Monday, September 7, 2015

One Four Challenge

If your here for SHS (Scanvenger Hunt Sunday) click on the link to that post.


I discovered a new challenge that I thought would be fun to join in on.  It's called ONE FOUR CHALLENGE and is hosted by Robyn (Captivate Me).

The object is to take one photo and process it four different ways and share that photo over the course of 4 weeks with a different version each week.

Here is the photo that I decided to use for this challenge:
Click to enlarge all photos.
I'll show the original photo at week four with all the other edits.

Week 1:

For this edit I used PicMonkey first to crop the image and soften it.  I added a texture from Pixel Dust Photo Art - At this point I forgot which texture I used though.  I'll write it down next time. - Then I added a quote to the piece to complete it.

I want to add here that I do know have photo programs such as Lightroom, or Photoshop so my editing may not be as fancy or advanced as some of the other participants.  Still it is fun to try and see how I can edit a photo using the (Free) programs available around the Internet.

Be sure to stop by the Captivate Me blog and check out the other participants.  You'll find their links in the comment section.  You can click on their name and it should take you to their photo.


  1. This is really beautiful. I give you and A+!

  2. Great quote and gorgeous picture!

  3. Hello Ida, I love this photo and your edit and quote! Very nicely done!

  4. this is beautiful, can't wait to see the other edits


  5. So far so good. Easy on the eye.

  6. This sounds like a fun idea - playing with the editing features available. Your photo is so soft and pretty - a great success!

  7. Hi Ida and welcome to the challenge!!
    Such a lovely first edition of your photo. Very nice!
    There are a few in our challenge who do not have LR or PS and use free Software and some folks enjoy experimenting with them, so you're in good company :D

  8. Sounds like an interesting challenge. I love the deer!

  9. Oh that sounds like a really fun thing to do. That is a great Photo. We will have to see about doing that ourselves.We don't do photo shop either. I think I would like to try this. You all have a wonderful day.

  10. What an interesting challenge. I love how you edited this photo. You've proven that an expensive photo editing program isn't necessary to get excellent results. I know a lot of people who use pic monkey almost exclusively for all their editing.

  11. hi ida, i don't have or use any photo editing programs. my photo's are always all natural. this image is beautiful, i love what you've done to it and the quote you included!!!!!

  12. Oh, that's just beautiful. Looks like a vintage print!

  13. I think it is a beautiful photo, and I am looking forward to seeing the future versions of it.

  14. nice texture...the poor deer looks so thin though, but I guess I am used to seeing deer that wander through cottage country and get lots of food from the cottagers!

  15. It does sound like an interesting challenge. I hope I won't be missing your other edits of this nice photo.

  16. Love this photo! You did a wonderful job editing it! The quote is perfect!

  17. This is a beautiful photo and quote, Ida! I think you did a wonderful job editing it. The only program I use to edit is Picasa. I keep meaning to try our Pic Monkey.

    Thank you for your thoughts about 9-11 on my post. It is still a difficult topic but I believe you are right, that event made us all and our country stronger!

  18. Lovely. I use Picmonkey too, but I get a bit lost with textures. Yours is great. All the best, Bonny

  19. Hi Ida, I love the texture and the quote. It's like a nice postcard.


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