Friday, September 25, 2015

Friday Fun - September 25, 2015

Happy Friday!

It's time for some random Friday thoughts - (aka)
WILLY-NILLY FRIDAY FIVE  hosted by Tanya from Around Roanoke.


1. One of my favorite things in fall is when the stores get those really nifty looking decorative gourds in stock.  I was out at Klicker's store the other day and lookie what I found:

Aren't they colorful and fun! - These probably aren't the type of gourds that you could use for Gourd Art but check out this link to see what fantastic things people do with Gourds.  Talk about talented.

2.  Last night was the Carnival for the kids at the school Coleen attends.  One of her favorite things to do is to try and "dunk" her teachers in the Dunk Tank.  I just love watching the expressions on her face as she prepares to throw the ball.

Unfortunately this year she didn't hit the target once to dunk anyone but she still had fun trying.

3.  We stopped at our city park the other day to take some pictures and I just loved how pretty these flowers were.  It's still good to see flowers blooming even though we are heading into Fall now.

4. Coleen and I stopped at the library last week to check out some books.  Outside the library they have a couple of murals painted on some buildings.  We really liked this one.

One of the books I checked out was: Murder Simply Brewed by Vannetta Chapman. - It's a good, clean murder mystery that I'm really enjoying.

5.  So have you ever ordered Pizza On-Line? - I have and yes I've actually had some problems with ordering it that way.  Anyway this commercial is for Little Ceasers Pizza and cracks me up because it reminds me of our house even though we don't have "that" many cats.

Joining Steve with FELINE FRIDAY as well.


Of course you I can't end the day without sharing a cat photo so here's one for your enjoyment.

Bandit and Pepper taking a snooze together.  Look how they are draped off of the chair.  You'd think their necks would be sore from laying that way but they don't seem to have a care in the world.

So here's the "artistic" version for FELINE ART:

I haven't participated in awhile with Hilary for FOLLOW FRIDAY FOR FILL-IN FUN so I thought I'd join in today.

Here are the statements:

The statements:
  1. Birthdays are ______________________
  2. I am ___________, but I wish I was _________.
  3. ____ is my favorite ______.
  4. ________ is the best brand of __________.

Here are my answers:
1.  Birthdays are going by to quickly anymore.  The older you get the faster they seem to come.
2.  I am rushed lately, but I wish I was able to be more relaxed.
3.  Bridge Over Troubled Water is my favorite song of all time.
4. Celestial Seasonings is the best brand of Herbal Teas.
That's if for this week.  Hope you've enjoyed your stay here.  Have a great weekend.


  1. Fairs are always fun and dunking someone is double fun.

    Great photos.

  2. I just saw that pizza commercial last night (twice . . . made me grin both times)
    I haven't ordered pizza online . . . but, my neighbors seem to favor it

    I LOVE the "Wall of Words.'

    Libraries, golly, they can take us anywhere we dream . . .
    Happy Week to You!

  3. This is a great time of of my absolute favorite!!! Can't wait for the cooler temps and gourds!

  4. Love the gourds, so ready for fall to fully arrive!

  5. Oh the kitties are adorable. Adorable.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday. ☺

  6. I don't know quite where to begin...will say that I really enjoyed this entire post but will probably leave out something. I, too, love the expressions on Coleen's face. OH< and I love those squash...I just love pumpkins, gourds, and squash. All are so photogenic. I loved that mural...

    I sure agree with you about time going faster as we get older...

    Oh, I like your felines and feline art.

  7. Seeing the Japanese anemons, I know: autum has arrived... but the first in my garden was blooming in july of this year -
    What a great and creative mural! With us that is'n usual and I never find such pictures in our town.
    Funny video and my favorite are the cats.
    Have a nice weekend

  8. great willy-nilly friday, I do love the three of Coleen..and I am a big fan of wall art, well good wall art...adorable cats.

  9. Hello Ida, Sorry Coleen did not dunk the teacher. It is great she was trying. I love the pretty flowers and the library mural. The kitties are adorable. Great collection of images. Enjoy your weekend!

  10. blessings.....
    I can see you love fall, pumpkins and all. i guess its safe to say halloween is right up there with the rest of your loves?

    The Carnival: She looks determined and gleefully, joy is good, circulates the blood.

    Flowers: love to see them and nature's magnificent work.

    Have a blessed and joy filled weekend.


  11. Ida, the library mural is really nice. Your kitties look so content all stretched out.

  12. You are a busy lady! The pictures are all really nicely done, as are the posts. Have a relaxing weekend, Ida!

  13. Hi I linked a Willy Nilly post. Thanks for coming over and visiting my fence post in Wyoming! I wanted to invite you to come over and linky your linky parties.
    And your Fall posts. The Fabulous Fall Party/Link The Linky party runs all the way
    till Halloween week. It has a new linky every Monday. Come over and link!
    Thanks for the party. I'll be back.

  14. Hi Ida! Thanks for sharing the cute commercial - it gave me the giggles. The photo of the flowers is beautiful! Hugs to you!

  15. Ha! I've seen that Little Caesar's commercial and it always reminds me of you. Love those pretty anemones and, of course, the kitties!

  16. Thanks for visiting my blog again and for all your sweet comments! I love the pictures on here this those kitties sleeping! so peaceful!

  17. Hello Ida!:) Loved your Willy nilly post, so much to see. Those gourds are a colourful mix, and I liked the mural, flowers, and what you did with the cats image is great.:)

  18. I love gourds! I grow them every year and usually have great success with them. This year was success multiplied by 10. They grew like wild, and produced hundreds. And you never know what color, shape or texture you're going to find in the patch! It's like Christmas every time I go out there.

  19. I love the feline art! I wish I felt more relaxed too. I'm always feeling rushed. Have a great week!

  20. Aww! those kittens heheh! nice post too :-)

  21. #1 These fall colors are gorgeous.
    #2 I can see the glee in her eye.
    #3 Anemone are a great part of fall.
    #4 In politics we have a war of words.
    #5 Ordered on line? Never!
    Tom The Backroads Traveller

  22. That mural is pretty cool! Love Coleen's expressions! The kitties are absolutely adorable!

  23. Wow - Gourd-a-rama, awesome!
    Your kitties are very pretty.
    Have a Great Week, Ida!
    Peace :)

  24. I'm glad you joined in with the Friday Four Fill-in Fun. I like your #3, and I use the same brand of herbal teas when I drink tea.

  25. What a fun collection ... I love the library mural. And of course the " dunker". ... Great expressions .

  26. That is a great song and good tea too :) I need to look into this feline Friday :)

  27. My mom showed up at my house before my BBQ party this past weekend, with an armful of those pretty colourful little gourds, and did some Fall decorating for me. It was so nice!!! My front entrance looked so Autumn-y and was a great welcome to my guests. My mom is great at that kind of thing, while I still only had that big spider hanging in the corner and a dead mum plant. LOL
    Love the wall mural.

  28. WoW, I love that wall of words!!

  29. i have no idea why ordering pizza online is so darn difficult but it really is and that lc commercial cracks me up too, so true! love that wall of words and colleen's try at dunking the teacher! thanks for linking ida!!


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