Saturday, October 31, 2015

31 Days of Inspiration - Day 31 Happy Halloween!

Today is the last day of my 31 Days of Inspiration posts. - It's been a lot of fun sharing the quotes and photos.  I want to thank everyone who stopped by and left such great comments.  I appreciated each one.  So for today I'm doing something just a bit different since it's also Halloween today.  I thought I'd share some Halloween Fun with you all.

Coleen  as a Delinquent Devil

That's one BIG spider!

Make no bones about it this guy has lost his head!

 Very stylish and not to creepy either.

 Pixie meets a "Zombie Dog"

The Wicked Witch of the East (no I didn't model for this!)
 Pumpkin Art
Just plain Creepy!
These Guys know how to "party"


I'm not sure how "Inspirational" this quote is but it was fitting for the occasion.  Have a great day!


  1. great post, I love the juvie devil Coleen. you found a lot of really cool and creepy and not so creepy.... and i like the not so inspirational inspiration card

  2. Hope you have a wonderful Halloween evening!

  3. Happy Halloween to all of you. Those are some great Halloween pictures.

  4. Hello Halloween, wonderful collection of images. I like the shot of your Coleen! Have a great weekend!

  5. Wow these are all scary alright. Good job.

  6. Nice collection of Halloween photos and your granddaughter's costume is cute!

  7. You found some great Halloween decorations and that face in the window is pretty creepy. Coleen's costume is great

  8. What great Halloween shots. Hope you had a fabulous time. All the best, Bonny

  9. What a great creepy post! I LOVE the dog, I need to get one for next year!!

  10. These are all great Halloween scenes. Colleen's costume is great!

  11. Hello Ida!:) What a fun post!:)) All your finds are fantastic, and what a lovely photo of your daughter. I have no favourites today, except maybe the scary vision in the window.

  12. I guess it depends on where you are in life, it could be inspirational. It looks like you had a wonderful Halloween. We did too. I did a quick post yesterday, but I have a few more pictures to add that I got last night.

  13. Great photo's! The woman in the window is positively frightening!
    Hope the Delinquent Devil had lots of fun :)

  14. Wow, you got a lot of Halloweeny that zombie dog most of all.

  15. hi Ida, just came by to say hi and see what you're up to! I like the picture of the little dog seeing the scary dog!

  16. lot's of great, halloween fun!! colleen rocked that costume!!!!!

  17. That Just Plain Creepy one will give me nightmares!! Colleen looks adorable. Love all of the inspiration here!

  18. Lots of fun! That face in the window is definitely CREEPY! Some really great Halloween stuff. I especially love the big spider!

  19. Fun pictures! Love the zombie dog!

  20. the big spider is awesome!! I would love that.
    but the thing in the window??!! oh my, I'd have a heart attack. LOL


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