Sunday, October 4, 2015

31 Days of Inspiration

Well I "missed the boat" again yesterday with my 31 Days of Inspiration post so once again you get a (two for one) day.

I hope you are inspired and encouraged when you read the quotes and see the photos.

Wishing you all a beautiful day.


  1. Hello Ida!:) Your photos are beautiful, and I like the quotes, especially the first one.

  2. Those golden leaves are stunning!!

  3. that moth is beautiful as is the quote with it. i will try to remember that quote and apply it daily.

  4. Thank you! I especially like the first quote. Gives one hope that what they do might inspire someone else!! Have a grand day! Cathy

  5. I love these both. The world would do well to follow this advice.

  6. 2 inspirations in the one day! We are blessed. Beautiful photos along with perfect quotes.

  7. Both are great. I love these. I always like seeing a quote with a picture

  8. I do like the moth and the quote!

  9. Great capture of the moth. Looks like fall has arrived in gorgeous colors!

  10. just beautiful. I love the banner as well. Just stunning. You have inspired me to get outside. It's been so stormy and windy here I've been cooped up indoors.

  11. Fantastic quotes, both of them. But I especially like the first. It is akin to 'Be the change you wish to see in the world.', is it not? There is a lot of alcoholism in my biological family, and sometimes, it completely overwhelms me. When I look to friends for guidance, they remind me to just keep doing what I'm doing. Create beauty, emanate compassion and love. Maybe it will rub off. So far, it has only created distance, which I suppose is sad, but healthy for me. Thank you for the lovely quotes.

  12. Love both of these. profound, but simple truths.

  13. Beautiful in image and words, Ida. Thank you.

  14. I signed up today to be a volunteer at our local animal shelter! I hope lots of people imitate that!


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