Sunday, September 6, 2015

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - September 6, 2015

Welcome! - I finally managed to get all the prompts this week so I could join SCAVENGER HUNT SUNDAY hosted by Ashley (Ramblings and Photos).

This weeks prompts were:  Supplies, Shadows, Something I want, Open and Posed.  I'll be posting mine a little out of order for a good reason.

Click to Enlarge Photos

First up:


Apples -  Just one of the supplies needed to make.....

Apple Pie!
SHADOWS:  It's been overcast or rainy the last couple of days & I hadn't gotten a shadow shot but I went out this morning and photographed this:

 Roses growing by our front door and the shadows they cast.


Coleen barely keeping one eye "open" while trying to do the ring toss at the Fair on Friday. 

 This Kermit character was Posed outside the education building to greet people at the fair.

Well that's it for this week.  It was fun to join in for a change.

Next weeks prompts are:

  • 1. A Pile
  • 2. Starts with A
  • 3. Remember
  • 4. Strength
  • 5. Solo
    Have a great day & thanks for stopping in.


    1. they are all perfect for the prompts. love the last two photos. Coleen is focused. and Kermit is Kermit

    2. The apples are gorgeous looking, love Kermit and the great consentration of the little girl.

    3. I think my favorite is the apples or maybe the pie. : )

    4. Love your interpretation of the prompts! The apple pie looks delicious!

    5. You did good with your scavenger hunt. That apple pie sure looks good. So how did Coleen do on the ring toss?

    6. You take wonderful photos. The fair sounds like a lot of fun - great photo of Coleen. We have been enjoying apples this week!

    7. Great photos! The fair one is cute!

    8. I like your choices for the categories...I need to try this just one time. But I never think of it.

    9. Beautiful photos. The apples all lined up are very photogenic! Great kid captures, too. Oh wait, Kermit isn't a kid - or is he?

    10. Feeling a craving for apple pie now. Hope you have had a relaxing weekend.

    11. love fresh apple pies. yum! what a cute Kermit the Frog!! ( ;

    12. Your pie looks delicious. Your photo reminded me how much I love apple pie. I'll be making one soon-- my family thanks you.

    13. My favorite shot is your open shot followed by the apples shot. Glad you could participate this week.

    14. love the apple photo...and mmmmmm pie! I have been thinking about making pie lately. It's beastly hot and humid here this week though so it will have to wait. I don't want to turn on the oven.

    15. excellent choices this week!!! did you make the pie...was it delicious???

    16. Ah! great photos!! I love your sunflowers and lovely warm apples -- so autumn!! The dark shadows with the roses too. Nice!

    17. What a fun variety of shots! The little one concentrating on the game is my favorite.


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