Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday Randoms and Six Word Friday

Joining Adrienne (My Memory Art) today for Six Word Fridays.  This weeks work was, Rock.

I decided to use a line from one of my favorite Hymns for the prompt.

Now for some Random Stuff
1.  Spotted this little squirrel resting on top of the shed next door.  It was a very warm day and I think it was feeling a little tuckered out from all the heat.  -  I know I was.

2.  Another of the deer we seen recently.  I like how this one is just sort of peeking out of the brush.

3. My hubby called me up last night and said to go look out towards the mountains so I could see this amazing cloud.  Turns out this is actually smoke clouds from one of the many fires buring in our state.  This particular fire is about 40-50 miles away.

 4.  I happened upon some moss roses blooming in someone's garden one day and snapped a picture of this bee that was very busy.  I just love the motion blur of it's wings and all the pollen it has on it's body.

5.  Someone around our town has a weird sense of humor.  I've seen several different stop signs with something painted or pasted underneath the word, Stop.  This is the one I spotted yesterday and I just happened to have my camera handy.

And we can't leave without sharing a kitty photo so here goes.....

We finally introduced Pepper (the new kitten) to all the other cats yesterday.  Here she is with Spooky-boo checking her out.  Doesn't he have the funniest expression on his face.  She seems totally unphased by him.

Have a great weekend & thanks for stopping by.


  1. That line from the hymn is perfect for that picture. The squirrel does look a bit wore out, poor guy. That stop sign is funny.

  2. cute critters. :) that cloud/smoke is impressive but sad to see, too.

  3. Hi Ida!
    Your take on Six Word Friday was the same as mine, I see. :)
    Love, love, love the kitty pix. And the others were pretty neat, too.
    :) m & jb

  4. I had to giggle at the stop the 'clouds'--we have been having similar to that and no fires. Of course I love the closing shot..

  5. The squirrel photo is very cute. Nice capture!

  6. That squirrel is so cute and so are the kitties!

  7. Ah.......unique photos and interesting to boot.......

  8. Amazingly beautiful pictures.

  9. Oh my, these are great shots! I love all of them. But that smoke cloud is scary. I pray you will stay safe.

  10. Love that hymn too! Your random photographs are just great, each one so unique! What an adorable them!
    Just want to thank you for your comments while I've been recovering from my heart issues! So kind of you to drop in and visit me!
    Have a wonderful weekend~

  11. love the last shot, and yes to the funny look on the face... I amnow singing Rock of Ages and i am wondering why i don't sound as good as i did 50 years ago when i used to sing a duet with daddy... i saw that same excact squirrel shot at the nursing home day before yesterday, the squirrel was laying just like that on top of the gazebo, like he was tuckered from the heat

  12. What an interesting and full-of-beauty post, Ida. "Rock of Ages" was my father's favourite hymn. It suits that cliff photo perfectly. The squirrel stretched out, the peeking deer, the pollen-covered bee, the unique tree with the perfect picket fence - your photographic eye gets sharper and sharper. Glad to see the cat introduction went so well!

  13. Love the kitties. I was never aware of having to slowly introduce cats to each other in the house before until my daughter moved back home with her two. Finally, they were okay, but never did get all that friendly. Yours are so pretty. Yes, the bee photo is great. I like when I can catch action also, and you did great with the bee. Thanks for visiting me.

    Peabea visiting from B&W Wednesday.

  14. Great shots! I love the one of the bee- that's cool.
    Have a great weekend!

  15. All lovely photos but the squirrel is just adorable, and the kitties so cute!

  16. Great set of critters, Ida, and your kitties are wonderful.

  17. Wonderful photos Ida and lovely header too!

  18. I thought that cloud looked more like smoke. I hope everyone is okay fighting those fires.
    Great capture with the motion of the bees wings!! love that one.

  19. the squirrel picture makes me giggle

  20. Such a fun post. Love the Rock of Ages and had to smile at the critters :)

  21. Great post and fantastic pictures !!

  22. Ida...what great photos! I especially love the first one :) Tomorrow is Monday...oh well...

  23. I love that shot of the squirrel! Great capture of the other critters, too. :)

  24. Good day to you, Ida. As always, your photos are a delight to see. My, those smoke clouds are huge! May you have a lovely day. Hugs!

  25. That stop sign made me laugh out loud! The smoke is such a dismaying sight, isn't it? We could see smoke clouds in the distance here recently, too, but those fires are a little more contained now. It's bad in the valley where our son lives. Two miles visibility because the smoke settles there. Every now and then I can smell it outside, but we've been lucky right here on the coast so far. Fabulous pics, Ida. Love the bee!

  26. Gosh, I hope those fires stay far away from you. A lovely collection of photos, though!

  27. So glad those fires are far away from you, Ida! I feel so sad for the firemen that have lost their lives and the people that have lost their homes in Washington State, Oregon, California and other places where the fires have been so bad this summer!

    Your kitty is so cute, and the stiop sign made me chuckle! Has school started fro your daughter as yet? My grandsons are back at school and my granddaughter is in half day pre-school--she loves it!

  28. That bee picture is great. And yes Spooky Boo does have a funny expression on his face-Like he is trying to decide what to do with this new thing. Pepper looks like she is saying "I'm not looking at you. Leave me alone."

  29. #2 looks like a pile of cottage cheese. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  30. I love all your "critter" photos this week, Ida. The bee with those buzzing wings in mid flight is lovely. Its colour blends so nicely with the moss rose to give a wonderful, golden image of summer. I also like that little squirrel hunkered down in the shade. Sorry to hear about the fires still raging in your part of the world. The smoke photo looks amazing - like you've just captured a volcanic eruption. I do hope they get them under control again soon. All the best for now, Bonny

  31. lot's of wonderful hidden moments....except the rock, it gorgeous and not hidden at all!!!!


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