Monday, September 28, 2015

One Four Challenge - Week 4


It's hard to believe but we are at Week 4 now on the ONE FOUR CHALLENGE  hosted by Robyn from (Captivate Me)

Here is my final edit and following that will be the other three edits in descending order and my starting photo.

Please click to enlarge images.

Week 4

(Here is the image of the fawn.  I cropped it and then layered it with the image of the doe and did the cloning to get rid of all the brush and shrubs that I didn't want in the photo.)

For this edit I too the original image and worked on it by using the Orton effect on Pic Monkey.  Then I took another image of the fawn that I also saw that day and tried my best to layer that image into the one of the doe.  I used the Cloning tool to get out most of the unwanted stuff and moved the fawn around to where it looked halfway decent in the photo.  Granted it's not quite perfect by any means as there are parts of the branches on the fawn that I couldn't seem to edit out properly but I do think it looks pretty neat in spite of that.

After that I went to Be Funky and added a decorative photo frame to the image.

Week 3
Week 2
The Original Image SOOC 
This was a fun challenge and again I wish I had some of the photo editing programs like (Photo Shop, Lightroom, etc....) but I think that I still learned a lot just using the Free programs available for photo editing.

I hope you have enjoyed this series.


  1. I need to go play on picmonkey! Awesome. Hope you are having a good week.

  2. You've done extremely well with not having Photoshop or Lightroom!! I love this final one -- it's so sweet. and you cannot tell at all that it's an edit with the fawn added. It's just perfect scene.

  3. Cute images of the deer and your edits are wonderful. Have a happy week!

  4. i wondered about the frame, since i had not seen it in PM... really pretty

  5. All of your edits are fantastic! It was a lovely image too!

  6. It has probably literally been years since I sat and played with a photo, other than things like switching to B&W, etc. And I need to try it again.

    I sure like all the things you tried with this one...they all turned out good.

  7. Great job on this week's edit

  8. Nice job! that was a lot of work.

  9. My choice is week 1 with the quote. The colors are clear and it gives a soft deer looking at me.

  10. Lovely edit, you carried out the Orton effect nicely. Great work!

  11. these is fun to see the process, I have the Photoshop and I want Light Room still I enjoy and use a lot Picmonkey Royale. Love the SOC shot, such a lovely little creature.

  12. Nice work, Ida. You are crestive, and have s good eye. I like your art.

  13. I love the one with Mama and the fawn! That processing is fun!

  14. Wow. That's pretty fancy photo work.

  15. this one is really nice to. You did well with all of these. I seem to get stuck on one kind of look when I edit and don't bother trying other things

  16. Even the cropping and flipping of the image made such a huge difference to this photo - everything else is just gravy - and quite delicious gravy indeed!

  17. I think you did a fantastic job on all of them. What a fun way to learn.

  18. I like the border very much. All of the edits were fantastic.
    I still think the deer has an adorable face. Well done !!!!
    Isadora ��

  19. These are lovely. I use picmonkey too. It's great. Have you explored Canva? It's good for adding text and creating pictures of just the right size for twitter and facebook. I only discovered it a couple of weeks ago, and I'm still fiddling with it. But I think you'd love it for posting quotes on your lovely pictures. All the best, Bonny

  20. Lovely work!! I'm amazed at all the various steps you did. I use picmonkey for my blog banners now, although I haven't done a new one in a while. Your banner photos is very pretty too.

  21. Oh, yes, I like this, too! Amazing! You do as well with the free program as anyone would do with the fancy expensive stuff.


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