Saturday, October 17, 2015

31 Days of Inspiration - Day 17

Hi & Welcome:

Here is today's Inspiration Photo/Quote:

Of course this photo is not (in season) here right now as this was taken in the spring of last year.  But we'll be patiently waiting for springs arrival soon.

In the meantime I'm out today enjoying nature which I'll post about next week.

Spend sometime today enjoying nature and relaxing in it's beauty.


  1. Beautiful and makes me hunger for spring already!

  2. Very beautiful . Gods seasons are to be seen not always the right month but memories are golden to bring pictures up from your files and ponder over them. As you have.

    Happy looking Ida.

  3. Hey Ida,
    Jeepers, I'm seventeen days late to the party. Am I too late to be inspired?
    ;) m & jb
    PS: You look SO much like Colleen in your new Profile photo. :) :)

  4. flowers are always in season and also this whole month is pink month for cancer.. this is perfect

  5. Patience is something that I always have to work at.

  6. How pretty! Can't wait to see what you find!

  7. it's very pretty and I would much rather see a spring picture than the snow that was falling here today

  8. gorgeous pinks, This morning we see that we've climbing roses trying to open, and new Oleander buds!!! and it was 5°C yesterday morning, 10 this morning, what are they thinking! Happy Sunday Ida.

  9. I am done missing sitting on my porch for breakfast, or going out there of the morn to put on my shoes. so, yep, won't be long till we are wishing for spring.

  10. It's a pretty blossom...spring will come again!

  11. Oh I definitely need this one. I can be so impatient at time. That's why I have been trying more and more over the past year to just enjoy the moment. We were enjoying Nature by dancing in snowflakes the other day. Yeah, snow.

  12. sometimes it's great to go back in time and remind ourselves of the beauty that spring brings!!!

  13. Beautiful photo Ida. Will be checking out your other photos and inspirations.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  14. Beautiful. I keep reading about patience tonight. Think maybe I need to keep that in mind the next couple days. Need to have patience.


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