Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Roses of Inspiration #34 - Photo and Scripture Inspiration

Joining Stephanie (The Enchanting Rose) today for her Roses of Inspiration link up.

I haven't participated much because I never seem to think that I have anything inspiring enough to share since I don't craft much any more.  However I realized that my photography can be inspiring.  It is to me and one of my favorite things to do is add quotes or scriptures to my photos.  Today I'm sharing the same scripture with two different photos.  I'd love to have them made in Canvas Wall hangings someday.  I can't decide which would make the better wall hanging.  Let me know which is your favorite.
Click to Enlarge photos.

VESRION #1 - Taken on one of the paths at Bennington Lake

VERSION #2 - Taken on a path at Rooks Park

I hope you find inspiration in God's word and in my photo interpretations.

Have a blessed day.


  1. I like both of these, i think i like the first one best. i have our dogs framed with scripture on them.

  2. These are so lovely, peacefula nd inspirational!

  3. these are beautiful and as much as I like the second one, it's the first that catches my eye more.

  4. Pretty pictures and scriptures! So much inspiration in this post-thank you!


  5. You're right, Ida! Your photos are very inspiring and I truly enjoy them! Today's pictures with the Scripture texts are excellent!
    Have a great week!

  6. These are both beautiful photos and verses, Ida. I like the first one best. The golden grasses are lovely.

  7. Beautiful images and words to accompany them.

  8. Hello Ida, the images and words are beautiful. Thanks for sharing, enjoy your day!

  9. Great shots both. I like the overall look of the first one better, but I do love the spots of color in the second one.

  10. both are lovely photos, I do prefer the font on the Rooks Path and love the red but I prefer the first photo because of the dirt path...and photos can say so much with or without the words.

  11. Love how you combined your beautiful images with a great verse!

  12. Dear Ida, your photography is inspiring because it is thoughtful.
    I like the first interpretation of the verse the best.
    xo, m & jb

  13. I love the second one with the touches of red! Beautiful...both of them! Have a blessed day my friend. Hugs, Diane

  14. I really am not sure, but I think the second one. But it is so close I hesitated to even say that. Both are really beautiful.

  15. They are both very lovely, and they both wonderfully illustrate the Holy Text. If I had to chose I think I'd opt for the first one with the long grass and the path leading the eye off through the centre of the composition. Your photography is inspiring, Ida, and it's every bit as creative as any form of crafting. It takes someone with a special eye to see what the rest of us walk by and don't notice. All the best, Bonny

  16. these are really wonderful ida.....there is a wide spectrum of what you can add, it's almost open ended!!! great choices this week!!! i forgot!!!

  17. Dearest Ida, your photography is indeed inspiring and I am so glad you shared it with us :) I love how you paired such precious words with your pictures - I was richly blessed. Hugs to you!

  18. Your photos are very inspiring. I especially love the first one.


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