Wednesday, August 26, 2015

First Day of School

As is tradition here is Coleen's First Day back to School photo and a side-by-side comparison to last years photo.

First day of 5th grade - Wow her last year in Grade School.  Where has time gone.

This year on the left - Last year on the right.

Have a great school year!

Just for fun here is a collage from Kindergarten through 5th Grade


  1. They change a lot in a year don't they? We still have another almost 2 weeks before school starts. It's late this year!

  2. She is starting the transition into young womanhood. Oh my!
    :) m & jb

  3. Precious photos. She is a lovely young lady. Is she still playing piano?
    Wishing you a very nice day, Ida.

  4. Ida, I'm afraid she is growing up right before your eyes!

  5. Great shots of Colleen. I like her hair cut too.

  6. What a cutie! This is a nice memory to have of each first day of school!

  7. Such a fun post. She is a beautiful young lady! Wishing her a successful school year and you too! Cathy

  8. What a difference a year can make. That's a great idea. I wish I would have done that with my kids.

  9. It's great to have the side by sides and see the growth progression!

  10. How fun to have captured each first day of school! I love her hair style..Very pretty!

  11. Growing like a weed! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  12. They all grow up far too quickly don't they! I sure hope that she enjoys her new year!

  13. How cute! Hope it's the best year ever for her.

    Emma and Buster

  14. What a wonderful composite.

    We have first days since forever but getting them all in one place would be a year's task.

  15. She is so cute...I love the one in the collage where she strikes a pose...but dang it, she is cute in them all.

  16. Aw! She's growing into a lovely young lady! So fun to see all the photos. Hope she has a wonderful year!

  17. thank you so much for the help with the curious flowers, Ida!! Love these back to school pictures, so cute! What a pretty girl!

  18. So adorable! Hope she has a great year!

  19. I like Coleen's new "do". It is very cute! She is a pretty girl, I wish her a great new school year.

  20. My goodness how Coleen has grown into a lovely young lady! I wish her every happiness and success in her final year at grade school. All the best, Bonny

  21. Wow, she's a growing girl. I love seeing her over the years.

  22. Awww...hope it's an amazing year! She's definitely growing up. :)

  23. the collage is a priceless memory.. she is looking like a teen ager now ad not a little girl. she is beautiful and tell her i like her outfit and it looks great on her

  24. What an incredibly fun way to document the changes!
    This year she looks like a pre-teen, last year, more like a little girl.
    Love the series of photos!

  25. LOVE her hair...she is looking quite awesome!!! i hope she has a great year!!!!

  26. She's growing up, Mom. So cute. Love her shorter hair.

  27. I wish a great school year for her. Mine are all back and so far, so good. You never know what kind of year they will have.

  28. Hi! She is very pretty. Thanks for sharing.

  29. She is such a precious girl :) It's neat to see how she has changed and grown through the years. Hugs to you!

  30. She is certainly growing up. Wishing her a wonderful school year.

  31. I adore first day of school photos!! And I love seeing the progression through the years. The collage you chose is fantastic and I think I'll try that in a few more years when Peanut is in 5th grade. She looks so much more "grown up" this year than last. Where does the time go? Guess we better enjoy while we can. xo

  32. Wishing your young lady a great school year! Go get 'em, Coleen!

  33. I am happy to hear that Coleen got off to a good start this year. Boy, kids grow up right before our eyes. She's looking very grown up these days. Here's to a great school year!!

  34. Colleen looks so pretty on her first day of school. Best wishes for a wonderfulmschool year fro her!

  35. What a beautiful young lady. What a lovely smile.

    I hope she has a wonderful school year!

  36. Sweet photos! These photos are treasures to be sure.

  37. I do hope Coleen has a great year. The new teacher sounds promising. Loved seeing the transitions from year to year. She looks like the perfect balance of "sweet" and "cool" to me.

  38. Interesting to see all these photos together. Surprising how many years I've been watching her grow up. They do fly by.

  39. She's grown so much in the past year!
    Tell her that her hair cut is very flattering :)

  40. I really like how her hair is styled now. It looks great on her. Have a wonderful school year!


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