Friday, October 30, 2015

31 Days of Inspiration - Day 30

Hello & Welcome.

Here is today's Inspiration Photo.  Since yesterday was National Cat's Day I thought it would be appropriate to share this photo today in honor of them.

Not everyone is a "cat lover" but I think the quote today is great.  Life should be easy, natural and enjoyable.  Surround yourself with things you love and you are halfway there!


  1. Ida, thanks for sharing your inspiration. The problem is the "other people" who come and go who disrupt your peaceful existence. Still need to take it all in stride, my friend. Cute kitties all curled up.

  2. Sometimes that is easier said than done!

  3. I love this 'cat' photo.. makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. precious

  4. That is a great quote, and I just love gazing at sleeping kitties!

  5. Loves the kitties!

    Locally here someone has a patched calico...sigh...I have to wait.

  6. Than quote is a very good one. The photo is most relaxing. Thank you! Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Even though we now have Razzy our furbaby dog, I would have to say that cats that I've had over the year have been so enjoyable. Such fun to watch play and dart around. The last one I rescued, Tess, only lived a few years, and I do miss her antics.

  8. I love the cats and the quote. I've been trying to talk my husband into a cat but he says no way as long as we have a dog.

  9. It should be.

    Great picture and quote.

  10. That is the best way to live. And, with cats :)

  11. Nice photo, and lovely quote/thought as well! (I'm back after a much-needed break).

  12. I never got around to do a Halloween post this year, just lazy I guess!

  13. Cat lover here! See me waving my hand?

  14. they are beautiful, and they look so cozy.
    great quote -- we gotta work to create the environment we want to grow in.


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