Sunday, October 25, 2015

31 Days of Inspiration - Day 25

Thank you to everyone who wished Coleen success with her fund raising yesterday. - She sold all 48 bottles of water and actually earned $56 as some people just donated without buying the $1 bottled water from her.  - She spent 2-1/2 hours selling the water and was very excited about earning that much money for her school.

I'll be off to church shortly but wanted to post today's Inspiration photo first.

One of the ways I keep my mind "even" is by grounding it in Faith. - I hope you will search for a way to keep you mind even as you navigate life as sometimes the path can be steep.  Take care & have a Blessed Day.


  1. what a beautiful road, one i would like to travel, maybe not on foot though. if we did not have crooked days we would not know when the path was even.

  2. congratulations to Colleen on a job well done. Great picture and quote too

  3. What a wonderful photo and quote, too.

  4. Great advice and quote! Enjoy your new week!

  5. Great mindset. Gorgeous scene too.

  6. Wonderful words today, Ida. Glad to hear Coleen had so much success!

  7. great quote! A little bit of humour, a heaping size of humility, and a whole lot of Faith. :)

  8. Staying grounded is sometimes hard...


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