Saturday, September 19, 2015

Photo Challenge #78 and Saturday Art

I found this new meme the other day where you are giving a "prompt" to interpret and write about or do an artistic interpretation of the piece.  So I decided to join in on the fun. - I'm combining this with another meme as well.

Be sure to Click to Enlarge all Photos.

Mindlovesmisery's Menagerie - Photo Challenge #78

This was the photo prompt:

                                              - Rebeca Cygnus

Also joining : s~A(R)T~urday
Here is my art piece and I also decided to so some writing interpretation as well.  Normally I don't try writing because I just don't feel that I'm all that creative as a write.  So let me know what you think about both the writing and the photo interpretation of the prompt.

In her mind she saw the world through colored filters allowing her to be creative without being judged by those whose vision wasn’t the same as hers.

She breathed a sigh of relief and looked in wonder at what was before her.  It was Magical, moving, breathing; giving hope to those in need.

 She felt a peace wafting gently on a breeze as it swelled within her heart.  She closed her eyes and let her thoughts drift away as she fell asleep knowing all was right within her world.

For those interested the above piece was created with a composite of the 3 photos below. - I edited the Photo on Pic Monkey to clone out all the people and such in the first photo.  Layered the Dragonfly and went to Be Funky to do some editing.  Back to Pic Monkey where I added a cropped version of Coleen blowing snow and did some final edits. 


  1. I like both your creation and your writing. you already know i am addicted to creating in pic-monkey..

  2. very nice!! It's amazing how you can create something new and different from various images. I love playing around with my images too.
    and you did a good job on the writing - I could relate to it quite a bit.

  3. I like your photo and writing very much. I did not know PicMonkey let you clone out people...

  4. What an interesting meme. First your picture. It's totally fascinating and looks like something you would see in an art gallery. I love it. As for your writing, I think you should do more of it because you don't give yourself enough credit. You do very well as a writer.

  5. Ida, that's lovely: both the photos, the composite photo and your written interpretation. Your words are very touching, as they are clearly heart-felt. You've hit on a raw nerve for a lot of writers: that self-conscious fear of being ridiculed because others don't share your vision, and you've expressed it beautifully. All the best, Bonny

  6. What a super piece! Love the vibrant colours!

  7. I read the post and studied your art. Honestly, I had to go for a walk to find my thoughts. It confused me, because at first I saw a cross in the hand sculpture and developed a religious feeling from the work. I was honestly thinking pilgrimage. Then I scrolled down further and saw the photos you used and after seeing it was a dragonfly my entire perception changed. It made me think of moments I have been outdoors and nature unexpectedly becomes silent, and something, like an insect, suddenly takes on a spiritual persona.
    By the way, I think you are very brave for doing challenges like this. I wouldn't know where to start and I also have reservations about people's judgements and criticisms. Have you ever been hurt by a comment? Or perhaps just bored with too much kindness and not enough honesty?
    Oh, and thank-you for always stopping by my blog for a visit. I appreciate your loyalty.

  8. You know I am not a writer either, but I think you did a great job. Also like your mash-up of images, very creative.
    Thanks for linking these @ s~A(R)T~urday

  9. I think this is wonderful. The photo art, the words. Both get an A++ in my book!

  10. You are amazing that you would see this in those three pictures. THAT is ART! Your writing is beautiful, too, Ida. A lot said in a few brief lines.

  11. I like your artwork and the writing was a perfect accompaniment.

    Thanks for visiting my little mystery about Detective BeeBee at my WP place.

    It is interesting how many different names there are for fireflies, glowworms is just one of many.

    Though I once saw a luna butterfly caterpillar that was neon green almost glowing.

    Cheers, Jules

  12. I love this, and I love the way you interpreted it. You did not lead, but were careful to leave it to the beholder. Excellent.


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