Wednesday, October 28, 2015

31 Days of Inspiration - Day 28

Well we are halfway through another week - Hope it's been going well for you.

Here is today's Inspiration Photo:

  If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
                                           Romans 12:18 NIV


  1. if only we could all follow that verse about living in peace ... i find it very hard to do.

  2. Hello Ida, great quote and a lovely image! Enjoy your day!

  3. Yes...another week more than half gone....lovely picture

  4. It could just be my screen, but I had a hard time reading some of the words.
    That said, gorgeous picture, and I think grass is the perfect pairing for a quote about peace. The gentle way it sways in the wind can have me mesmerized in the garden for several minutes before I realize that I've been staring off into space and try to remember what I was doing.

  5. So many talk about peace, but they go through life with their fists clenched. You gotta live it - definitely.

  6. Such a TRUE comment that is.... and sometimes it really takes a lot of work!

  7. I am loving your days of inspiration Ida!


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