Monday, September 21, 2015

One Four Challenge - Week 3

Happy Monday!

It's time once again to share my latest edit for:  The One Four Challenge.  This challenge is hosted by Robyn (Captivate Me) blog.

The challenge is to take 1 photo and each week for 4 weeks do a different edit of the same photo.

Here is my Week3 Edit:

For this edit I decided to crop the image to show the deer up closer, then I converted the image to Black and White, Did some adjusting of the color & temperature of the photo and added a frame.  All editing was done on Pic Monkey. 

Here are Wk. 1 & Wk. 2 edits just to refresh your memory of the different editing.

Click to enlarge all images.

You'll find the other participants entries in the "Comment" section on the Captivate Me blog.


  1. she is so beautiful.. even in black and white her beauty shows

  2. Beautiful image. I love the soft colors of the second pic.

  3. ooooh, look at all the things you know to do with a photo . . brilliant!

  4. Another great one. It always amazes me how different a photo can look in black and white. It adds more drama to the picture I think

  5. I would be hard pressed to choose a favorite. I think they are all well done!

  6. I like the cropping. The deers face can be seen better. AND .... what a cute face !!!!
    I've enjoyed viewing all of the photos. You've done a great job.
    Isadora 😎

  7. They are all very pretty, but that last one is my favourite!

  8. Hi Ida!
    I'm just getting back to more concerted commenting after some time away. Especially since the brain injury in February, I can suddenly become fatigued and overwhelmed with having to write. aNyWAy...
    of the three deer photos, so far my "Order of Like" is 2, 1, 3. I feel like a judge at the Olympics. hahahaha.
    Happy week! I hope Colleen is having a good start to the school year.
    :) m & jb

  9. Love your editing and the original photo was a great one to begin with. Thanks for always coming by...trying to get caught up with the blogs today. ;0)

  10. Great capture and a great job on editing! I like the middle one best.

  11. A great capture. Were you really that close? Or did you use a telephoto lens? I like what I would call week 2 the best with the texture you used.

  12. I like the tight crop and I'm a big fan of b&w. It highlights the texture of the coat very well

  13. lovely edits and a lovely subject and capture. I like them all!

  14. I think I like your colour edits better than this black and white. I love the soft brown colour of the that is probably why!

  15. This is a wonderful image and your editing looks great. It works both in color and monochrome, a very gentle aproach with a very gentle subject.

  16. Wonderful image of a beautiful animal. Your editing choices are great, you approached this delicate subject with care and gentleness, well done.

  17. Hi, Thanks for the visit to my blog and kind words also.
    I love your 3rd photo best. It is soft and inviting you to love it. The deer looks as if you can cuddle it. The frame around it also is perfect.

  18. Nice crop, and I love the frame. The change of the colour gave a soft look to the picture. Kind of dreamy. :)

  19. Ida, I really love your edition this week. The tones are wonderful and so is the crop... and that beautiful face! :D

    Have written a tutorial to help with reading on WP. Hope it helps x

  20. very cool results and I love the header photos too.

  21. a nice close up of bambie, with beautiful edits!!!

  22. love them all. it's such a great shot to have as a starting place.

  23. Such a lovely and cute deer. :) I like the closer crop and the softness that the black & white provided... great edits. :)


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