Tuesday, October 27, 2015

31 Days of Inspiration - Day 27

Hello & Welcome. 

Here is today's Inspiration Photo:

My Azalea bush blooms in the fall now instead of in the spring.  It's bugged me since it started doing that about 2-3 years ago.  Then I realized that now I have showy flowers and showy foliage to go with them.  - Happiness!

I like this quote a lot. - Sometimes I find myself envying people who have better camera's, better skills with their camera's etc...but you know when I think about it I take photo's because they make me happy and I enjoy doing it so thats what should matter the most.

It's good advice to live by not just in photography but in life itself.  Go out there today and enjoy life.


  1. we can read the news and see that having Things makes no one happy, look at all the billionaires and millionares and movie stars and sports stars, they are miserable

  2. Great picture... Awesome advice.... I think our society worries way too much about what others do.. It's great just to be happy

  3. I'm in agreement with you...It's all about the joy in doing the photography, and it brings me "great joy".

  4. What a pretty picture that is. The quote is a good one. I'm like you, I have times where I get a bit envious of other people too. A reminder of how much I have in life to be happy about is always good

  5. Great inspiration indeed, greetings!

  6. I do like the colors on this Azalea.

  7. I know exactly how you feel. I sometimes wonder why I bother. But then I remember that I'm not in a competition. Funny how we get lost in that sometimes. It is getting better the older I get though.

  8. Well, that's odd, but beautiful with the blooms on the fall foliage. How nicely they coordinate! I don't know why that would happen in your region. Our weather has been so wacky here that my azaleas and rhododendrons get confused.

  9. I love the azalea! Wise sentiments too.

  10. This is one of the truest quotes I have ever seen.

  11. A great reminder!! I saw a quote that said comparison was the thief of Joy... and I thought that rang so true.

  12. So true... so many times in life people spend all of there time wishing for something and forget to appreciate what they have. Have a great day Ida!


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