the cat rendition...and the winging theme♪

  6. Love all the photos & what a beautiful looking cat heheh!

    Have a tanfastic weekend :-)

  7. I am in awe of your pelican photo! Hope you share more! Well done for capturing the butterfly too!
    Have a great weekend!

  8. Oh there is a soul behind those luminous eyes. Way cool.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and a fabulous weekend. ☺

  9. The birds in flight is spectacular!

  10. Love all your photos and themes. The "wings and things were really neat". Those birds are really pretty can't wait to see more pictures of them!! Your kitty picture is really unique. I've only heard of PicMonkey, I'll check those other two.


  11. by the time i get here, i have forgotten half the things i wanted to say!!! lot's of beautiful and fun "flyers"!! i don't like summer at all, it is way too hot, and i used to scrapbook all the time and now i rarely do. i NEED to get back to it!!

    the orange truck was way cool and so were the spooky images!!!

    have a great weekend!!!

  12. and the butterfly image, that was beautiful!!!!

  13. i love the thistle / butterfly shot ... that is a perfect shot. very pretty for card or note pad would be nice. have a nice weekend. take care. ( :

  14. I did guess your theme! Love the cat art...and I love the Monarch Orange truck.

  15. I've said it before, but your photography is awesome. Does Coleen share your love of the camera? Love kitty's photo and the pelicans and butterfly are great too. That is a unique food truck, too! Always a joy to visit with you. When does Coleen begin school?

  16. That's some cool cat art! Loved the wings pictures, too, especially the pelicans. We only have the brown pelicans down here in the swamps.

  17. You are so crafty! I admire that! ☺

  18. Ida you made me smile calling me the peacock whisperer!! Lol love your butterfly picture....that is gorgeous! We have brown pelicans here...your white ones are so pretty!

  19. You must have had a high speed for that Flying Fortress shot since the propellors do not look like they are turning. Interesting catch. Love that food truck! I could go for some good Mexzican food....

  20. Wow, your bee picture is amazing, Ida. I love how you captured them in flight. Have a great weekend! Hugs to you!

  21. What great photos, Ida. I especially liked the pelicans flying. They looked amazing. All the best for a great weekend, Bonny

  22. Hi Ida, all the photos are beautiful. My favourites are the butterfly and the last cat photo. Happy weekend!

  23. I love that painterly effect! Thanks for your encouraging comments on my granddaughter's blog post. She will be delighted to see them!

  24. summer is my favorite time of year - the hotter the better

  25. Those are great images for your blog hop, Ida! Love the Pelicans and that dragonfly is so unusual! I laughed to see the orange truck with the butterfly on it! Great addition to the theme!

  26. Hello Ida, Spooky-Boo is gorgeous! I did guess your "things with wings" theme (not sure if I'm putting the comment in the right place, though) and thought your butterfly photo was particularly well executed. I think your dragonfly might be a White Tail, but don't quote me :) I'm envious of your pelicans. Bill and I have only seen them once in all the time we've been in Vancouver. Oh, and your orange-themed photo was perfect. All in all, a wonderful post!

  27. wow...this post covers a lot of things. Enjoyed it all, too. :)

  28. The butterfly shot is exquisite.

  29. What a great post! Your photos -- as ever -- are terrific. Wishes for a sweet Sunday!

  30. Great fill-ins, I agree that you learn a lot from other blogs. I read about 100 a day and learn so much and love being connected to like minded people. Your kitties are adorable.

  31. Superb photos of birds and insects in flight and I love the digital art of the kitty!
    How lucky to see all this and share with others!
    Have a Great Week, Ida!
    Peace :)

  32. You do so much work with your photo editing -- it's impressive! Your blog header photos are always so, so good. The kitty is adorable. I love the bees pic. Have a lovely day!

  33. I especially like the butterfly on the teasel!

  34. Love that photo of the butterfly! It's very special!

  35. Thanks for joining! One of your photos will be featured on OYGIF this weekend. Hope you could drop by.

  36. My favorite photo of the day is the one of the pelicans! Love it!

  37. Wow! That's your best pelican shot yet! Also love the swallowtail on thistle.


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