Saturday, October 24, 2015

31 Days of Inspiration - Day 24

Happy Saturday - Today I will be spending time with Coleen as she tries to sell bottled water to earn money for a school fund raiser so I may not get around to visiting your blogs.

Here is today's Inspiration Photo:

Remember to be thankful for what you have instead of longing for what you don't have.  Life is full of opportunities and blessings if you look for them.


  1. What a super balloon. Good luck to you both with the fund raiser. All the best, Bonny

  2. Hello Ida...oh, so lovely to stop by...all the preparation for our family picnic is pretty much done so I can spend a few moments doing some catching up in Blogland! {{Smiles}}
    I love what you said about just being thankful for the here and very true! The Lord has given us so many beautiful blessings and oh, we do need to look around and embrace them more!

    I do hope you have a blessed day with Coleen...such a precious way to spend special time together...may she do well at her stall!

    Have a blessed Sunday, dear Ida!
    Hugs and love to you...

  3. That quote is a great reminder. Something I try to take not of every day. Good luck with the fund raising

  4. So true, lovely post. Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week!

  5. A quote we always need to keep close by to remind us. Gratitude is the only source of happiness.
    Wonderful balloon, and enjoy your tome with a friend.

  6. lovely shot - I'd love to see a hot air balloon up close. Great quote, starting each day with a bit gratitude definitely makes a big difference.


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