Monday, October 5, 2015

One Four Challenge & 31 Days of Inspiration

Yes I will be doing 2 different things today so make sure you look at the entire post.

Joining Robyn (Captivate Me) for the October One Four Challenge.

This month I chose a photo I've had for some time (since 2014) and have just been waiting for a chance to do something with it.

This month I'm starting by showing you the Original SOOC shot first with no editing other then my watermark.

For my Week 1 Edit I decided to first straighten and crop the photo.  Then I wanted it to be more "cheery" so I adjusted the lighting and added in a little more color.  I also cloned out the dried up bush in front of the cherub and the yellow sign off the pole on the right side of the photo.  - All work was done on Pic Monkey.

 Week #1
Now for Day 5 of my 31 Days of Inspiration I submit the following photo and quote:

Wishing you a wonderful week.


  1. The brightening of that photo made all the difference!

  2. What a wonderful quote and yes, I will "relish the small pleasures!!! Wishing you well!

  3. The birds in the water is great, a prefect quote for it!

  4. pelicans are high on my list of pleasures. the edit looks so much better with the sing and dead bush gone. PM makes such a big difference.

  5. It is always so refreshing to visit here......Great posting

  6. Nice job, wouldnt have noticed the cloned shrub til i read it in your notes

  7. Well done. WE don't like to do too much to the photos either.

    Emma and Buster

  8. Love all those pelicans. Such great colors and reflections.

  9. Blessings....
    for you, think blessings that keep your moving, smiling, inspiring.

  10. neat to see the changes in the first, both are lovely photos-

  11. Hi Ida! I really like what you have done to your photo.Both of your photos are very pretty and love your header too...

  12. Good job with that first one. It was pretty to start with but the touch ups you did made it even prettier.
    Love the one of the pelicans and that's a great quote

  13. Nice work, Ida. I like the cherub & garden photo. Peaceful. I especially like the quote and photo. I agree, too.

  14. Hello Ida!:) Nice quotes for today especally the second, and I like what you did with both pictures. I would love to see pelicans in the wild.Good job!:)

  15. great job on the edit!!! I'll have to learn how to edit something out of the picture like that. I bet it would come in handy.
    And I like your quote too... small pleasures are often the best.

  16. Such a little bit of editing made such a huge change on the photo. Beautiful.

  17. I just scrolled through, Ida, and I have to tell you your photography skills are just amazing. A little editing can work wonders, too. When I first saw the unedited photo I thought how pretty it was, and then I scrolled down and saw the doctored up version and my eyes popped out. You have really honed your skills over the years.

  18. I really like how you brightened and warmed up the photo, it is very fresh and inviting like a spring day. :D

  19. Ida this is such a lovely image for October and I think your beginning edits are perfect. Definitely cheery and beautiful.


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