Sunday, October 18, 2015

31 Days of Inspiration - Day 18

As I mentioned in yesterday's post I planned to enjoy spending some time out in nature and that's what we did.  Our family took a "Day Trip" to ride the Eaglecap Excursion Train yesterday.

Today Inspirational photo came from that trip. - There will be more photos of the trip later on.

Life is challenging at times and I believe that being grounded in "Faith" is very important. - I'm not pushing religion here but I do feel that for me my Christian walk is a part of who I am and that it's a good and positive thing in my life. - I think everyone has something in their life they believe in and who knows what good we can do if we try to strive towards "positive" ideas to help change the world.

Off to church now. - Have a wonderful day.


  1. What a pretty scene, lovely image! Enjoy your Sunday!

  2. So glad your faith is grounding for you. Hope you've had a meaningful Sunday!

  3. A wonderful post today, Ida. Wishing you a great Sunday!

  4. Beautiful photo and quote.
    I agree.
    I am happyone because Jesus loves me. : )

  5. A beautiful image of autumn at its best. Have a wonderful day xx

  6. I hope the train ride was fun--did Coleen get to go with you?

  7. the photo to me is proof that their is a God who is the creator of all and that is the Faith that keeps me going.

  8. Your photos with their inspiring quotes are all just beautiful. Nicely matched -- quote with photos -- and great words to live by. I wholeheartedly agree. The Emerson quote is one of my favorites.

  9. I'm with you, friend. We all need a "higher power", whether it be Christian or another belief. We choose Christian as that is how we were raised.

  10. Looks like an ideal setting for your outing. I am getting nudges to say more than I have been. Boldness is not my strength, more so when it comes to prayer. But it is crucial to plant seeds as our world becomes more unsettled.. May your day be blessed!

  11. That's one of my favourite Emerson quotes! You gotta live it. I think the most content and at peace people, are those who have a unity between their internal beliefs, thoughts, views and the outward way they live their life. It's in harmony, and hopefully they also bring harmony to the world they encounter.

  12. it's a pretty scene....and it is awesome to believe in anything that gives you strength and happiness!!!

  13. I was wondering how your train ride went .. were there lots of color liked you hoped or were you a bit disappointed.. but I am sure it was worth the ride no matter if there were not so many fall colors...Photo is a great capture!!



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